Friends for now
Levi watched carefully as Eren and Jean talked.
"Come on admit it, you like my ass. There's no point in lying cause its as clear as day. Admit it. You like me!" Eren teased. Jean was a mess, stumbling over his words and his face could not possibly be more red.
"Oh shut it! So what if I find you attractive! It's not a crime to think your friends looks good is it?!" Jean mumbled. Eren laughed.
"I never said it a bad thing to like my ass. Just wanted to embarrass you." Eren snickered. Jean glanced away irritated."Anyway there's this new kid in Mr, Smith's class. His name is levi and we're doing a project together."
"Oh really, what does he look like?" Jean asked, glad to be on a different topic.
"He's got a black undercut, light blue eyes, he doesn't say much, he had to move here because if his parents needing to do something. I met him yesterday." Eren continued. Jean seemed intrigued,
"Which dynamic is he?" Jean asked
"Alpha." Eren nonchalantly said.
"Oh. Sounds boring."
"Actually I'd say he's kinda of attractive, you know?"
"What? Eren you just met him and now you love him?" Jean said, looking almost heartbroken.
"Jean I just said he was attractive, that's it. I'd have to get to know him first to love him." Jean sighed.
"Oh by the way, I need to borrow your history book because i left mine at home." Jean said as Eren's hands opened his locker.
"Okay, just give it back by lunch. That book is really expensive."
"Trust me I'll take good care of your book. I promise."
Levi watched as Jean left for the bathroom and left his bag on the counter. Levi removed the book and put it in the sink. He watched as the water seeped into the book forever damaging it. He smiled. So much for much for keeping his promises. The toilet was flushed and Jean would soon be coming out. Levi hid in another stall to watch. Jean whistled as he went over to wash his hands. Not realizing the book was in the sink, jean washed his hands and left. Shoot he didn't take it how else will Eren find it.
Levi mentally and physically face palmed. How am I going to pull this off. He gripped his hair and thought of another plan. What if I play it off as if I found Eren's book and return it to him. He'll like me more and hate jean more. Its perfect.
Soon he'll be in my arms when jean is gone. Then we'll live happily in peace.
Eren sat in class waiting for it to begin, Jean had lost his book so he was already dreading this class. Mr, smith was going to kill him.
"Hey Eren." Levi said as he plopped down next to him. Eren sighed sadly.
"Hey Levi." Levi gave him a confused look.
"Whats wrong Eren, You look down today?" Levi asked.
"Nothing. I lended my book to my friend today who managed to lose it. And it just so happens to be the book for this class. "Eren complained, with an annoyed look on his face. Levi reached a hand into his bag.
"Well i found this book in the sink in the bathroom. I think it may be yours." Levi said, handing the soaked book to Eren.
"Jean get your ass over here! Where the fuck are you!" Eren stormed towards Jean's locker with the book in his hand.
"Eren why are you yelling so loud?" Jean asked covering his ears. Eren threw the soaked and ruined book on the ground in front of him.
"I found the Fucking book you supposedly lost!" Eren shouted, clearly angry.
"Wait Eren I have no idea how it got like that! I'm being serious I didn't do this!" Eren glared at him.
"Yeah Fucking right, You never liked me so why should I believe you didn't do this! I can't believe you Jean! You know how expensive this book is! You could've been more careful with it!" Eren shouted.
"Eren I have absolutely no reason to do this! I swear I didn't do this!" Eren shook his head and stormed away and out of the school. Jean reaching out to call for him, but deciding to let it go.
"Look Eren I'm really sorry about that book today, I should've been more careful and not lost it. I'll help pay for a new one if it helps. " Jean calmly said into his phone, worried as to how Eren would reply afterwards.
"That would be nice. Oh and by the way Jean I'm really sorry about snapping back at you at school. I should've calmed down before talking to you." Eren sighed, feeling guilty for scaring jean. He felt better after calming down a bit.
"Its okay. Oh and by the way Eren?" Jean replied,seemingly nervously stammering a little.
"Yeah?" Eren's eyes lit up in interest .
"I don't actually hate you that much, you just irritate me sometimes." Eren's face softened and let out a chuckle.
"And I'll continue to irritate you until the day you die ~Jeany boy~" Eren teased. Jean tensed up in embarrassment.
"Hey only my mom gets to call me that!" Eren laughed making jean stop. He's always had a weak spot for his laugh. And his smile. And just Eren in general.
"Oh but you know how i love calling you that~ jeany boy~" jean hid his face in embarrassment.
"Oh shush it!" He grited. Eren smiled.
"Well Its getting late so I'm going to have to say goodbye now. "
"I'll see you tomorrow Eren. Can't wait for another day of your teaasing." Jean pouted. Eren smiled.
"I'll see you tomorrow too ,friend." Jean paused. He sighed as Eren hung up the phone. He laid in his bed left to wallow in his feelings. Maybe one day they'd be more than friends.
To be continued
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