--- Jun ---
Quick Author's Note That I Would Really Appreciate You Taking The Time To Read:
Okay, when y'all read this chapter, Jun talks about Rio a lot. Like, a lot. It basically even starts off with her. But just be aware, RIO IS NOT ME. She's just INSPIRED by me. Most of her personality. Not the looks. We're alike in some ways but different in others. She's her own person. I'm mine.
The way I'm going to make Jun describe her is how I WISHED somebody described me. Ah but alas, *sheds dramatic tear and dabs it (also dramatically) with flimsy handkerchief* nobody wants me.
And if you do, and there's most likely a very slim chance you do, take notes boys. I'm single and hoco's coming up. I don't wanna be slow dancing by myself to Ed Sheeran.
Rio's this quirky beauty. I'm just quirky. Eh, but I'm happy with who I am.
Just making sure you know.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a story that I would like to show you. Enjoy!
"Beginnings are always messy."
—John Galsworthy
We're finally getting somewhere.
It'd been the day of the party. I felt like I shouldn't have gone. I wasn't even sure I belonged there. And, as Americans like to say, I was in no way being "bougie." Is that how you use the word? It didn't matter. It was just that I was gawky. They were smooth. And I was boring and they were extraordinary and I was a weak creep and they were the adventurous gang that were the inspirations for bestsellers.
I shouldn't have even been in the same room with them. I shouldn't have been there.
And yet, here I was. Here we were. And it was all because of Rio.
The girl I hated.
Why, you may ask?
Because she was Rio. She was the type of person you'd think this book would be written about. The one you'd think I'd be thinking about. The one with the big ideas and upbeat personality, the one that had guys jerk their heads when she took a step past them.
And then there was her nerdy cousin.
Rio was perfect. Rio was the girl of everybody's dreams. But just by sitting next to Noelia on the couch, if a bystander was just to make a quick comparison, it was obvious who the most desirable was. I'll give you a hint:
It wasn't Noelia.
I guess you could say that I didn't like Rio for a stupid reason. And yes, the reason was stupid. Because it was like she made whatever it was I felt with Noelia feel stupid. Oh, you stare at my dorky cousin who isn't nearly as attractive as me? Look at me! Wouldn't you rather look at me? Look how flawless I am! Like some stuck up narcissistic brat. Why did I stare at the dork and not the beaut? Was it because I was a dork myself? It's a question that I'd ask myself constantly.
But Rio wasn't a stuck up narcissistic brat. She never said any of those things. My messed up mind just interpreted it. I don't know. It doesn't make sense. It's stupid. I'm stupid. And it was a terrible excuse not to like somebody. But it was the excuse I was sticking with until further notice.
Why she invited me, I didn't think I'd ever know. The most we were, at best, were acquaintances. It wasn't like we were friends. I don't even think she knew my last name.
Her family was nice enough. And the food was delicious (as it turns out, Ms. Maria's sweet potato pie is a god send). But even after spending roughly an hour there, I still felt like I didn't belong. I was just about to call mum to pick me up when Rio sat next to me on the porch.
"Hey man," she said cheerfully, popping a squat right next to me on the living room carpet. "You okay? You're hardly eating your cornbread stuffing. Shoot, if you don't eat it then I will. Or just give it Noelia. She'd house it." She chuckled at her own little joke. Chuckled. That was one thing about Noelia that Rio would never have on her. Rio chuckles. Noelia guffaws. They don't laugh with the same passion.
I stared down at my food while the music pounded through the house. "Why did you invite me here?"
"Is it wrong to invite a friend to my—"
I jerked my head towards her. "Okay, stop. We're not friends. Honestly, why do you think that? You say hi to me in the hallways all the time and smile when I come around and now you're inviting me to this party?" I scowled. "You may have asked me to come here, but you and I know nothing about each other. Not even the other's last name."
Now ladies and gentlemen: I might've been a bit too rude. It was a flash. In the snap of a finger. And if I blinked, there was a 99% chance that I'd miss it. But it was there. Oh, it was there. Hurt. A huge wave of it. And it replaced her once happy expression just like that. It was as if time seemed to slow down. And all you could do was look into those strange eyes of hers, that only scream one thing at you.
The fact that yours truly here had hurt her feelings.
Big time.
And when I saw it, I wish I'd never opened my mouth to say anything at all.
"I'm sorry," I apologized quickly. "That was completely uncalled for. I should go."
