Chapter 1 - Jerome; The Start
The beginning.
I couldn't help myself.
I wanna start with the gruesome shit <3
(or maybe because a few people wanted to rip out my insides if I didn't post the first chapter soon, *sigh*, #thestruggle)
And blood.
And death >:3
Yes, you'll get to see who the first pair is.
There are four groups, and this is the first.
Don't forget to vote because, yes c:
And I will see you in the next chapter! <3
(By the way! For those who are asking "Where's Yuka?" or "Where's this person?" And "WHERE's MAH FAV UTUBER?!?" look, I know this says 'Corpse Party' and 'Minecraft' on the title, but that doesn't mean everything will be the same, and it doesn't mean I will add every youtuber from the face of the interwebs, ok?)
❤️Much Love!❤️
Jerome fluttered his eyes open, and he groaned in pain. Where am I?, Jerome thought to himself while scratching the back of his neck. Just as his hand touched the back if his head, the pain washed in, which made him wince.
"Ow. . ." He muttered, while hearing sudden groaning. Curious, Jerome looked around the room and his eyes widened as he suddenly remembered what had happened.
"Wait, I'm still alive?" Jerome exclaimed in confusion.
"J-Jerome. . ."
Jerome's ears perked up as he heard his name, and turned over to where the voice came from. Right next to him, was Mitch, laying right on his back. Jerome raised his eyebrows in surprise as he crawled closer to Mitch, "Mitch? Mitch are you ok?"
After a short moment of silence, Jerome checked Mitch's pulse to make sure his body didn't give out. Luckily, he was still alive. Mitch opened an eye and raised an eyebrow at his hybrid friend, "Does it look like I'm ok?"
Jerome smirked and got up as he heard his friend retort. Just as he got up, he put his furry hand in front of him, "Well sorry Mr. CockyPants, I was just checking if my dear friend was still alive."
Mitch got up slowly, groaning as he felt a pain in his leg, while weakly taking a look around, "Dude, I had the weirdest nightmare."
Jerome got up and looked around the room while listening to Mitch. He clearly knew that they were currently in a classroom, and of all classrooms he had ever seen in his life, he had never seen a classroom, as petrifying as the one him and Mitch were standing on. There were cracks and holes on the ground, the desks were not only messy, but dirty as well, while the chairs were scattered around nowhere near the desks themselves. Jerome looked right at Mitch, "Oh really? What did you dream about?"
Mitch began rubbing his eyes lazily and looked back at Jerome, "I know it'll sound stupid but, I dreamt that we were all with our friends while cleaning a large classroom like this one, and then we had a weird earthquake, and the floor cracked open and we all fell down a black void. Weird right?"
Jerome's face shifted from amusement to nervousness, "Mitch. . ."
Jerome looked around the classroom's walls, a certain piece of paper catching his eye, "I'm pretty sure your 'nightmare' wasn't really a dream. . ."
Mitch gave him a puzzled look, until he took a real look around the classroom. A look of fear grew on Mitch's face as he realized this was not the classroom they had been cleaning earlier, "Wh-Where are we?"
Jerome frowned, "The desks are small, don't you think?"
Mitch looked at the desks, and his eyebrows raised, "Y-Yeah! What do you think that means?"
"That we're probably in an elementary school. . ."
After a few seconds of silence, Jerome approached the piece of paper on the wall, while Mitch had a look of realization on his face as he took another look around the room, "N-No. . . Jerome, you don't think. . . ?"
Jerome didn't pay attention to Mitch's question, and instead read off of the paper to himself, and his look of curiosity turned into fear. Mitch slowly walked towards Jerome, "Jerome, what is it? What does it say?"
"I-It says, 'A notice to all Heavenly Host faculty and students'. . ." Jerome stuttered, slowly backing up from the paper.
"Heavenly Host?!" Mitch repeated in horror.
Jerome nodded as he tripped on a loose floorboard, falling on his bottom and continuing to back away in terror. Afraid of falling into a hole in the floor, he stopped backing up, and wrapped his arms around his knees, rocking back and fourth. He muttered, "Shit, that means, our friends are here too. . . I-It means. . . I-It means they're just as screwed as US!"
"Jerome, can you shut up!" Mitch exclaimed, which quieted Jerome's remarks down by a whisper. Mitch couldn't help but realize that, he was right. If they fell in the hole, their friends did also. Mitch frowned and rubbed his temples in thought. He knew they couldn't stay there, not like that, especially in a place like Heavenly Host. Mitch looked down at Jerome as he crouched down at his level, "Hey, Jerome."
Jerome, his eyes closed shut, opened an eye and looked at Mitch, "What?"
"We can't just sit here and sulk, you know." Mitch said, placing his hand on Jerome's shoulder. "We should explore our surroundings, ya' know? Why don't we look around and see what we have in store. Like, uh, hey! Windows!"
Jerome looked over at the walls, and sure enough, there were windows. Jerome smiled softly and got his face off of his arm, "I guess we could take a look around. . ."
