part 23
Bela was hell scared of the thought that raghav was missing. Tears made its way and now she was a crying mess. Mahir tried to console her but he himself was scared.
No matter what he say or call raghav . He was as important as sumi and bela for him. He loved him as his own son; as his own brother.
He tried to stay strong . Behir hurriedly came down and told sumi about raghav. She was also very much tensed.
Behir left for the place where raghav and his friends went for picnic. They reached within some minutes.
Mahir asked his other friends about what actually happened only to find that along with raghav maira was also missing.
Some of raghav's friends were saying that he might have ran away with maira but mahir knew that raghav cant do anything like that. While bela was standing totally clueless and was really tensed for both the kids.
Mahir made bela sit with raghav's friends totally ignoring her will to go with him and went in search of raghav.
Tears which he was controlling since long finally came out of his eyes.
He started searching for raghav after almost 15 mins he heard some weird sounds. He followed those sounds only to find raghav fighting with 2 people and maira tied with a tree.
Mahir was shocked to see their condition. Mahir immediately went to raghav and helped him in fighting those goons.
They freed maira and tied both the goons. Mahir hugged both of them. He Caressed raghav's cheeks and patted his back.
Trio came back and Bela hugged raghav and noticed that their were scratches on both raghav's and maira's body and blood was oozing from them. She made them sit and asked for the first aid box.
She treated their wounds and everyone left for home . They didn't talked much as the situation was tensed.
They rested for sometime. Maira was also with them as her parents were out of the town.
In Evening
"Bacha how did you both got hurt".
" Di... Actually.......
" Actually it was my mistake di i only wanted raghav to come with me for a walk and due to which we land in trouble. "
" No di actually what happened was we went for a walk and those two people were passing bad comments on maira and even tried to misbehave with her. They tied her and was going to do wrong. "
"I am proud of you young man " Mahir said while having tears of proud in his eyes.
Both bela and mahir hugged raghav for his bravery. He didn't cared about his life to save her honour. They felt really proud on him.
"Maira baby not everyone have 'mahir' or 'raghav' in their life; not everyone have any hero in their real life. You have to be so much strong that no one can even dare to keep a eye on you.
Dear now it's high time to show that ' softness is not weakness'. You are a girl and you are not weak. " Bela said with a stern and disgusting look for the people who try to dominate girls or try to misbehave with them.
"Jiju what about those two people"
" They are in jail . I had already informed the police before leaving that place. "
"Okay let 's have dinner everyone " Sumi called all of them.
They had their dinner chatting with each other.
At night on terrace.
"Today you did something which really made me proud of you Mr. Dowry"
"Thanks jiju. I remember you told me " A girl standing alone is not an opportunity but a responsibility "
. I remember you told me that a man is who help a women when she needs. He never degrades her and maira is my life how can I even let anyone touch her in wrong way ".
" I didn't knew that some day I will voice it out but today I say that "I love you Mr. Dowry".
" Aww. Jiju you are so cuteeee. I love you toooooo"
He tried to hug him but mahir said " You better stay away from me clumsy Mr. Dowry "
Bela was standing on a distance from them. "I love them " She murmured to herself.
.Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
Thanks for reading ❤.
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