Chapter 3
Shoto's POV
When I woke up I saw the sun shining a beautiful golden colour in the sky. The sun illuminated the sky with its brightness. I got up and then got dressed, then I had breakfast and done all of that. After that I had a lecture from my so called father about beating All Might then I left.
Half way to school I saw Y/N, she was waiting for someone. I walked up to her and I saw a smile spread across we face. "There you Sho, I've been waiting for ages." She told me.
I smiled and then bowed to her. "My sincerest apologies ma'am." I told her. She started to laugh and then told me to rise.
"Your forgiven my loyal friend." She told me.
Then it was my turn to laugh. We both made our way to the school and then sat down at our seat. I turned to her and saw her smile. She seemed very happy. "Sho!" I heard her call out to me. I turned my head towards her and then smiled a little.
"Yes?" I said to her.
"Are you ok? You seem so distant." She told me.
I looked at her and then nodded my head with a small smile on my face. "of cause I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be?" I asked her.
She looked at me and then smiled while shaking her head towards me. "No reason. None at all. As long as your happy." She told me. I looked at her and and then smiled. I was about to say something but then Aizawa came in and looked at us all.
He started to explain about the things that we will be doing for this term. And then the school went on for what seemed like forever.
~~Time skip~~
It was now lunch and I was sat on my own. I saw Y/N walking from the line I smiled and then I saw her walk by someone else. It was Midoriya and his bunch of friends. I made a fist when I saw her laughing with all of them.
Seconds later she came by me and sat down, she looked at me and then smiled. I however didn't smile back at her. She frowned and then looked at me. "Sho, are you ok?" She asked me.
No I am not!
"Of cause. What about you?" I asked her.
"Yep I'm fine." She told me.
Yeah, I bet you are.
~~Another time skip sorry about that~~
I walked to the front of the school and then stopped when I heard my name beging called. I turned around to see who it is and I saw Y/N. "Sho, what are you doing later?" She asked me. I looked at her and then managed to smile.
"Nothing." I told her.
"Great, meet me in the park at 5:00." She told me with a smile on her face.
As soon as she said that she ran off and had a smile on her face. Which made me so confused right now. I walked home and then got into the shower, (why am I thinking dirty thoughts right now when I said he had to go into the shower. Bad me, bad!)
After I was finished in the shower I got dressed and then headed out. I made my way to the park to wait for Y/N. "Shoto where are you going!?" I heard my sister say to me.
"I'm going to meet up with Y/N." I told her.
I walked out and then made my way to the park. I sat down at a bench and I looked at the path. My mind flashed back at Y/N's expression. She was happy. But why?
A few minutes later I see Y/N walking over this but she couldn't see me. "Y/N!" I shout out. She turned to me and smiled as soon as she spotted me. I looked at her and then smiled at her as well.
She ran over and then sat down opposite me, "Sho do you what day it is today?" She asked me. I looked at her with wide eyes.
Today's a special!
What is it!?
Is it her birthday!?
Is it....Crap I don't know!
"Today is the day we met. So I-I made this!" She said and then passed me something. It was a necklace.
The necklace was silver and it had a big red crystal in it.
I smiled at her as I knew once I saw it that the silver was supposed to be my ice and the red was supposed to be my fire.
I smiled as I saw that she had put alot of effort into making this. Every detail was very good. I looked at her and then smiled. "Thank you, but I didn't get you anything." I told her.
"That doesn't matter. I'm just half you like it." She told me.
After that we each made out way home.
That's that, how was that!
Villain Deku: you have got such a dirty mind huh?
Hehe~ yep!
Villain Deku: not something you should proud of.
Oh I'm not, but it comes in handy when I want to make my friends laugh. Or when it's needed. And I'm not always dirty minded.
Villain Deku: ....yeah sure....
I ain't!
Villain Deku: cause not.
Oh shut up.
Bye for now
Deku: to be Continued Reader-Chan!
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