Mitch nodded and walked over to the windows, making sure he himself didn't fall into a hole, and inspected the windows closely. With all of his strength, he tried opening the windows, but unluckily, they wouldn't budge. He frowned and looked over at Jerome, shaking his head, "It won't open, it seems glued shut almost."
Jerome raised an eyebrow and got up, walking over to him, "Really? Let me try." Jerome then got both of his hands on the window, and struggled to pull it up. He groaned as he gave up and gave Mitch a helpless look, "You're right. . . I guess that's crossed off of the list. . ."
"Come on. . . Let's take a real look around." Mitch suggested, looking over at the classroom's door.
Jerome nodded and led the way, while Mitch trailed behind, looking down at the floor with unease. Jerome pushed the door open, which slowly creaked in response, until it was open all the way. He looked out into the hall, and his eyes widened once he looked at their new surroundings. The floors out in the hall were much worse than the classroom they were just in. The wooden floorboards were scattered on the floor, while the remaining paint on the beige walls were fading away, and Jerome could definitely tell that this school was bloody old. Jerome looked down at the floor and took cautious steps out of the room. He looked at Mitch, "Now this doesn't look very pretty."
Mitch nodded in agreement as he stepped out after him, "Well, where do you want to go?"
Jerome frowned and looked at both ways of the hall. One way led to a bigger space, which probably held more classrooms, but the bigger space was separated by a large crack, while the other way led to a dead end, with an obvious loose floorboard. "Well, it seems that there isn't a way to go, unless you want to jump over that crack over there, but it doesn't really seem to have a high chance of supporting sudden weight, unless you want to use that loose floorboard over there at the other end of the hall."
Mitch just blinked, "Wait, what?"
Jerome facepalmed, "Us jumping over gap = bad. Getting floorboard over gap = good."
"Oooh. Then, what are we waiting for? Come on!" Mitch said, walking over to the dead-end of the hallway. Jerome sighed and followed Mitch as he lead the way. He didn't know what to expect, or what to do for that matter. Did they just have to walk around and hope for the best? He was knocked out of his thoughts when Mitch picked up the floorboard and held it out, "I got it biggums!"
Jerome nodded and a faint smile appeared on his face, "Yeeeah buddy, now let's set it on the floor."
Mitch nodded and slowly walked over to the large gap on the other side of the hall. Jerome steadily followed behind, and watched as Mitch carefully set down the wooden plank. After a few seconds of silence, Mitch turned back to look at Jerome, "Hey, do you think it's safe to cross? I mean, it's just a wooden plank, after all. . ."
Jerome thought to himself. He was right, but, wasn't it worth the try? "Yeah, I mean, it's worth a shot. . . If you want, I can go first. . .?"
"Really? Thanks, I was kind of unsure if I should cross or not, but, I guess you have your right idea." Mitch replied, sighing with relief and moving out of the way so Jerome could cross.
Jerome sighed and hesitantly set his foot on the plank, but to his surprise, the plank didn't snap. Jerome then lifted his other foot and set it on the plank, proceeding to walk over the gap. After he crossed it, he felt Mitch's presence behind him, so he got out of the way. "Alright, so, what now?" Mitch asked as he looked around.
There was no difference to the scenery, it was just as horrid as the long hallway they were just in, but the new area had more room and space to walk around, and there were more classroom doors. Jerome faced Mitch, "We do what most people would do in our situation, we look around."
Mitch nodded and walked towards a classroom door, opening it and looking back at Jerome with uncertainty. Jerome gave him a careless blink, "Go on, I'm right here."
They both then entered the classroom, and it was like the one they had been in before, except there was a terrible, foul odor coming from within. Jerome's eyes widened at the sudden smell, and he covered his nose with his white dress shirt, "Gross, do you smell that too?"
Mitch nodded and his left eye twitched, "Indubitably. . ."
Jerome located the smell, since it was right in their sight. What gave out the smell was a dead corpse, which laid near a desk with it's arm holding onto a school chair. Mitch gasped while Jerome looked at the corpse in horror, and he knew one thing right then and there. The corpse was definitely real. "I-It can't be real, can it?" Mitch asked aloud.
Jerome sighed and walked up to the corpse. The dead body was of a man, his dark blue eyes looked like they were bulging out of it's sockets, while the rest of his face was nothing but dark red dried out blood, his stubbly jaw hanging open, which informed Jerome that his jaw was indeed broken. Jerome identified the man's red shades, while his clothes were torn, but underneath there was nothing but blood and mashed organs. Jerome sighed and looked away from the body, "Mitch, look at it, does it really look fake to you?"
"Well, who is he?" Mitch asked as he hesitantly looked down at the body.
Jerome shrugged, until something caught his eye. In the man's pocket, hanging out of it was a strand of white paper with only a small drop of blood on it. Jerome took out the paper, and it read what looked like a name. "What is that?" Mitch asked.
"I think this was the man's name, it says 'Jordan Maron' on it." Jerome announced, frowning.
