Note: I might have gotten a little carried away with the prologue...
Terracotta: A LITTLE?!?!*holds up 500 pages (please don't stop reading this because I said it was 500 pages... That might have been a bit of an exaggeration.)*
Me: Hehe....
So now I'm making it into 2 parts X3
Enjoy my lovely readers <3
Queen Irisjus raced through the green grove-stone hallways of her castle. Her talons hit the once beautiful paved floor, which now lay in cracks and ruins. The bridge that joined the main part of the castle to the private quarters stood before her. It's sparkling glass dome that had surrounded it was non-existant and part of the stone bridge itself was missing.
The queen peered down at the sack around her neck that held her newborn dragonet, the tiny purple eyes were darting about, taking the destruction and desolation in. Half of the main castle was caved in from the attack, and part of the forest had already burnt down. The MorphWings' attack had been unexpected and deadly, taking down the queen's tribe, the MindWings, from the inside.
The MorphWings can morph into anything that they see, and download the complete object from looking at it. Then they can turn into it, in this case, they turned into MindWings and hid in the tribe until the time of the attack, luckily they couldn't use the MindWing powers on the real MindWings, for real MindWings are immune to their own skills and secrets. So instead, after hiding for so long, armies of MorphWings came from their own land to attack and the ones inside hiding as MindWings morphed into their own forms and attacked every MindWing they could, killing them off one by one. What do they want? Rule over us? Land? What could they possibly want from us? We didn't do anything to hurt them! We are a peaceful tribe!
Queen Irisjus held back a sob, their beautiful world was being destroyed. The beautiful waterfalls and plants that had lived and thrived in their land were gone, and nothing but fire and dead bodies of both MindWings and MorphWings lay in their place.
The private quarters ahead of the queen was still standing, mostly. A few dents and hole here and there, but nothing compared to the castle behind her. A ball of fire from one of the MorphWings in battle (MorphWings can shoot deadly balls of fire) came shooting towards her and she ducked, it barely missed her, hitting the grove-stone wall next to her and making it crumble into dust.
She gazed around, there were few dragons still battling, they were mostly MorphWings, the MindWings were losing, being killed off. We have to go.
Taking in a deep breath of sulfury, smoky air, she raced across the bridge spreading her large green wings to glide over the broken, empty spaces of nothing. She coughed in the smoke, more dragons were dying at that very moment, was she doing the right thing? Meeting up with her mate in their old fountain room to save their daughter? Was it cruel to let her tribe die, after all of their hard work to survive in peace?
No, she needed to save her daughter, and then she could rebuild the tribe with whoever remained after they defeated the MorphWings... If they even could defeat them. She reached the other side of the bridge with a thump and a small wail from the tiny dragonet.
"Shh, it'll be alright," Irisjus soothed, her talon placed on the dragonet's snout calmingly. "We just have to make it through this place and find daddy, then we can hide until they leave and rebuild the tribe and the land. It will take time, but you will eventually see our world like it was a week ago, lush, green and beautiful."
There was a huge shake in the ground at that very moment as the MorphWings started to attack the private quarters. A fireball from their catapult hit one of the top towers and made it tumble over and fall all of the way to the ground, bouncing on the rooftops as it went.
The MindWing queen took her chance, running through the entrance and up a flight of stairs. Her legs moved faster than ever before, she had to get to King Marhak before- well, before the palace tumbled down onto them both.
The glowing flowers that lit up the hallways were wilted and drooped, only letting off a very faint bit of light leaving Queen Irisjus in almost darkness. She knew the palace well though, she turned this way and that before she came to a long hallway that was uncrushed. Another shake in the ground told her to move even quicker if she was to survive. Irisjus' legs started like a motor, taking her through the hallway and to the double doors that ended it.
He was through those doors, her mate, the dragonet's father. That didn't slow the queen down one bit, she burst through the doors, her eyes gleaming, but to her stunned horror, she only found blood.
It left a trail from the dried up fountain's edge in the center of the room to the left side, where laying there was Marhak, his body covered in blood and his wing partly ripped off.
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