"Fine. Wow. Whatever then. When did you become such an insensitive jerk?"
I didn't say anything.
"And it's Solace by the way."
I froze. "What?"
"It's your last name. Solace." She stared down at her punch cup, which shook slightly with the music vibrations. "I already knew."
It's official.
I was a jerk.
And now a moron.
We sat in silence for while and watched everybody teach Angel how to do the biker shuffle, which she found no interest in and probably only complied for the sake of her parents. Juan kept shouting, "Come on baby girl! You got this baby girl!" She really didn't have it, but eventually, he hoisted her up on his back and danced with her, shaking her around to the point where she was screaming and laughing and choking on her own spit.
Rio smiled. "They're idiots, aren't they? Nimrods. Those two were always close in a way that I don't think I'd ever be with them. With anybody really."
"Why's that?" At least we were forgetting my snapping incident.
"Because they were always there for each other."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
She stared at me like I was crazy for awhile before releasing out a long "oh" and slapping her forehead.
"I keep forgetting that you don't know," she rubbed her temple. "I'm adopted. We're all adopted. But Juan and Angel were put in one shelter while I was put in another. And they didn't know about me. And I didn't know about them. When Maria and Carlton adopted me, that was when they found out about my two other siblings."
She took a swig of her punch and continued. "You know when I first met them, they weren't really sure what to think of me. I didn't look like them. Hell, I still don't look like them," she motioned to the both of them still on the dance floor. She was right. She didn't look like them. Rio was a majestic dark brown with a forrest of hair and Angel and Juan differed from her completely with their smooth loose curls and mocha skin.
"Them as in Ms. Maria and Mr. Carlton or as in Juan and Angel?"
"Juan and Angel."
"Oh. Well, that's not a bad thing to not look like them." I said.
"Of course it's not. I just felt different back when we first met one another. It was weird. Juan and Angel had been together practically since she was born. Angel was the only family Juan had, so even at the age of– like what, I think it was eight. Yeah, eight. When he was eight, he already took over the role of guardian. I had only just met them when I was about 4 or 5. Angel didn't like me very much. Then again, she was a baby and I'm pretty sure she hated everybody. Except for Juan, of course. But I didn't think either of them liked me very much. I was a stranger to them."
All I felt was pity. "Why didn't you ever tell them that you felt this way?"
"I did. But they're my siblings. They didn't exactly do a really good job at making me feel better. There was no 'oh no Rio you're our sister no matter what' or anything. Nah, Juan just said 'well yeah. I've known her since she was born. That's to be expected. It's not a big deal,'" she mimicked. "'Stop being so sensitive.' I hate it. It's like..." she trailed off. "I'm not even part of my own family."
I went quiet for a couple of long minutes. She's never told me this before. Then again, I never gave her a reason to.
"Speak dude, it makes me feel awkward when I give this big story and nobody says anything. It feels like I'm talking to myself."
I racked my brain for something to say. "I didn't know you were adopted," is what I lamely came up with.
"Seriously? Dude, look at my parents! You really couldn't tell?" She made a good point. Maria's dirty blonde hair should've given it away.
"I don't know," I shrugged. "Genetics mess up sometimes, I guess."
She gave me a small smile. Not a normal Rio smile, the ones that are too big for her face, but a tiny, hesitant one. Good. At least I got something out of her. Especially after being such a douche less than five minutes ago.
"We're playing a game later on while the adults go out on the porch for a drink. You should join. I want you to have fun. You know, even if you don't like me." I winced. It sounded worse saying it aloud.
"Hey, I didn't mean—"
"Oh, I know exactly what you meant," she waved me off. "But honestly Jun, I don't have time to be worried about what you think of me. I have my own party to attend." She smiled and I was in awe of her confidence. "Trust me. It will be fun, I promise. Cards against humanity. Mon– oh yeah, you might wanna' avoid the mistlefoe by the way– now as I was saying, Monopoly and—"
"Wait, the what? Mistlefoe?"
She smirked.
"Think about it." She told me, shoving her hands in her pockets. "It'll be fun. And if you still don't want to, just remember that it is my birthday. " And she stood up and walked away.
She didn't answer my question.
Noelia didn't look to happy about it, seeing that I took Rio up on her offer, when I propped down next to her. Her cousin didn't seem to care though.
"Where's Jay?" I asked. I didn't really care but he'd made such a big deal when he saw me come through the door. Well dang boo! I didn't think you'd come. You clean up nicely! He'd licked his lips and smacked my rump and even now, I shudder at the memory.
