|| Prologue ||
Noelia had read a lot of books. A lot of books meant a lot of endings. Different endings. Some were good. Some were bad. Some made her throw the book across the room and scream and curse the authors name to the wind and pray the he/she rots in the fiery depths of hell.
But that's besides the point.
The point was that the girl read. A lot. From newspaper articles to her cousin's fanfiction to the back of cereal boxes. Anything she could get her hands on to escape her boring ordinary world. After all, it's not like her life was as exciting as Harry's or as dangerous as Gandalf's. She wasn't a shadowhunter. Or a princess. Not a wizard. Not a demi-god. Not a divergent. Not a chosen one.
She was Noelia Charo Garcia-Rodriguez. A muggle. A peasant. A mundane. One of the factionless. A mortal. She was just...
The girl who lived in a small county in Maryland, the most boring state of all of the boring states (Seriously, what does Maryland even have?). The girl from the suburbs whose chest was almost as flat as her back. The one who got picked 2nd to last in gym class. Geekerella. Without the Prince Charming.
Lets face it kids: Noelia wasn't anything extraordinary. She was just... average. Pretty good, at best. But who did she expect herself to be? The next Wonder Woman?
And you know, as long as she had books, she was okay with that. Yeah, her life wouldn't ever be like Katniss' (Who would want a life like Katniss' anyway?) and that's fine. The books helped her escape. At least she had books.
And she didn't need a Prince Charming. But between you and me, and don't tell anybody, but I think she secretly wishes for one every now and then. Maybe just somebody she could tell her stories to. Someone who likes her just as much as she would like them. Someone who, when she cried, would cheer her up. Someone who loved her. Unconditionally.
Was that too much to ask for?
Apparently, yes. Yes it was. Because even after 16 1/3 years, she hasn't found one boy who met that description at all.
That is, until Jun came into the picture.
Jun wasn't the type you'd think Noelia would fall for. Even Noelia didn't know she'd fall for him. That weird new kid from Liverpool? He was pretty good looking, she guessed. It wasn't like he was a super model. Maybe if he got a hair cut he'd be cuter. She did have to admit his accent was hot as hell though.
(Is it just me or when you meet a boy that you think is pretty attractive, and then find out he's British, Scottish or Australian, then it makes him like 10,000% more attractive?)
But she didn't know him. She didn't want to know him. He looked like one of those creepy guys who tried to look up girls skirts when they walked up the stairs. Now was that wrong to assume what he was like without even getting to know him? Yes. Yes it was. But after those kisses, she wasn't really in the mood to know anything more about Jun Solace.
Now I know you may be wondering: Wait wait wait, they kissed and they don't know anything about each other? How does that work? And if you're not thinking that, then oh well. I don't know what you're thinking. I'm a narrator, not a mind reader.
But the answer is yes. Jun and Noelia did share a kiss without knowing diddly squat about the other. But I'll have to tell you that story another time.
Jun liked reading, but he wasn't a reader as much as he was a writer. And writing for The Seaside Gazette was probably the only thing he was looking forward to in going to this school. But his hopes got too high.
He wanted to be assigned to something really interesting. But he'd been placed with the job of the information column. New test dates, updates on learning material, newest books in the library. All the stuff that nobody reads or cares about.
Whoopee. Go Sharks.
Honestly, the whole school paper was a flop. Nobody even read it anymore. Their journalist meets were just excuses to hang out and slack off for awhile before they had to get back to class. And Jun was sick of it. If he didn't get to do what he signed up for, then why come at all?
It didn't stop Jun from writing down everything he thought was interesting though. If he couldn't apply his talent to the paper, he could at least write for fun. Poetry. Science fiction. Documentaries on the major problems. Anything really. As long as he wrote, he was fine. And art? The dude was a legend at art. I caught a glimpse of his sketches a couple of times. Damn, that boy can draw. He could do a lot of things actually.
All the stuff he normally jotted down didn't have anything to do with school. Nothing all that amazing ever happens in a high school. Especially not Seaside.
He even surprised himself when he found himself writing an entire paragraph about that Noelia girl. His notepad was for interesting things only. Things that deserved his undivided attention. What was so interesting about her? To the point where he could write entire pages of poems and stories about her?
You see, I think Jun blamed the kiss(es). Yes, there were more than one of them. Plural. Before them, he probably wouldn't have ever given her a second thought. And yeah, he was right. He wouldn't have.
But after that, she was on his mind almost everyday. Strange how things like that happen, right? He didn't know the girl well enough to like her. And he didn't like her. Not like that.
And as far as he knew, he never would.
Well, let me tell you a secret:
He was wrong.
Fate has a funny way of working out.
Fate decides who comes into your life. Your heart decides who stays.
These two sophomores had a plan. A plan for life. Jun wanted to pursue his dreams as a best selling author. Noelia wanted to travel the world and be extraordinary so she can live a life just as epic as her favorite characters. And nowhere in that plan for both of them does it say "Kiss Somebody 365 Times. No More. No Less."
But the thing about fate?
Fate doesn't give a damn about your plans.
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