Prologue - Mitch; The Charm
Oi, the prologue ;)
So like, if I kill your favorite YouTuber (I probably will so prepare your bodies. . .), then I'm not sorry :D
Since everyone is like, "Woo! Dangan Ronpa!"
I'm sitting over here in a corner holding up a small little 'Corpse Party c: ' flag like, "Oi, Corpse Party. . . Yeh :D"
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!
It'll be relatively close to the beginning in Corpse Party
But anyhow, don't forget to vote!
And I will see you all in the next update!
❤️Much Love!❤️
It's a day like any other in the world of Minecraftia. Calm and collected, while the rain drizzled down. Everything was ordinary, especially for two boys, none other than Mitchell Hughes, and his hybrid beast of a friend, Jerome Aceti. They both grinned as they faced each other in the dark, their faces illuminated by the light of a torch, which flickered silently in the dark room. The other faces among theirs, were scared and frightened as the sound of lightning cracked with a loud BOOM as Mitch and Jerome told their story about the legend of the old haunted Elementary School, Heavenly Host.
"They say that on this very same ground of where we stand, there was an old school, Heavenly Host Elementary School, it was called." Mitch began, pacing around the room while scared eyes stared at him and Jerome.
"The poor principal was devastated," Jerome continued, throwing a small wooden block on hand, up and down repeatedly, slowly and patiently, "When the school closed, that is. He was so devastated, that on the day of it's closure, he went to the school's roof, and jumped. But the events that occurred here were so tragic that it couldn't have been avoided so easily, so they had to close it."
"Many deaths occurred at that school other than his' as well, like kidnappings, murders and children found mauled and tattered and squirming in their own thick, sticky blood, their faces torn and bloodied while dying a slow, painful death. Hell, even a fellow teacher sadly tripped on her own feet, fell down the stairs, and died." Mitch said. He adored telling scary stories, especially on a day like today, when all of their friends came together at a random place. A day like that, was a day where Mitch and Jerome wouldn't hesitate to plan out.
"The poor teacher, her spirit sadly never rested in peace, that's why she still haunts this very building." Jerome said, his face now serious, and his voice was more of a cautious whisper. Mitch smirked as he saw Adam gulp, who was gripping onto Ty's arm, while Ty had a nervous look on his face as well.
"She usually haunts on a rainy day like this one, and when the lights go out, right after seven o'clock, that's when the party begins." Mitch said, letting out a small chuckle.
"Just when you think it's over, you'll hear knocking on the door, as it slooowly slides open, revealing a pale face, as a ghostly female voice says, 'I S A N Y O N E S T I L L H E R E ?'"
BOOM, as if in cue, the lightning cackled loudly, and the whole room shook a bit as the lights went out. Mitch and Jerome gasped in unison, while Adam and Preston shrieked and others let out small yelps. The only thing lit was the single torch in the middle of the room still, it's flames moving slowly and steadily. Ty now glared at Adam, who was still gripping onto his arm as if there were no tomorrow, "Jesus Christ Adam! You scared the living hell out of me!"
Adam gave Ty a nervous look as he looked around the room, "But it was scary!"
"Shit, this isn't supposed to happen!" Jerome said, frowning over at the guys.
"Don't flatter yourself Jerome." Ty said, his eyes narrowing over at both Jerome and Mitch. "And anyway, Adam, the lights just went out because of Jerome and Mitch, not the simple little tale they told you."
"Haha, you two are funny," Jason said, laughing nervously, "You got me for a sec there, can you guys turn the lights back on?"
Mitch looked over at Jason with worry, "It wasn't us! We didn't turn the lights off. If it were Jerome or I, we wouldn't be standing right here!"
"Well," Preston began, unwinding himself from Rob's arm and smiling down at the torch, "Look at the bright side! The torch is still lit!"
Before anyone said anything more, the room got silent as they all heard the faint sounds of a piano. Mitch and everyone else gasped as they realized it came from next door. Rob looked at them in pure nervousness, "Do you guys hear that?"
"Yeah. . . I think it's coming from the music room. . ." Ty answered breathlessly.
After a few seconds, they suddenly heard the echoing footsteps, which were coming from outside into the hall. Nothing else could be heard, except the faint, fast breathing coming from Adam and Ian. Suddenly, there was sudden knocking on the door. Quentin, who was standing still the whole time, frowned, "Would you look at that. . . Knocking. . ."
After a few moments, Ian grinned and looked over at Adam, "Hey, Adam."
Adam nervously looked over at Ian, "Hm?"
"Why don't you go answer that door?" Ian said, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.
Adam's eyebrows raised in curiosity, "Wha-Why me?"
"Because, it'll show how determined you'd be in a situation like this. And besides, it's probably just the janitor checking up on us." Ian answered.
