Chapter 3 - Mitch; The Show Must Go On
No, really, how long has it been?
School is a big butt xc
Hope you enjoy and vote <3
❤️Much Love❤️
It had been awhile after their encounter with the entity, and for a while Mitch still thought that the flame was not real. It couldn't have been. Too good to be true, even. But there was something else that made him uneasy. The entity seemed, familiar. He didn't know if it was the way he talked, or the way he looked, but something about him was familiar. He wanted to ask Jerome if he knew him, but he didn't want to seem like an idiot for asking such a question, so he quietly trailed after his friend, Jerome. "Come on Mitch, pick up the pace!" Jerome announced as he looked behind him.
Mitch frowned and tried speed walking, but he failed miserably because of his leg, which made him wince in pain. "Jerome, I-I can't, remember?"
"Oh! Right! Duh!" Jerome said in a matter-of-fact way as he approached Mitch. "Sorry, I'm just being impatient, that's all."
"Right." Mitch muttered softly as he kept walking. He didn't like where they were going, and somewhere in his gut, he thought they were stuck in this hell for good. But he couldn't loose himself already, right?
"Of course we can't loose ourselves Mitch! We have to try." Jerome answered determinedly.
Mitch blinked, "Did I talk out loud?"
"Uh, kinda. . . But I don't blame you, I probably would've done the same." Jerome admitted. Mitch sighed and looked at the school walls, and even if the wallpaper was peeling off and it stunk of death and debris, they couldn't avoid any other messages the walls or anything else in general. The two walked around the halls, and Mitch tried unlocking any door possible, although most were sadly locked, allowing no access at all. Mitch hated reading the notes on the walls, the way they were wrote made him even more insecure.
Mitch frowned as he saw another note, "Why do you need friends, when you can just eat them instead?. . ."
"Geez, how very graphic. I know I wouldn't eat you, would you?" Jerome asked, looking back Mitch.
"Of course I wouldn't!" Mitch exclaimed in disbelief. "You're the only thing that's keeping me sane right now."
"Am I?" Jerome tilted his head. "Well in that case, I should really keep an eye on you. Just imagine what would happen if we left each other. That would suck."
"Yeah. . ." Mitch frowned, "That would be bad."
"Let's make sure we take care of each other then." Jerome said as he walked on towards a long hallway. Mitch nodded in agreement and limped after him. Mitch frowned as he looked at the pitiful and unnecessary messages carved onto the walls, making chills go down his spine. The messages on the walls were probably the most menacing things so far, because they replayed over and over in his head. It almost made him question his sanity, even. Suddenly, Mitch's nose twitched and he stopped. There was another foul odor coming from around the corner of the hall.
"Crap, it smells bad again, it's another body, isn't it?" Mitch groaned angrily.
"Probably." Jerome remarked nonchalantly. It surprised Mitch to know that his furry friend didn't care that they were trapped in a hellhole of a school with ghosts, talking fire, and dead bodies, but it was none of his business.
Mitch and Jerome both turned the corner, to come across a gruesome sight. Organs, blood, and body parts were everywhere, all of it splattered against the wall and on the floor, leaving nothing but little scraps and pieces of flesh. Sadly, there was no name tag of any sorts of who once walked around the school, but with the blood still dripping from the walls, they could tell the kill was fresh. Mitch's eyes widened and he backed up, putting his hands over his mouth. "What the hell is this?!" Jerome exclaimed, his voice cracking in the process.
"I can't. . . I can't even." Mitch stuttered as he tried looking away, but he couldn't. All Jerome did was let out a burp and he looked away in disgust.
Jerome's frown twisted into an angry look of frustration on his face, "What type of person would do this?! It looks like, someone literally slammed this poor person against the wall with superhuman force or something!"
Mitch sighed, "I don't know, but it's a person that I do not want to come across."
"Right. . . But, doesn't that mean we'll most likely run into him?" Jerome asked nervously.
Mitch was quit for a short second, and he sighed, "Probably biggums, probably. . .Let's just, get out of here. I swear if I look at this one more time I'll. . ."
"Alright I get it," Jerome interrupted with a frown, "Come on, let's go."
The two walked around the immense amount of blood on the floor, and they walked off down the rest of the hallway, but sadly, the feeling of dread hadn't left at all. Mitch tried concentrating on something funny that had happened earlier or something, but he just kept thinking about how doomed they were, and how he was afraid that his fear would become true. "Hey Mitch, you'd better prepare for more bodies because, I don't think that will be our last. . ." Jerome said as he gave something that was a bit far away a glum look.