It's not like a had a problem with his homosexuality. Not at all. I'm all for supporting gay rights. It's just his straightforwardness just made me really uncomfortable. I'd never really had somebody do that before. Although, I did have to admit that it felt nice to get some attention from someone, girl or not.
"Good question," a boy that I've never seen before said. "You never know with that guy."
"Forget that. Know what I'm focused on? Good ol' truth or dare. And birthday girl goes first." Rio rubbed her hands together enthusiastically and locked her eyes on each potential suspect around the circle, licking her lips. I never realized how wicked she could be.
Please don't be me. Please don't be me. Lord, I beg of you, I'll do anything you want. I'm sorry for the texting Katie during church and I'll never do it again. Just don't let it be—
You're joking.
"Truth or dare?" She questioned, gazing over me with a certain type of eeriness.
"Truth." I said quickly. She gave a disappointed sigh.
"Well, I expected more from you but this will have to do. So, regarding you and my cousin here," she motioned towards Noelia, an action that made her scoot away from me a bit. "There's been a bit of sexual tension between you two, has there not?"
Tension seemed to be her favorite word to describe what was happening between us. If anything was happening between us. Whatever that was.
Noelia scooted further.
"I don't know about sexu—"
"Hush Noelia, the adults are talking." Rio commanded.
"Didn't she just say the adults were taking?" I interrupted. Helene, the crazy girl who was probably the only person besides me who actually did any work for The Seaside Gazette, laughed while Noelia threw her hands up in the air and mumbled something about how stupid this was. I turned back to Rio. "Please proceed."
"Thank you. Now, it's been a well known fact that you two have locked lips on more than one occasion." I tried to ignore the wide eyed stares of shock. "So tell me Jun," she leaned forward. "How was it?"
Fun fact: Did you know that you can hear the shriek of Noelia Charo Garcia-Rodriguez from miles away? However, sitting right next to her while in her screaming state will surely make your ears ring.
"The kiss?" I asked, ignoring the book worm that was waving her hands everywhere and yelling at us to stop.
"What else?"
"Well then, I'm glad you asked," I turned to Noelia, who was burying her face into her hands. "Breath, for one, was, ahem, not minty fresh. Seriously, tic tacs do exist. She also needs to work on her technique. The actual process? It kind of ruined the whole affect of it. It wasn't anything all that special. She was too tense too. She needed to loosen up. And—"
"Okay!" Noelia screeched. "That's enough! I get it! I'm a bad kisser. You don't have to rub it in."
A pregnant silence overlapped the room and Rio shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The atmosphere had just gone from eery to awkward. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.
Sundar nervously glanced at the two of us. "Were there any good sides to the kiss?"
"At all?" He pressed further.
More silence. I glanced at Noelia.
"Your lips were soft." She mumbled carefully, as if choosing the right words. She wasn't looking at me. "And it wasn't like I planned on kissing you. Don't get me wrong. The kiss was terrible. Like, really, really bad. History would be able to keep this in the book world records for worst kiss ever had."
"More like attempted." I muttered. She glared at me.
"Whatever. Bottom line is that the kiss was bad."
"Terrible." I corrected.
"God awful."
"Treacherous." She challenged, one corner of her lips raised up ever so slightly. I wouldn't have even seen it if I didn't watch her so much. That sounded creepy. I'm not creepy. I don't think. But Noelia always loved a good challenge.
"You win." I smiled. She smiled back. Perhaps she didn't hate me like I thought.
Clearing her throat, she continued. "But... if I had to see a good part about all of this?" She sighed. "Your lips were soft. And warm. It felt kind of nice. In a weird way."
Damn. I stared at the girl in front of me and resisted the urge to feel my own lips. She stared back.
"If y'all kiss again," came a voice. "I'm gonna' throw up." We all turned to a crossed armed Jay leaning on the door frame. "And geez girl, that shit that came outta' yo' mouth was the cheesiest, most sappy, ridiculousness I've ever heard said in real life. You must've gotten that from one of those books you read. Sounded like you practiced saying that in front of a mirror everyday to make sure you got that dramatic flow down."
I suppressed a laugh. Angel (who Rio told to get out but eventually accepted her presence by being bribed by the last snickerdoodle) elbowed me and told me to shut up. But I could see her stifling a grin too. Jay always got a good reaction out of everybody. Always.
