Unmerciful Teaser
Reiner felt his blood pressure rise as he joined his friend group in the courtyard.
"Well some one took some time to get their shoes changed." Ymir teased.
"Yeah, i thought for second that you might be doing your hair or something." Connie joined in on Ymir's teasing.
"I wasn't! There was just a lot of slow people in front of my locker today. Okay!" Reiner pouted.
"Well, anyways, Reiner's I think you might've scared Harold a bit to much on Monday." Sasha joked. Reiner looked at her confused.
"Really? How so? I haven't seen him around, i don't know if any of you have. I didn't see him after he tried to flirt with Eren. Is he really such a pussy?" Reiner explained. Christa pouted at him for swearing.
"He hasn't shown up to class at all. Miss Rio is actually starting to get a bit worried." Sasha answered. A wave of shock set over them, meanwhile Sasha smiled.
"Sasha, I don't think he's purposely staying home because of Reiner. Heck I don't think he's staying home at all!" Ymir corrected.
"Yeah, I think I saw on the news that Harold Asuto was missing. Apparently no one knows where he went." Christa added.
"Maybe he ran away?" Connie suggested, despite his face stating he didn't believe it.
"Well why should we care! He was a asshole! Who knows what he would've done to Eren if Reiner didn't intervene! Whatever it is, he's gone, and he isn't bothering anyone so its not our problem!" Sasha dismissed, shaking her head. Eren looked a bit annoyed with Sasha's attitude. Soon saying,"Sasha, If someone kidnapped him then that means there's a kidnapper on the loose. If someone killed him then this means that whoever killed Jean might be back at it again. Either way, his disappearance could be the result of others that we should be wary of!" Eren annoyedly explained. Sasha's eyes widened.
"Oh my god. What if they go for me? Or Christa? Or Eren? Or any one of us! What will we do!" Sasha freaked out. Ymir's eyes drifted to Eren who now was even more annoyed.
"I don't know about you but Eren sure as hell is great at calming someone!" Ymir teased. Eren pouted.
"Hey! Like you're any better!" Eren retaliated. Ymir chuckled.
"It's going to be fine Sasha. We aren't even sure what happened. So just relax." Ymir tried to hide her amusement. Sasha started glancing around quickly.
"Jeez Ymir that was the best attempt I've seen at calming someone!" Eren teased back. Ymir pouted.
"Hey I did my best." Ymir pouted.
"So, I take it you're really excited to go on that date with Eren ay?" Ymir teased as Reiner wiped the windows clean, trying not to dirty himself. Letting out a sigh in response to Ymir's snarky comment.
"Okay, first of all it isn't a date, second, yes." Reiner replied.
"Okay then what is it? A little casual hangout alone? With an omega you love?" Ymir grinned at Reiner's embarrassment in the reflection. He turned his head to look at her.
"Oh my god Ymir! Don't say that out loud!" Reiner grite his teeth as he yelled through it. Ymir bursted laughing.
"You know for such a Alpha that likes to pass themselves off as, Strong, manly, and confident. You surely do get embarrassed so easily of a smol Omega like Eren~" Ymir's teasing knew no boundaries when it came to Reiner. And now was no exception. Reiner turned so red, he looked like a ripe tomato ready to burst.
"Didn't I tell you to not say stuff like that in public!" Reiner angrily whispered. Ymir chuckled as she cleaned the chalkboard.
"Yeah, but seriously. There is no way you can mess this up. Just relax and enjoy some food and quality time with your crush, get to know him, flirt a tad bit, and maybe you might get to know him even better one day~" Reiner almost died he was so embarrassed. He hid his face in his hands.
"Ymir you dirty minded, freckled, Lesbian for the love of god, stop!"
Ymir broke down laughing.
"You tryin' to say you don't want to get to know Eren! I thought you like him!" Ymir barely managed to say before laughing again. Reiner couldn't possibly be more red.
"I do! and not in they way you're thinking!" Ymir's smirk had reached its fullest as she regained her calm.
"So you're telling me, that sometime in the future-" Ymir was cut off by Reiner.
"No! Ymir stop-" Reiner however was cutoff by Ymir.
"You don't want to make babies with him?Do the do? You don't want to do the sex number? Oh god poor Eren! He'll be suffering major blue balls throughout your relationship! What will you do when he's in heat? C'mon Reiner I know you wanna do to do with Eren!" Reiner couldn't be more embarrassed then ever. He could barely focus on the window anymore.
"Ymir please! I beg of you! Stop it! I can't handle this anymore." Reiner begged. Seeing Reiner like this satisfied the mischievous Lesbian.
"Alright, Alright. But in all seriousness, I know you can do it Reiner. I saw you two talking alone at lunch, the way Eren smiles at you, the way he looks at you. There is no possible way for you to embarrass yourself to him. I'm sure you can." Ymir assured the red, sweaty alpha. Which worked. Reiner took a deep breath.
"Thanks Ymir, I promise I'll make you my best man if Eren and I get married."
"You know I'm gonna hold you up to that promise~"
"I know."
To be continued.
A/N: sorry for the filler. i just feel as though the rival don't get as much time to grow a connection to Eren before they're dealt with. Also
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