Curious, Mitch looked over at wherever Jerome was looking, and sure enough, there was a rotting body in the corner, it's body sprawled on the ground. Mitch bit his lip and walked up to the body, crouching down and looking at it. This man was rather, peculiar. His pink hair was coated in blood, well, half of his hair, since half of his face was nothing but withering, dried bones. Although, funny enough, his pink mustache was still intact, but the rest of his clothes were ripped up or looked like someone spilled a bucket of blood on it. Mitch frowned as he picked up a white tag.
"So, who was the victim this time?" Jerome asked.
"'Kyle, a.k.a Kkcomics'." Mitch frowned, confused at the reason why the killer would leave a name tag or a piece of paper with the signature writing and blood splatter at the end of the name.
"You two had better come accustomed to the bodies, this one will definitely not be the last one you'll see."
"AAH FUCK!" Jerome and Mitch yelped and they turned around to find a confused Jordan.
"I thought you two would get used to me by now. Guess not. . ." Jordan sighed as he looked down at the Kyle fellow.
"Wha-? I thought you evaporated and left forever or something!" Jerome asked, a hint of confusion edging his voice.
Jordan furrowed his eyebrows, "Just because I drifted away, didn't mean I'd leave forever. I'd want that but. . ." He sighed, "I can't. . ."
Mitch glared and elbowed Jerome, "Sorry about that. Jerome wasn't thinking straight, am I right, Jerome?"
Jerome glared at Mitch while rubbing his arm, "Right. . . Anyway, why are you here again?"
Jordan shrugged, "You seem like pretty cool dudes. And you seem to have the most hope out of all people I have ever encountered in the after life, so I wanted to spectate you a bit."
"In other words, you're going to guide us? To the exit?! Come on Sparklez don't be shy and tell uncle Jerome where it is." Jerome smirked in glee at a frowning Jordan.
"Not exactly, I'll just, keep an eye on you two." Jordan explained, "Anyway, what has grabbed my attention is the ammount of bodies your future selves will encounter along your journey. And as you can see, they will indeed come with name tags, which were once their pieces of paper they used for the Herobrine-Ever-After charm.
"Not only will you encounter dead bodies, but there is something much greater, and much more worse than me. And believe me when I'm telling you this, these entities aren't really pretty. Or nice, even. So I wouldn't come close to them if I were you, well, I once was you, but I failed miserably and gave up."
"Alright we get it," Mitch interrupted impatiently, "You were once an actual human being and then you did something stupid and died."
Jerome glared at Mitch and he elbowed him back, "No need to be so rude. Anyway, what you're saying is, there are other ghosts like you, but with terrible personalities and they'll basically try to kill us. . . Am I right or am I right?"
"Uh, I guess you're right. . . But yes, Jerome has basically covered it. It ranges from the most peaceful; like me, to the most terrible and the ones seeking for vengeance." Jordan confirmed as he gave Jerome a brief nod.
"Thanks, I guess we'll be on a look-out for the most deadly, eh?" Mitch asked.
"Exactly, and any time dude-." Jordan smiled. But his smile quickly delayed once he suddenly froze in what seemed like surprise. Even the blue particles floating around him stopped for a few moments.
Mitch raised an eyebrow at Jordan's sudden weird behavior, "Is something wrong-"
"You need to leave this spot. And quickly. Now." Jordan whispered harshly as he looked around in alarm; his blue eyes constricting in panic.
"What's going on?" The confused bacca asked in worry.
"If I ask you to do something, then don't hesitate to do it. Now GO, RUN!" Jordan snarled as he turned to look at the end of the hallway where the crushed body laid. Mitch turned to look there, and all air quickly drained from his lungs as a white, glowing figure stood at the other end, staring straight at the three guys.
"J-Jordan, what do we do now?" Jerome whispered as he turned to look at Jordan, but surprisingly, he was gone, leaving only Mitch and himself.
"Oh we are so fucked." Mitch muttered nervously as he examined the being that was slowly walking towards them. He has a red jacket with messy, dirty, light blonde hair and a blue eye. A blue eye, because the other one was missing. A piece of flesh from his cheek was missing as well, which exposed his cheek bone, and he was slowly taking his time as he walked towards the two friends with a rusty crowbar in hand.
