Chapter 4
Yuri's POV
That night, I lay awake in my bed. Mari brought an air mattress into my bedroom for Hayami, so she was currently sleeping on the floor. She fell asleep fairly quickly, while I stayed up, staring at the ceiling. Something inside of me felt... unfinished. Empty. Like I was missing something. I couldn't figure out what it was.
I looked over at the sleeping Hayami. My mind wandered to our kiss. Did I like it? I thought so. Did I like Hayami? I thought that I did. But right now? Right now I thought of her... more as a friend. But that's love, right? Yuko had once said to me that a soulmate is your best friend. Was Hayami my soulmate? My heart thudded against my ribcage.
I closed my eyes, and fell asleep instantly. I suppose I was tired. As soon as I had drifted off, however, I started to dream.
I sat on the sofa waiting for Viktor to come home. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed, laughing at a few of Phichit's posts. "Yuri? Are you home?" Viktor's voice echoed throughout the strange house. It wasn't my house, but it was pretty.
"In here, Viktor!" I laughed. I could feel my pulse speed up when he walked into the room. His silver hair hung into his eyes, like silk made from the stars. His pale blue eyes sparkled like a clear mountain spring. His pale skin looked soft and smooth. I got up and walked over to him, leaning into his muscular form.
"I missed you, my little Katsudon." Viktor purred, his chest rumbling. I smiled, looking up at him. His eyes softened, and he leaned down, closer... closer... until our lips connected. They felt so smooth against my own, so comfortable. It was like they were made to fit on mine.
"Don't ever leave me, Viktor." I whispered softly. Viktor only smiled.
"I would never, Yuri. I love you." He stroked my hair.
That's when my eyes flew open. Hayami was no longer on the air mattress. I looked across the hall, and saw the bathroom door shut, light glowing behind it. She must be in the bathroom. I thought. Then I remembered my dream, and looked wildly around the room, to see Makkachin at the foot of my bed. Makkachin...? That dog only ever goes where Viktor does. Wait- VIKTOR. I turned to see Viktor sitting quietly at my desk.
I leapt up before I realized that I was in nothing but boxers and jumped back into my bed, my face turning a furious shade of red. "V-v-viktor what-?" I stammered.
He stood up and walked into the light. I gasped softly. He had gotten his natural skin tone back. He was no longer pale, and a bit of pink tinged his cheeks. His pale blue eyes sparkled like they had in my dream. They were no longer a dull gray. "Yuri... were you asleep?" Viktor asked softly, walking forward.
"Y-yes, why?" I asked curiously.
"Well... nevermind. It's not important." Viktor mumbled. I knew it was important. What had happened? Why was he even in here?
"Viktor? Are you alright?" I asked quietly.
"I'm fine, just..." Viktor looked at the air mattress. "Yeah. I'm great, Yuri. Thank you." Viktor said happily. I smiled at him, and his smiled back. "By the way, I like your boxers." He winked and walked out. My mouth gaped, and I flushed in embarrassment. Yep, the old Viktor was back for sure. I shook my head, making my hair fall into my eyes, and asked myself one question:
Why did he make my mouth dry and my heart beat faster when I saw how happy he was? I shivered. I still couldn't figure out the dream. What was wrong with me? How could I dream that? That was just... messed up. Viktor and I, we were the closest of friends. I couldn't like him, I had Hayami. I sighed. It was just a dream.
Viktor's POV
That night, I didn't sleep at all. I cuddled with Makkachin the whole night, watching him fall asleep. He snored softly in my ear. That made me feel slightly better. At least someone loved me. At about one in the morning, that's when I heard it. Talking. Coming from Yuri's room. I felt sick all over again.
I got up, and Makkachin followed me quietly to Yuri's room. It was as if he knew the importance of staying quiet this time. I opened the door slightly to see that Hayami was no longer there. She was in the bathroom. Taking a shower? I rolled my eyes at the sound of the water hitting the tub. Girls.
But if Hayami wasn't in Yuri's room, then who was he talking to? I peered in a bit farther this time to see Yuri talking in his sleep. An achy feeling consumed my chest. He was too adorable for his own good. I walked in and cracked the door. "I'm here, Viktor." Yuri's voice stopped me in my tracks. Was he... awake?
I walked closer and checked his pulse. No. He was deeply asleep. My heart thudded inside of my chest as he grabbed my hand. "Yuri..." I stroked his cheek.
Yuri started to lean up, his mouth slightly agape. His lips looked so pink... so kissable... "Don't tease, Yuri..." I whispered, forgetting that he was asleep. I took a deep breath, and then leaned down to meet him. Oh, how amazing it was. How soft his lips were. How perfectly they fit to mine.
I slowly drew back, my hand in his jet black hair. "Don't ever leave me, Viktor." Yuri mumbled.
My face grew warm, and a tear slipped out before I could stop it. "I would never, Yuri. I love you." I replied, warmth spreading throughout my body. I had always wanted this... he inhaled deeply. I gasped and ran into the shadows, hopefully I could hide until he went back to sleep. I cursed when I realized that Makkachin had gone to sleep at the end of Yuri's bed. I prayed he wouldn't notice.