Adam gulped, and hesitantly looked at the door as he slowly walked up to it. Mitch looked over at Adam as he slowly approached the door, making him nervous. Before he could even lay a hand on the doorknob, the door, by itself, slid open, which made every hair on Mitch's neck stand at an end. Adam stopped, his face turning to a shade of pale, as another pale face with glinting glasses stared back at his, saying, "I S A N Y O N E S T I L L H E R E ?"
Everyone's attention was over at the door as they heard the ghostly voice, mimicking the exact same words Jerome had said earlier. The pale face's mouth curled into a pearl white smile as it said the following, "G O H O M E C H I L D R E N. . ."
BOOM, just as the room shook and the torch went off, the lights came on, blinding everyone as a few others shrieked and Adam screamed in fright, slipping as he stepped back and fell on the floor. Just as the lights came back to focus, Mitch squinted at the door as he and Jerome laughed. Adam shook his head and looked at the door, his eyebrows raising, "Wait, J-Jeb?"
Jeb smirked at them all and laughed in pure amusement. Mitch and Jerome came up to him and high-fived him as they all laughed together. Ty had a puzzled and scared expression as he looked at the three, "What is the meaning of this?"
Mitch continued laughing, his hands on his stomach as he rolled on the floor, "Y-You guys should have seen the look on your faces!"
Jerome wiped a tear from his eye, "Especially Adam's reaction! Haha!"
Jeb looked down at Adam, and he held his hand out to help him up, "They're right, you're reaction was pretty amusing."
Adam glared at everyone as they started laughing too, "You guys could have given me a heart attack!"
"Come on!" Mitch said breathlessly, "That was funny as hell!"
Rob's anger turned into a small grin as he looked at Preston, who was hugging his arm, "Um, Preston, can you let go of me?"
Preston coughed awkwardly as he quickly let go of Rob's arm. Everyone's laughing quieted down and Jeb spoke up, "Well, are you boys done with your work?"
Mitch glanced at the unfinished mess they still had to clean. The desks were in a jumble, the chairs were scattered around the lit torch since they used it to tell the story. They all were forced to help the school clean because of egging the school's walls last year on Halloween, and this was how they'd pay back, which is by helping them clean the mess they left on a festival they held yearly, which was hard work when it came to cleaning it up. Mitch smiled innocently at Jeb, "Uh, not exactly."
Jeb sighed and shook his head in disappointment, "This is why you came here in the first place, not to tell scary, community stories."
Jerome shrugged, "Well, it was fun planning it out. Can we stay a bit longer so we can clean it?"
Jeb frowned at Jerome, "But it's a bit too late for that. And I expected you all to finish today."
Adam frowned and looked away, "Sorry, I guess we got a bit distracted."
Preston frowned, but then his face lit up, "Well, at least we did clean the bathrooms, and the dining hall, and the gym!"
Jeb had a serious look on his face, and he stroked his white beard in thought (A/N: he has his minecraft skin cx ), "Well, I suppose you all did work pretty hard today. And tomorrow is Saturday, so the students attending this school don't have school tomorrow. . ."
Everyone gave each other weird glances. Saturday is when they could hang out together and spend time having fun, they didn't want to waste it by cleaning anything more. The only ones who seemed pretty ok with the idea was Preston and Jerome, they were always the ones that had their chin up in difficult situations. "I guess you could work on the rest of this classroom first thing in the morning?"
Everyone groaned except Preston and Jerome, whom nodded quickly. Preston smiled, "That sounds good!"
Mitch glared at Preston, "Why would we ever be up for that?"
Preston and Jerome looked at each other for a moment, and they both shrugged. "I don't know, I mean, I'd rather continue tomorrow, instead of dragging my arms and feet around the room and cleaning everything up in the middle of the night." Preston stated, sitting on a wooden desk.
Jerome nodded and grinned, putting his arm around Mitch's neck, "Yeah, and besides, we still get to hang out tomorrow. And if we get the job done quickly, we can go to the ice cream shop across the street. How does that sound?"
Mitch gave Jerome a weird look, before grinning back and putting his arm around Jerome, his other hand messily scratching Jerome's fur, "Sounds like a plan, right guys?"
The other guys looked at each other, and they grinned and agreed. Jeb smiled softly, "Is it settled now, boys?"
The guys looked at each other once more, and they nodded together. "Very well then, I will inform the teachers soon about your plans." Jeb said, giving them a small nod before heading out the door.
"Wait!" Ryan called out.
Jeb looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "Yes, Ryan?"
"Before you go, I really want to try something out. It's something I found on the Internet. It's called 'Hero-Ever-After'." He explained, grinning and taking out a paper doll.
"Hero? Are we going to be heroes if we do this or something?" Mitch asked, giving Ryan a curious look.
"Well, this is pretty much an object that makes us stick together through difficult times as friends, so we beg to the god, Herobrine." Ryan explained.