Noelia rolled her eyes but grinned anyway. See? Always. "Shut up."
"Fine. Fine." He smirked, sitting down two seats away from me next to Angel. He gave her a wink. "What's up baby sister? Rio being annoying as usual?"
"What do you mean as usual?" Rio bellowed.
"Yeah," Angel rolled her eyes, ignoring her older sister. "Definitely. She tried to throw me out. All her moody teenage hormones and crap. And she won't stop talking about that boy she's practically in love wi—"
"Shut it ya' runt," Rio snarled. "Before I dare you to do something you'll regret." She smiled haughtily in triumph when her little sister let out a huff, but reluctantly stopped talking.
"Anyway," the birthday girl continued. "That was a bad one. But I have a different dare."
"But he said truth—"
"Don't care." The way she said it and gazed at me made my blood run cold. She shifted her attention to me and Noelia and broke out into a grin that resembled The Joker.
"Oh no." Noelia whispered.
"Oh yes." Rio whispered back, that creepy smile still plastered onto her face. "You know, since you guys have kissed before, this shouldn't be all that new."
I licked my lips. She was right. They were pretty soft. "Okay. So? It's just a kiss. That's it?"
"Oh." Rio murmured, suddenly deflated. "You're right. That does seem kind of lame." She looked so distraught and lost that I almost felt like I should reassure her and pat her on the back or something of that matter. It's okay, Rio. Not everybody comes up with good dares on the spot.
But the feeling vanished as quickly as it came when she shouted "OH I GOT IT" and the smile reappeared.
Angel shook her head. "You just had to say something, didn't you? You just had to give her another idea." She mumbled. "You're dead."
Noelia gave a forced smile and gritted her teeth. "If we survive whatever she's going to say, I'm going to kill you."
"Buckle your seat belts ladies and gentlemen. Because Rio Caía Lyons has a solution for this desperate time of need!" Rio announced enthusiastically.
"You're crazy." Angel scowled.
"Yes, sister dear. We've already established fact. But crazy people don't know they're crazy. I know I'm crazy therefore I'm not crazy. Or am I? But everybody knows. You know– just to make sure–" she turned to us. "Does everybody here know I'm crazy?"
All nine of us nodded.
"See? Told you." She said proudly, as if she'd just proven she knew the remedy to cure cancer. "Anywho, since one kiss isn't enough for you, you pervy popsicle," I scowled at that. Okay, so maybe she wasn't over the fact that I hurt her feelings. "How about more? But I know you may be saying, 'how much more?' I have an exact amount. You needn't worry!"
We weren't worried, I thought.
But, to whomever it may concern, I will tell you:
We should've been.
Okay, so before y'all get mad, hear me out. Actually more like read me out since you can't hear my voice.
The next chapter is basically just the summary. When something big happens in the story, it's always told either in third person or its a split chapter. I didn't know how to end this one to build up to the split chapter so it was a pretty lame conclusion. I also gotta make sure I explain more about the mistlefoe. Yes, mistlefoe. I spelled it like that on purpose.
Regarding the sibling thing with Rio, this actually comes from a deeper part of me. My siblings and I don't look alike at all. And while I'm not adopted, I've always been so different from them. From all of my family. I draw and sing and write and dance and play piano and live for the arts. And my family?
My little sister is a sarcastic smart aleck whose main problem is a single B on her report card.
My older brother is a 23 year old physical education major who enrolled in the army and has the prettiest, sweetest girlfriend ever.
My mom is a tough woman. Retired from the Navy now and working for an important company. And the biggest thing I do that annoys her is leave water bottles in my room.
My dad is the classic business man. Out the house by 6 am. Home by 6 pm. But when he's not working, he makes up for lost time as best as he can. Mostly by watching The Flash with us.
When I was younger, in someways, it really did feel like I was left out from my own family. They didn't understand how my mind was wired at first. But now, they include me in everything. Sometimes too much.
I've told them about this story. My little sister is my biggest fan and I show her all my stories before I post them. My brother called me from Virginia to tell me "good job baby girl." My mom and dad were like " welp looks like she's found something else she likes *laughs* More money out the pocket." But they were joking. I promise they were happy.
And little sister, if you're reading this which you probably are (HI CHRISTINA)...
I bet you were expecting something meaningful in this message but honestly you're right across the hall from me while I'm typing this. I can just walk like five steps and tell you. But I'm very comfy in my bed right now. And I'm lazy.
Love you though.
Next chapter coming soon!
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