"Huh, what a mere coincidence. . . Is it not?" Mitch said, putting his hands on his hips.
Jerome shrugged once more and looked around the room again, "Gee, I don't know-"
Mitch raised an eyebrow in confusion as Jerome's sentence was interrupted. "Jerome? What's wrong?"
Jerome raised his hand and pointing at the direction he was looking at, and Mitch looked over. At first he saw nothing, and for a moment, he thought Jerome had lost it, until a blue flame appeared in plain view, and Mitch gasped as it trickled slowly, until it formed into a figure. The figure said nothing, until it said, "I knew there was some sort of new presence around here. . . That's pretty nifty."
Jerome was left dumbfounded. A ball of blue fire that could speak?! Was he really going crazy or was his head playing tricks with him? The figure was unrecognizable, since it was only a thing with eyes and a mouth with a blazing body. The thing just blinked, "I should really get used to the fact that the newcomers get scared easily. . . But anyway, I can clearly sense the hope in you, which makes you easy to track, ya' know?"
Mitch blinked, "H-Hope?"
The thing nodded, "Yep, just as I'd expect it. You all want to get out of here, don't you?"
Jerome nodded with anticipation, "Duh! We're looking around for the exit of some sort."
The thing sighed softly, "If only it were that easy. It surely wasn't easy for us." Just as it said that, it turned to glance at Jordan's mauled body.
Mitch raised an eyebrow, "You were friends with Jordan?"
"I guess you can put it that way." The thing explained, "Anyway, let's not talk about that, so, you're trapped, like any other. But, I have to ask you a question, do you think you are here alone?"
Jerome and Mitch looked at each other, "My other friends fell along with us, so no, I don't think so." Mitch explained.
"Hm, that explains why I feel more presences, and not only ours. But don't expect to see them much, or at all, anyway." The thing answered.
"What do you mean?" Jerome asked.
"Well, let's say that you two are in your own world, and you can't see anybody but yourselves. It's the same with everyone else, so there is no way you could see each other, even if you're in the same area. Those are closed spaces, and you two are in your own closed space." The thing explained.
"So. . . Does that mean we won't be able to see our other friends?" Mitch asked, his eyes widening in realization.
"Probably not. . . But I have a feeling there's a way to do so. . ." The thing inferred, it's hand rubbing it's chin in thought.
"Do you know what it is though?" Jerome asked, frowning at the thing.
It looked at him and gave Jerome a slight frown, "I'm afraid I don't know how you can meet your friends. . . Sorry."
Jerome smiled faintly at the blue flame, "Thank you for the information. . . Jordan."
The thing's eyes widened at the sound of his name. Mitch looked in between Jerome and Jordan, realizing what Jerome had found out. Mitch looked at Jordan and nodded, "Yeah, thanks. I'm sure we'll find a way! I can guarantee it."
Mitch could then see Jordan's body form into what he looked like before, smiling faintly at them both, "I'm glad to be of great help. . . And I wish you the best of luck. . ."
Mitch and Jerome nodded as Jordan disappeared into smoke as it burned away. Jerome sighed and looked around the classroom as he spotted something else. He frowned and walked up to it. Mitch realized what Jerome was looking at, and slowly walked up to it as well. It was a note that was next to Jordan's body. Jerome picked it up and read it out loud, "My hands are numb, frost bitten as I write this. God, this is what I get for trusting random shit on the Internet. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. . . Stupid, Stupid, STUPID."
" S T U P I D, S T U P I D, S T U P I D. . ." Jordan's voice called out softly, making Mitch's neck hairs stand at an end.
"Geez, how drastic. . ." Jerome said uncomfortably while pulling at his white dress shirt's neck collar.
"Agreed. . ." Mitch said breathlessly, while taking one more look at Jordan's lifeless body. Mitch suddenly thought about what Jordan had said earlier, about hope, about closed spaces, about leaving. . . It all cramped into Mitch's head at the same time, making him skeptical. Mitch sighed and looked at Jerome, "Hey, Jerome, can I ask you something?"
"Do you think. . . Do you think we'll find a way out?" Mitch asked, biting his lip softly.
Jerome thought for a short moment, and his thoughtful look switched to a more confident tone, "Of course we will! What makes you think we won't?"
Mitch looked down at the floor in embarrassment, now he felt like a total dumbass for asking the question, "I don't know dude, I guess it's from what Jordan said. . . It's still echoing in my head, ya' know?"
Jerome nodded, "Yeah, but come on! Lighten up bud! If there was a way in, why won't there be a way out?"
Mitch's frown turned into a smile, which turned into a growing grin, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Now that's the Mitch I grew up with. Now come on, let's get the hell out of here." Jerome exclaimed, putting his arm around Mitch's neck and leading each other out the classroom door.
Mitch grinned and walked along with Jerome, but there was still that small uneasiness at the pit of his stomach that won't somehow leave, even after Jerome's brightening-mood attempt. Mitch sighed and looked back at the classroom as the two friends walked out into the broken hallway,
Is there really a way out?
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