Jason raised an eyebrow, "Herobrine? Isn't he like, an evil mythical god?"
Ryan frowned, "Evil? Well, this isn't evil, well, at least it doesn't seem like it."
Preston looked at it and grinned, "Cool! Is it like a charm or something?"
Ryan gave a thoughtful look on his face as he looked at the doll, "Um, yeah! It is. A friendship one, I guess. Can you guys join in on it?"
Catching everyone's attention, they all nodded. It sounds pretty sketchy, but I guess it couldn't hurt to try it, Jeb thought to himself, as he smiled softly at Ryan, "Sure, why not."
"Well, everyone, come over here and stand around the paper doll." Ryan instructed. Mitch and everyone else got a bit closer to each other, until they were surrounding the paper doll.
"Ok, now, on the count of three, repeat the following one, two. . . twelve times, 'Herobrine, we beg of you' in your head, ok?" Ryan said.
Everyone nodded as Ryan smiled, "Great! Remember, 'Herobrine, we beg of you'. Alright, in three, two, one, begin!"
Mitch, in order to do it, closed his eyes as he chanted 'Herobrine, we beg of you'. A little voice inside of his head told him to mess it up, that it was all a dumb, child's game that Ryan somehow found, but the other told him to take it seriously. Suddenly loosing count, Mitch bit his lip and pretended to be done. Ryan smiled, "Is everyone done?"
Preston grinned, "Yep!"
Mitch nodded vigorously, "Uh, yeah."
"Can we get it over with? I'm starting to get impatient here." Quentin said, crossing his arms.
Ryan paid no attention to Quentin, and grabbed the paper doll by one side, "Alright, everyone come here and get ahold of the paper doll, it doesn't matter where, just grab at something."
Mitch hesitantly grabbed the hand of the paper doll, and held it tightly. Ryan smiled, "Now, don't let go of it, hold it tightly if you have to, and we have to pull it until we have twelve pieces of the paper doll, got it? Now, pull!"
After at least a second of pulling, Mitch heard the paper doll rip, and he looked down at his own piece. The hand was what he had, and he clenched it tightly. Ryan smiled triumphantly, "Great! Now we have a piece of each other. Please keep it somewhere safe, it's apart of the charm."
Ian grinned at his own piece of paper, "I'll make sure it stays in my pocket. But I do have to admit, this was pretty cool."
Preston's grin grew wider, "Pretty cool? I say this was super cool! I'm actually, finally glad you share something like this with us."
Rob smiled softly, "He's always done that, you know."
"I know, but they were all creepy as hell." Preston said, shuddering.
"Well, remember to keep it safe everyone, other than that, I guess we should be heading home!" Ryan announced, looking at Jeb, "Right, Jeb?"
Jeb nodded in agreement, "Why yes, of course. I guess we'll be seeing each other tomorrow. Take care!"
"Bye Jeb!" They all said in unison.
Jeb nodded and started making his way towards the door. Suddenly, out of the random, the floor shook, startling everyone in the room. Jeb got ahold of a desk as Preston and a few others fell down. Jeb had a puzzled look on his face, "An earthquake?!"
Rob tried helping Preston up, but had a terrible time doing so. "Shit, and in these parts of Minecraftia?!" Rob exclaimed, the room shuffling harder by the second.
"Everyone, remain calm. Let's just follow the procedures of any earthquake!" Jeb said, his voice quivering to the rhythm of the earthquake.
Mitch looked at the ground in horror as it started splitting apart, or just crumbling apart altogether. He suddenly spotted Jerome, as he suddenly fell as the floor crumbled apart under his feet. "Crap!" He shouted as his hands grabbed ahold of the remaining floorboards which everyone was on.
"Jerome!" Mitch shouted aimlessly, approaching his petrified friend with caution as the floor beneath him shook. Jerome's face turned into a sudden look of fear as he heard the floorboards he was hanging onto snap, until Mitch got a grip on the his buddy's wrist.
Mitch smirked, "Don't worry, I've gotcha."
Jerome smiled, his other hand trying to get ahold of the floorboards, until his happiness turned into fear as the floorboards split apart even more, making Mitch lose his balance even more, and the next thing both friends knew, they were falling into the black abyss. Preston and Adam were on the verge of panicking as they saw both of their friends fall together, "MITCH, JEROME!"
Mitch, at a loss of breath, couldn't respond to their desperate cries as he fell deeper into the void, until he saw the whole floorboard platform snap, leaving nothing else, making everyone else fall. Mitch couldn't do anything except listen to their desperate yells ringing in his ears as everyone else fell along with him. Defeated, Mitch closed his eyes, trying to block out his friends' cries, which got him at the verge of crying. With his hands, he covered his ears as he continued falling into the void, hoping it would all end soon. But sadly enough,
This was just the beginning.
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