Step 1 into making someone fall in love pt1
Farlan hated being in love. He hated how desperate it made him act. How weak it made him. So Farlan tried to do everything to avoid love. But he could never avoid the beta red head. She was too determined to not find it comforting, she was too energetic to not notice, she was just... to innocent. Farlan sighed as he caught himself gazing off into the back of Isabel's head for the tenth time. 'God Dammit Farlan! We need to pay attention inn class or our grades will never raise!' Farlan cursed himself mentally. He didn't know how he managed to fall in love with someone who he never even spoke with once. That he's only known for a day. But he did. And that's what made Farlan want to smack himself into oblivion for being so lovestruck.
Farlan always brought some food for the little stray kitten on school grounds. He would've brought it home if had the money. But he lived alone, trying to live off of paychecks from his two jobs. He was just too busy and a cat was too expensive to take care of. So Farlan would often bring some fish for the little guy. However today he couldn't find it. He looked in its usual spots, not there. Farlan wasn't sure why he cared so much for such a stupid cat! But he couldn't help but ask people about it.
"Hey have you seen a little fluffy tortoise shell kitten thats on school grounds by any chance?" Farlan would ask. No one knew. He would ask Eren but Isabel was like a magnet to Eren, always sticking with him. And he didn't feel confident enough to talk to her. He had lost hope when he spotted someone who he hadn't asked.
"Oh excuse me sir!" Farlan called out, quickly rushing over to the emotionless alpha. The raven haired male stopped in his tracks, turning to look with an annoyed expression.
"Hm? Do i know you?" The alpha asked, clearly not wanting his time to be wasted. Farlan shook his head.
"No. Im Farlan Church though. I'm looking for a tortoise shell kitten, she usually walks around outside. She's very fluffy and also very fuckin cute! Have you seen her?" When Farlan told him who he was, the other immediately changed his behavior. Acting a bit more friendly. Farlan thought it was strange, but brushed it off.
"Actually i might have, follow me. I think I might know where she is." The male offered. Farlan felt the stress on his shoulders disappear as he followed the male.
"Oh by the way, whats your name? I didn't catch it before." Farlan asked. The other alpha looked at him and said,"Call me Levi."
"Scout!" Farlan shouted, excitedly. The kitten gave a croaky meow in response, seemingly very happy to see the blonde alpha. Levi watched as Farlan had run over to the kitten, who was equally as excited as Farlan was.
"So... your Farlan Church right? The dude with a crush on the new girl?" Levi asked. Farlan's heart dropped. How did this random stranger know? Did that mean other people knew! Farlan thought.
"H-how did you know?" Farlan asked, his stress and worry was unable to be cured or reduced by Scout as she rubbed her smol fluffy face against his hand.
"Well you haven't been so secretive about it. I heard from a group of girls that you probably had a crush on her." Levi answered. Farlan tensed up. Scout sensing his stress decided to snuggle into Farlan's lap as the human sat. The smol ball of fur was purring loudly to help Farlan relax.
"Oh shit! You aren't going to tell her right? You don't think they will?" Farlan asked, visibly worried about it.
"Don't worry. I'm not going to tell anyone. Its not like I have anyone to tell it to. I actually wanted to help you out with courting her." Levi's response calmed Farlan a bit. Though he was still a bit stressed.
"But why do you want to help me?"
"I just wanted to help someone who was struggling." Levi calmly said, sitting down next to Farlan. Scout greeted Levi with face rubs against his knee.
"Alright, so what do you have planned?"
Levi entered his class excited, knowing he was going to see his sweet Omega again. When Levi opened the doors, he saw Isabel still sitting next to Eren. Though she must have caught the attention of some of the other girls because they were currently talking to her. Isabel seemed to be enjoying Nifa's and Mina's presence, but seemed to try to include Eren who was going over his homework as much as possible. He didn't listen to the girls as he sat down next to Eren.
"Hey Levi! You did the homework yesterday right? I mean I did but I'm unsure of my answers!" Eren asked.
"Yeah, I could help you." Levi answered, smiling. His smile wasn't fake. It was the most genuine smile anyone could ever wear. Levi felt himself getting lost in Eren's voice. He replied the best he could to which Eren appreciated.
"Thank you so much Levi! I really owe you one!" Levi failed to hide his smile.
"Your welcome." Levi answered. Levi waited a while before continuing with his plan.
"By the way Eren, do you happen to know what Isabel finds attractive, a friend of mine likes her. He's thinkig of courting her but he isn't to sure on it so I wanted to help him out." Levi asked. Unfortunately, Levi had forgotten how quick Their teacher could be sometimes as Mr Smith entered.
Eren paused before quickly ripping a little piece of paper off, writing something quickly down. He handed it to Levi.
"Here's my number, I'll text you the details~" Eren whispered. Levi felt his heart race. He had Eren's number, he could call Eren up anytime he had wanted to talk to him. Maybe he could hang out with Eren sometimes.
"Thanks." Levi said.
To be continued
A/N: i might be doing alternate endings that are rival specific like Jean and Eren getting together. Though I haven't heard from most of you guys yet. I would like to know if you guys want something like that. Though I won't decide anything until later. Anyways I miss your guys' comments and shit. I also miss the days were I knew how to end a A/N. so yeah
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