The same man in the black suit comes walking up to us. 'Madame president wants to see you two.' He says. 'okay.' I answer and pick up my tray. After throwing the leftover food away, Rye and I follow the man. While walking to who knows where, strands of hair fall in front of my face. Irritated I push them back behind my ear. I hear a chuckle next to me. I turn my head around and look at a grinning Rye. I give him a push, 'Oh stop it you.' He lays a hand on his shoulder and pretends to be hurt. I roll my eyes and turn back around.
The man opens a door in front of us, and walks through. We follow him in a quiet gesture. Colby is sitting in a black, metal chair. She spins around to us and smiles. 'Ms. Lavanchy. Mr. Underwood.' She greets us. 'Good evening, Mrs. President.' Rye says politely. 'Good evening.' I hum softly. Colby stands up and walks over to us. 'Please, call me Colby.' Rye nods and smiles, while I still show off a slight frown. Colby looks over to me. 'Now. Now.' She laughs. 'No need to frown.' I grow pissed and have to do my best not to attack her. She thinks I fall for her sweet act? Well, she may have Rye in her hands, but definitely not me. I just go straight to the point and ask, 'why are we here, and what do you want with us? Oh, and where are our friends?' I ask, trying to be as polite as possible. She raises her eyebrows and her smile is gone. 'Well then, come with me.' I sigh. How many people do we need to follow? I don't like it here, at all. I just want to be with my friends, and let myself decide what I do. All those rules, it's just too much. She walks over to a couple of computer screens, with people in individual clothes behind them. 'Mr. Efant, would you do us the pleasure and show Ms. Lavanchy and Mr. Underwood over here, our recordings of camera 17 from the CISC?' She asks a man behind a computer scream, in a sick polite way. He nods and smiles, 'Of course, Mrs. President.' He answers.
With a special looking pad, he moves his finger over it and points at the screen. He double clicks on a special map and a wide black program opens. Rye and I watch as the black screen changes in colours and shows us a figure. A lady is sitting at a desk, she has chestnut hair, and is looking rather old. I guess, in her mid-forties. 'This is Mrs. Hughes, she works as a spy, at the Chestwood Office.' Colby tells us. My eyes grow wide. 'You have spies in there?' I ask Colby. She nods. 'You look shocked, it must be because of something. Is one of your loved ones there?' I nod and try not to think about Lashell. 'Yeah, my sister, mind sister.'
'Maybe does Mrs. Hughes know something. She's the one that makes contact with the captured Minders.' Colby answers. I feel myself grow curious, what does she know? 'That'd be perfect.' I say. She smiles and discusses some things with the same man who let us see the camera recording. I see Colby check some things on the screen, and whispers something into the man's ear. He nods and writes something down. I have no clue about what, but it must be not important. Nothing is more important than my own sister. 'Mrs. Hughes? Are you there? Can you hear me?' Colby asks, speaking into an intercom. The screen changes, and now we see the lady up close. I study the woman's face. She has bright eyes, thin lips, high cheekbones and a tad of freckles.
'Good evening Colby.' She greets her, with a smile. 'What is it, is something wrong?' Colby shakes her head. 'No, I just have these two polite children with me.' And she gestures to us. I just wave my hand. 'They want to know the conditions of Ms. Lashell Lavanchy.' What? How does she know her? I question myself with thousands of thoughts. But nothing seems to come out. No conclusion, no reason. 'Ah.' Hughes sighs. 'I just spoke with her this afternoon.' My eyes grow, how can that be? I speak up, 'Excuse me, but how do you guys know her? And Colby, how did you know she was my Mind Sister?'
'Well,' Hughes starts. 'You guys do have the same last name, and she told me about you.'
'She told you about me?' I ask.
'Yes, even showed her little bits of recordings.' She answers. Wait, does this mean she really is alive? A smile breaks off of my face, and am ready to ask the next question. But suddenly Hughes face shows panic. 'I got to go. Office workers are checking up on me.' And with that final sentence, the screen turns black again. I close my eyes and inhale. That was so much information. But at least I now know: Lashell is alive. Maybe not well, but she is alive. And that's all I need to know right now.
'You okay?' A hand is softly put on my shoulder, and is rubbing a secret spot. I instantly relax. Only one person knows my secret spot, Rye. I turn around and open my eyes. 'Yeah...' I sigh. The corner of his lips shoot up, and he grabs my hand. From the corner of my eye, I spot Colby. I turn to her, 'Anyways, how did you know she was my mind sister?' I ask her suspiciously. 'Oh I heard it from Dia, Mrs. Hughes. She told me everything about you guys. That girl, Lashell, she's special. Just like you, only you don't know it yet.' She says mysteriously. I narrow my eyes and hum.
She turns toward the man in the suit, 'Could you please escort Ms. Lavanchy and Mr. Underwood to their room?' He nods and turns around to walk out the door. 'Oh and Maysley.' I turn around, with questioned face. 'Don't worry about your sister too much. She's in a safe place, we'll be sure of that.' I nod and follow Rye and the man.
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