Chapter 7
Hey guys I'm back! For now slow updates since I have a lot of stories published and a lot I want to publish if any of you are interested in X OC stories I have made two
Dabi X OC
And Bakugou X OC
I'm thinking about doing a Shoto X OC but idk.
I'm really sorry for taking so long but anyway like I said I'm back and this story will continue until I find the right ending.
I appreciate your patients with this story.
And now what you all have been waiting for!
The next part~
Nobody's POV
Todoroki was with the villains for some time. He decided to stay with them for however long he wants. And they agreed to let him stay. "Do you have a plan for getting this girl to come with you?" Shigaraki asked him.
"It shouldn't be too hard. She have been my best friend since I was little. The only problem is, would she willing come with me if she knew I was a villain." Todoroki mumbled.
Shigaraki looked at him and then at Kurogiri. "Then why not pretend your a hero and when the moment is right take her to be 'safe'?" Kurogiri spoke.
Todoroki's eyes lit up with happiness and excitement, a small smile came onto his face as he heard what Kurogiri said to him. "That's a perfect idea! Thank you Kurogiri!" Todoroki said.
Shigaraki explained to him which room will be his and that he can go get some of his clothes from his house later. Todoroki nodded his head and went to see his new room.
Once he walked in he looked around and smiled to himself. I should start getting things comfy for when I get Y/N here. I'm sure she'll be fine with this. Right?
Todoroki started to look around the place and noted down things he could change to make it more comfy for when he captured you. He was holding the pen and writing things down, a faint smile on his face until his mind made the images of you smiling at Midoriya and Bakugou flash in his head. His smile faded away and he accidentally broke the pen.
Why them?
Why do they have I don't. . . ?
How could she like them and not me?
When the darkness took over the sky Todoroki went to sleep.
~next day~
Todoroki woke up especially early so he could meet you at your usual place in the mornings. So now the both of you are walking to UA together. "How was your night Shoto? You sleep well?" You asked him.
"Oh yes it was fine. Yours?" He asked a faint blush on face as he heard you say that.
The both of you continued to walk to school but for the first time since you have known eachother it was silent. Why isn't she speaking? We always speak. . . Why just silence now? Those thoughts kept coming into Todoroki's head.
"Hey Shoto, You seem down about something, what happened?" You asked him.
"Nothing happened. I'm alright Y/N there is no need to worry ok?" Todoroki said and smiled at you.
"You can tell me anything you know that right?" You said to him.
"Of course I do. But there is nothing to tell if there is nothing wrong." Todoroki told you and poked your side.
You laughed and moved away from him while hitting his hand to stop. Todoroki laughed a bit which he only does when he's with you. The two of you spent the rest of the walk laughing with eachother.
When you got into class, you had a smile on your face when Todoroki had his usual cold look. You walked in first after Todoroki opening the door for you. "Morning everyone!" You told the class.
"Morning!" They said back.
You and Todoroki went over To Midoriya even if Todoroki didn't like the idea he still went over and talked to him with you. You and Midoriya started to have a laugh and talking about the different quirks the other students have and how strong they might be.
"Shoto is strong and his quirk is amazing!" You said.
That caused Todoroki to blush a bit he looked away to gain his composure first and then turned back his cold look back on his face.
I already want to go back to bar. .
Chapter 7 done!
I know you said that your all enjoying this, so what did you think of this chapter?
Hope you all enjoyed.
Villain Deku: I didn't.
Well I didn't miss you. Piss off.
Villain Deku: Do you want to go?!
Yeah bring it!
Villain Deku: why you-
Dabi: Ladies enough fighting.
PFFFFFFFFT Dabi called you a lady.
Villain Deku: STFU
😍 Hi Dabi.
Dabi:. . .
Anyway thanks again for reading.
Villain Deku: Bye for now
Dabi: to be continued!
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