Mitch turned to look at Jerome, and he was surprised to see he wasn't there anymore. Mitch turned back and saw a glimpse of his furry friend as he ran away. Looking back at the ghost for one last time, Mitch ran after Jerome as quick as an ocelot. The worst part, was the pain in his leg that killed him. "Jerome! Wait for me!" Mitch exclaimed desperately as he struggled to keep up with him. But the real obstacles were the holes in the ground and the creaking wood beneath their feet. Mitch occasionally looked back at the ghost, which was now running after them, his crowbar swinging around non-stop as if it were crushing invisible skulls in the air.
"Y O U C A N ' T R U N F R O M M E." The entity with an accent giggled from behind Mitch, making him run faster than ever before, and the pain in his leg increased and burned as he bit his lip.
Mitch then turned a corner, but was pulled to the side into a small gap by a strong, hand, which took Mitch by surprise. The man, which Mitch recognized as Jerome once he realized the hand covering his mouth was furry, pressed Mitch closer to him as he whispered, "Do. not. make. any. sudden. noises."
Mitch nodded slowly, and the bacca got his hand from off of Mitch's mouth slowly, just as the ghost ran past them both, yelling, "W H E R E A R E Y O U ?!"
The ghost's voice sent chills down Mitch's spine, making him nervous, but he didn't disobey Jerome's orders, as much as he wanted to. "F I N E! Y O U C A N R U N, B U T Y O U C A N ' T H I D E!" It snarled as it viciously hit it's crowbar against the wall, making a loud bang, which startled the two men. The entity started breathing heavily, and it slowly faded away, leaving only Jerome and Mitch.
After a mere minute of complete silence, Jerome asked, "Do you think the coast is clear now?"
"I-I think so. . ." Mitch whispered unsurely. He was still flustered at what had happened a minute ago, which made him shiver in fear. Slowly and steadily, he walked from out of the gap in the wall, and he took a peek around. And it was all back to normal.
"Well, looks like he's gone." Jerome muttered as he rubbed his arm. "I guess we should keep moving."
Mitch nodded, but once he took another step, his leg cramped and he fell to the floor, "Fuck! I-It hurts!"
"Uh oh, looks like you did injure yourself pretty badly." Jerome frowned as he helped Mitch up by putting his arm around his neck, "Here, let me help."
"Uh, wow, thanks. . ." Mitch smiled as Jerome started walking at a slow pace.
"Hey, no problem! That's what friends are for, am I right? Or am I right?" Jerome smirked.
"Right. Let's get a move on now." Mitch said, but then, something else caught his eye. There was something shiny laying on the ground in the corner of the gap. "Hey, Jerome. There's something shiny there. . ."
"Hm?" Jerome asked curiously as he looked over at where Mitch was pointing. The two walked towards the object, and Mitch bent down to pick it up. Once he did, he examined it carefully. It was a key with a name tag reading, 'Infirmary'.
"Infirmary, I've read that on a classroom door before. . ." Mitch muttered as he clutched the key tightly.
Jerome nodded in agreement, "So did I. We should go find it and check out what's in there."
Mitch put the key in his hoodie's pocket and the two began walking slowly but surely to where they had come from. There was something in the back of his head that told him that the ghost that was chasing them was just the beginning, and Mitch couldn't help but shudder at what Jordan had told them earlier. He then realized something else that Jordan had said as well, 'And as you can see, they will indeed come with name tags, which were once their pieces of paper they used for the Herobrine-Ever-After charm. . .'
"Our charms!" Mitch suddenly exclaimed, taking Jerome by surprise.
"Our charms! Our pieces of paper Jerome! Do you still have yours?!" Mitch exclaimed as he checked both his hoodie and jean pockets.
"Oh! I'm pretty sure it's in my pocket." Jerome replied nonchalantly as he checked his suit pockets for the paper. Mitch, luckily, found his and he sighed in relief as he clutched the paper tightly and put it back in his jean pocket. He looked at Jerome, and his furry friend shrugged, "I guess I lost mine. I can't find it. . ."
"Oh." Mitch frowned. "Tough luck, eh?"
"I guess so." Jerome said as the two continued to walk down the hall. Once they turned the corner, Jerome pointed towards a brown door. "There, I remember trying to open that door but couldn't because it was locked. Alright, take out the key."
Mitch nodded and took out the key without hesitation, and he handed it to Jerome. Jerome then walked up to the door and he put the key in the keyhole, and before turning it, he looked at Mitch, "Let's hope we find some stuff to help you feel better."
Mitch shrugged, "This is an infirmary, we should expect to find some medicine or something."
Jerome bit his lip and turned the key, and he opened the infirmary's door, "And even if we don't, you know what they all say,
"The show must go on."
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