Another Rival
A/N: btw I love your guy's comments so don't be afraid to comment stuff. It gives me alot of motivation to read your guys' opinions and jokes
It took Eren a week to get over the loss of his friend. But he did it. The next week Eren had back to his somewhat normal self. He wasn't too kind towards the Musume Gang, heck he even beat one of the girls up. But with the aid of his friends and his teachers, Eren finally could get over it. He still missed Armin,but it no longer bothered him to much. To most alphas, this ment that Eren was ready to be courted now that he didn't radiate depression. This warranted his two male alpha friends to get a little protective of the smol bean, as well as the entirety of the friend group.
"Harold, Eren has told you 5 times already. He isn't interested!" Ymir snarled, Eren might not be her omega but she sure as hell didn't care.
"Fuck off Lesbian, I'm talking to here!" Eren rolled his eyes.
"I swear Harold if you talk like that to my friends I will personally make you drink a piss smoothie mixed with little slices of your little cock!"Eren growled. Harold seemed irritated by this. It became obvious to Eren that Harold wasn't planning on taking order from anyone.
"Like I care anyways, you slutty little omega! You were so desperate for cock I bet you fucked Arm-" he couldn't finish his sentence before Reiner stood behind Eren.
"I'm sorry is there a problem you are having with my friend?" Reiner asked, his scent reeked of agression and irritation as he stood above Eren protectively.
"Oh! No no no no! I was just leaving! In fact I better get going! Have a nice day Eren!" Harold couldn't have run any faster. Eren turned around.
"Hey! I could've handled him Reiner." Eren said, a little embarrassed that he had to be saved.
"And risk getting a visit from the Councilor? I think not Eren. You have no idea what a delinquent like that is capable of." Reiner said, as they walked away.
"Yeah I gotta agree with Eren here, But I still appreciate the fact you were able to rid of him so easily." Ymir added. Eren rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, lets just move on."
The student council was on a whole new level of overprotective. Not only were there strict rules put in place to prevent any more students from being bullied, but Eren was now getting Phone calls from Mikasa constantly. At lunch, at snack, at clubtime. Eren didn't mind it though, the calls were mostly expressing concern and guilt for having to be far away from him. Levi however was pissed. Not only because the female alpha definitely had a thing for Eren, but also because she made things more difficult. Weapons were harder to access, The student council members were not tolerant at all, and he couldn't even kill her because she wasn't here yet. But who annoyed him the most was Petra. Her gentle nature, her kindness towards others, and how close she was to Eren. But Levi knew, if he killed Petra, Mikasa would make things harder on him. So Levi was forced to give up on that idea. Levi however hated someone in particular the most.
"Oh hey Reiner! I didn't realize you could grab your lunch so quickly!" Eren said, surprised by the alpha's sudden appearance next to him in the courtyard at lunch.
"Well I didn't want to leave yo here alone for to long. And besides, its not like my class is far away from here." Reiner casually explained. Levi could notice a change in his behavior when Eren was around. He would ne more protective when Eren was in danger, he would be more comforting when he was sad, and wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.
"Well, I'm not complaining. With the new chain fences on the roof, I feel so trapped. Especially when I'm alone. Its nice to have someone around to ease that feeling. You know?"
"Yeah. I swear, I remember on days like these we would sit on the rooftop for lunch and eat because the view was great. The feeling of being so high up made me feel free. Now it just makes me feel trapped. I swear, I just want to break those fences one day!" Reiner rambled.
"I feel ya,I miss those days. Where we would just chill out without a care in the world."
"Yeah, Armin and Mikasa would discuss some nerdy stuff, Ymir would make some dirty jokes with me, Connie and sasha would try to sneakily take our food, and you and Jean would be arguing." His voice went down as he mentioned Jean and Armin. Eren's smile followed.
"Yeah, I miss those days. Man I'd give anything to feel that freedom again."
"I'd give anything to have them back again." Reiner added.
"I know, but there's not much we can so but keep on fighting the day to see the sunrise tomorrow for those who couldn't. So don't let it get you down that much Reiner." Eren said. Trying to rub his massive back. Reiner flinched at Eren's soft touch. Eren giggled at Reiner's embarrassed expression. Turning a smile on Reiner's and Levi's face. Levi couldn't help but smile whenever Eren laughed or smiled. Even if it was because of someone else. Levi wished that one day Eren would be able to make him smile all day. Such a beautiful life we would live, but I can't daydream yet. I have to go back work.
A/N: there might be some smut in the next chapter. So I wanna know which would you rather have, a rival having a wet dream of Eren, or Eren being raped by Levi. Leave your choice in the comments.
Btw Levi's dad is gonna be in the next chapter
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