Part 47 - Shock
Aditya and I ended up finalizing the deal and we began shooting today, I was pretty much exciting as this was something huge and I got to work with Adi too.
I also invited Arnav for the shoot in case he was free, although he dint promise he said he would try to come, I was sure he would come, he never disappointed me for anything.
Currently I was seated with Adi and Ananya on the set, Ananya was free so she decided to pay the both of us a visit at the set so we were seated together talking while the rest of the crew prepared for the shoot.
"So how is everything between you and Mr. Perfect?" Aditya smirked at me.
"I'll tell you how it is. 'Oh Arnav, yes baby, more please, oh my God, Yes, Yes.'" Ananya laughed making me blush, jeez did this girl have her ears glued to my room?
"Are you spying on me?" I laughed.
"I'm not but I swear you are too loud, I've never heard your moans before but since you started dating Arnav, it makes me sad that I don't have a boyfriend." She teased.
"Shut up." I blushed as I looked away. She was right though, Arnav was perfect in everything, he knew how to keep me happy, how to take care of me and how to satisfy my desires too, I couldn't have asked for anything better.
"You two should get married already." Aditya said.
"I don't know, I haven't thought about getting married yet, plus his family is really strange and I like how we are right now. I like it this way." I sighed.
"But dint you always want to find true love and settle down? Arnav is your true love, you've been so happy with him, what else do you need?" Ananya asked.
"Well that's true also but it's too soon to think about marriage and I'm sure when Arnav would want to get married he would propose, I'll think of it then, for now let us date and be happy."
"Sure, oh Arnav, yes Arnav." Ananya started with her teasing again, seriously I had no idea I was being so loud, but well in my defense, Arnav made me feel like that, I went crazy over him, literally.
"Excuse me ma'am, sir, we are ready for you." a lady walked to us and informed us, Aditya and I nodded as we stood up so we could start our shoot, Ananya said she would watch a couple shots then leave as she had to somewhere too and Arnav hadn't showed up yet.
Once we began the shoot, I saw him arriving at the venue and I just got excited, I knew he would never disappoint. Ananya was standing in one corner watching us so Arnav walked towards her greeted her as the both started discussing something.
After we took a couple of shots, I turned to look towards Ananya and Arnav, Ananya waved goodbye at me as she was leaving and Arnav kept standing there seriously, it looked like he was jealous of Aditya, it was cute.
The shoot went on for over an hour until we took break and all the while Arnav kept standing in the same position staring at me without moving, once I was free I walked towards him and greeted him with a tight hug.
"I'm so glad you came." I smiled.
"Me too." He smiled back as he broke the hug, his smile dint seem genuine though.
"Arnav you know Aditya and I are just friends right? You really don't have to worry about him baby." I cupped his face and looked him into the eyes, I mean I did somehow understand that he would be a little bit jealous but that was going to be it.
"Ma'am here are your costumes for the next shoot, we'll start in half an hour." The lady who had come to call us before walked back towards me once again as she handed me a couple of swim suits and bikinis.
I nodded as I took them from her and looked at Arnav, he was pretty silent today.
"Arnav, say something."
"I don't know what to say Khushi, I just came because you asked me to."
"What's wrong? Why do you sound like you are mad at me?" I asked, this time he looked at me very seriously, his eyes were pretty red and he seemed like he was really mad. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer as I crashed on his chest, his grip on my waist was tighter than usual, it wasn't hurting but I could just feel the difference.
"I am mad because you are Mine and I hate when any other guy dares to look at you or even touch you." He said.
"As much as I appreciate the jealousy, you know this is my work, I would be working with a lot of men Arnav." I tried to explain.
"Yeah, you are right. I'm sorry. Anyway go change, your next shoot is about to begin, you can talk to me after that, I'm not leaving yet." He smiled.
"Okay, are you sure you are going to be okay though?" I asked to which he nodded, so I walked away to change but before that, I told one of the crew members to arrange a chair for Arnav to sit on.
"Damn you look sexy." Aditya smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows when I walked out in the bikini I had to shoot in, he was there also dressed in his costume which was basically just a short, nothing else.
"Careful, my boyfriend is just around, I'll call him and he will punch you on the face." I laughed
"Kidding Khushi, now let's go finish today's shoot, I'm tired already and I have a date in the evening." He smirked.
"No way! With who?" I asked curiously.
"Just some girl I met, I'll tell you the details later." He said excitedly, I nodded as I grabbed a robe and covered myself with it. I was so happy from him, he was finally moving on, what could be better than that right?
The both of us headed towards the swimming pool area where we were supposed to shoot, as I walked there, I noticed Arnav seated in one place busy staring at his phone.
"Are you both ready?" The photographer asked, Aditya and I nodded, I looked at Arnav once again who had placed his phone aside and was now looking at me.
"We'll start with a few shots inside the pool then some outside when your body is wet and had all those water droplets, it would come out better that way, so now you both should get in." The photographer said, we both nodded and got rid of our robes as we got inside the swimming pool.
I kept hoping Arnav was going to be calm, the first shoot we had was just something casual, but this one in the swimming pool was a bit intense, I just hoped he was going to understand that it was just work.
"Okay Aditya, hold her by the waist and Khushi look into his eyes deeply." The photographer instructed, I nodded as I kept following his instructions, every time I'd get a chance I would look at Arnav who was just continuously staring at us, this time his face was completely blank so it was difficult to know what he was thinking.
I guess I shouldn't have invited him here, I just thought it was big for me and I wanted all the people close to me to be here, but maybe I made a wrong decision.
I just that that he was okay with me shooting me guys when I was working with his company so he was going to be okay now to, the only difference was that at that time we weren't dating.
Once we were done shooting in the pool, we stepped out and like the photographer said and started taking some more shots outside the pool.
"For the next shot, the photographer had put us in a really close position and I couldn't stop worrying on how Arnav was going to feel about it.
While the photographer was taking pictures out of nowhere I felt someone hold my hand and then next moment I saw Arnav pulling me up.
"Excuse us for a moment." He said as he pulled me along with him until we were in a place where no one else was.
"Arnav, you can't just pull me out of the shoot like that." I looked at him in disappointment, this was the last thing I was expecting him to do.
"I can't see this Khushi, don't you get it, it's hard for me to see you so close to another guy, you are mine just mine, I should be the one touching you like that." He looked at me angrily.
"It's my job Arnav, you know this had always been my job, I have to shoot with guys." I tried to explain.
"Then quit it, quit modelling. I have a huge company, I'm earning enough, you don't have to work."
"Why are you talking like your family members? I left my parents because I had to fulfil my dreams of becoming a model, now you want me to quit modeling suddenly? This isn't just work, it's my dream Arnav, you always understood that and you promised you would never tell me what to do and what not to do." I looked at him in shock, right now I couldn't even believe it was Arnav who was talking to me, it was like someone else was saying all this.
"Why don't you understand me Khushi, I can't see any other man touching you." He grabbed me by the shoulder and looked at me angrily.
"You are mine, you belong to me, I wouldn't let anyone even lay a finger on you, do you get that."
"Arnav... you are hurting me." I looked at him in shock, the way he was holding to me was hurting, and I don't even know why he was behaving this way suddenly, we were so perfect together, everything between us was before, why was he acting so possessive then?
This wasn't my Arnav, it could never be, he would never behave this way with me.
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