"Mmmph." Yuri sat up and looked around the room after realizing that Hayami was no longer there. That was when he spotted Makkachin and gasped softly. He spun around and saw me, his mouth slightly open. I watched in amusement as he jumped out of bed, then realized that he was wearing nothing but boxers with little Makkachins on them. He jumped back in bed, his face extremely red, and he stammered, "V-v-viktor what-?"
I stood and walked closer to Yuri. "Yuri... were you asleep?" I asked, the feeling of his lips on mine still lingering.
"Y-yes, why?" He asked, a curious expression crossing his face.
"Well... nevermind. It's not important." I said quietly, and sighed. I half wished he was awake. If he was... I would know that Hayami was all an act, but for all I know, Yuri could have been dreaming about kissing Hayami, and just mumbling my name for some reason- I don't know, don't judge me.
"Viktor, are you alright?" Yuri asked. I looked at him. Alright? Alright? I just kissed Yuri Katsuki! I was in heaven!
"I'm fine, just..." I briefly glanced at the air mattress, thinking of how I got to kiss Yuri, not Hayami. "Yeah. I'm great, Yuri. Thank you." I grinned.
Yuri smiled back, and my heart pounded at the sight. "By the way, I like your boxers." I winked as I walked out, chuckling at Yuri's horrified expression. I loved that man.
Yuri's POV(one month later)
"Morning, sunshine!" Hayami smiled. I smiled back, and she hugged me. "Oops!" She backed up, giving me an apologetic glance once she realized she'd knocked the covers away from my mostly naked body on 'accident'. I rolled my eyes but smiled and got out of bed, slipping on some jeans and a t-shirt.
It turned out that Hayami planned on staying with us until something happened between us, which, according to her, wouldn't ever happen. I wanted to agree, but every time I did, I got a heavy, depressed feeling that restricted my breathing, and made my throat close up.
"Ready to ice skate?" Hayami asked, putting her hair up in a ponytail.
"I guess." I sighed and grabbed my ice skates and skin-tight black practice uniform that Viktor had gotten me. He claimed it looked 'sexy'. I had laughed, and agreed when I saw it. That had made him laugh, and we just kept cracking up. I smiled, thinking about the two of us just joking and laughing together. Like we used to. But now, Hayami was always there, and Viktor was always silent around her. He acted like he was afraid of her.
Hayami grabbed my free hand and we walked out, waiting for Viktor outside. He walked out seconds later and nodded briefly to us before walking on towards Ice Castle. "Yuri, why do you look so hot today?" Hayami exclaimed, her gaze flicking to Viktor briefly, but I had still noticed. Viktor stiffened, and walked faster still so he was directly in front of us.
"I... um..." I mumbled, blushing.
"You'll look even hotter in your skating uniform, you know." Hayami clung onto my arm and stuck out her foot so that I had to stop, then grabbed my color and kissed me on the lips, hard.
"Mmmph!" I tried to pull away, but Hayami held on tightly. "Hayami, would you m-mind n-not-"
"Can you make out later?" Viktor hissed, his blue eyes blazing with anger. My chest constricted, and I made a strangled noise. Viktor looked away, and the light hit his face so that I could see tears falling from glassy eyes.
Once we walked into Ice Castle, I waved hi to Yuko, my childhood friend. She waved back cheerily, earning her a glare from Hayami. Yuko only smirked. "Get changed as quickly as possible, and tell your girlfriend that she's not allowed to go into the boys' locker room this time." Viktor spat, stalking off in the direction of the ice rink.
"He's right, Hayami. Wait for me at the barrier with Viktor, okay?" I smiled lightly.
"Okay, babe. See you when you're all changed!" Hayami waved and skipped down to the barrier. I sighed, and changed, slipping on my skates. That was when I saw the note. It was on one of the blades.
It read:
Yuri, I won't have to say anything today, because today I just want you to skate the way that I make you feel. I have the music. -Viktor
The blood roared in my ears. Skate the way that he makes me feel?! How could I do that? How could I show that? I swallowed and closed my eyes. I can do this. Viktor believes in me.
I skated out onto the ice and waited for Viktor to play the music. We made eye contact for a few seconds before he reached over and hit play. My eyes widened when I recognized it as the duet version of 'Stay Close to Me'.
I let my body flow with the music, performing my very best. I skated softly, lightly, lovingly. I jumped with grace, and watched Viktor for a reaction. He wore his mask quite well. I skated faster and faster, going into a sit spin, and then a toe loop leading into a quadruple flip. Then, the music got slower, signaling its end. I skated to the center of the ice, panting, and posed as the song went off.
Hayami applauded happily, but I directed my attention towards Viktor. I skated over to him, waiting for his reaction. He remained completely still until I reached the barrier. "Yuri, that was beautiful." For the first time, I noticed that Viktor's eyes were glazed with tears. He brought his hands up to his face and covered his mouth, letting out short gasps.
"You inspired me." I replied simply. Viktor broke down and grabbed hold of me, hugging me tightly.
"Don't let go. Please." Viktor whispered in my ear. At that moment, a shock went through me, and my heart started to throb. I backed away but still held on to Viktor's shoulders, so that I could look at him. Because I had to know.
I had to know if I was right. If my heart beat for Viktor Nikiforov.
I hope to get the next chapter out soon! Thanks for reading and ooooo drama
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