Chapter 9: Singing Jaguar
Milo couldn't understand where he was, the house he was in was unfamiliar. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows against the old, tattered furniture that was scattered around the room. The walls were a washed out gray, as if all color had been drained from the room. The only sound that could be heard was the soft creaking of floorboards as Milo shifted his weight.
Where am I? I have never been in this place before?
Milo looked down at his hands, focusing on them, they began to glow softly to his sight.
It is a dream. I'm dreaming.
Milo thought as he looked away from his hands and began to take note of his surroundings. Milo had been practicing lucid dreaming since he was nine years old and was plagued with nightmares. He had learned to take control of his dreams even waking himself up when the nightmares became too much to handle. Silent Hawk had helped him learn how to control the dreamworld and he sent a silent prayer of gratitude to him now.
But why now, why am I here? What am I supposed to learn?
Suddenly Milo heard a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere.
You cannot save them both. You must make a choice. The voice was filled with malice, causing Milo to shudder at the words.
Suddenly the room was filled with a warm golden light, Milo saw the figure of an Taino Warrior standing in the light. He walked towards Milo and smiled.
Natalia had woken up and was sitting at the kitchen table, she had made a cup of tea and was quietly sitting there hoping not to wake Milo since it was only 2am and she knew he would be up at 5am to feed the animals. As she was sipping her tea, she heard footsteps, looking up she was Milo enter the kitchen. His movements slow and precise as if he was much older than his 17 yrs. He looked at her and she saw that his pupils were dilated.
"Mijo?" She said gently, she could tell that he was in the state of possession and she needed to be careful. Why had the muertos taken him?
"Natali, mi caballita, hace mucho tiempo que no te veo," Milo said looking at her. "No me conoces."
Natalia stood up slowly and looked at Milo.
"Singing Jaguar? Why have you taken my son?" Natalia stood up trying to be brave, although she was trembling inside. Singing Jaguar was her principal spirit guide, she had renounced him when she turned her back on her heritage. Now he was here and in possession of Milo.
"Natali, it is time, The Blood Tiger has returned and the Princess is here. The twin of his soul has found her way to him. You turned away from your burden and now he must stand in your place. He must know and you must tell him." Milo reached out his hand and touched his mother's face.
"We would have been there for you Caballita, to help you face this burden. Now we will be there for him, he will not be alone." Milo dropped his hand and sat down at the table. Milo released a shudder breath and Natalia seem to hear the distant roar of a jaquar. Milo opened his eyes and looked around confused.
"Mama? Why am I here? What happened?" Milo said softly.
"Calmate, mijo. Everything is alright." Natalia said pouring Milo a cup of tea and sitting it in front of him.
"Mijo, can you tell me about Adriana?" Natalia said softly.
"Yes, Mama. She is an extremely talented clairvoyant. Her mother's family is descended from the Taino like us. She has a very powerful spirit guide a blood..."
"Tigre de Sangre." Natalia finished Milo's words. Milo looked at his mother confused.
"How did you know?" Milo said.
"Milo, tonight you were possessed by a spirit that I thought I would never see again. Singing Jaquar, my principal spirit guide. I renounced him when I turned my back on the muertos. But that is not the whole story. " Natalia looked down at her hands which were trembling. Milo reached across the table and took her hands in his.
"Mama, don't be afraid, whatever it is we will face it together." Milo said calmly.
"Mijito, you know that Abuela Mirena told you that we are descended from the Taino people," Natalia said quietly. "We are Taino, but we are descended from the royal line."
Milo looked at his mother in disbelief. He was about to say something but she continued.
"250 years ago there were 2 sisters, daughters of a great Taino chief named Sky Eagle. He loved his daughters and cared for them completely. When it came time for his daughters to marry, each was promised to the two fiercest warriors in the tribe. They were also brothers and sons of Sky Eagle's most trusted advisor, the Shaman Tigre de Sangre. The 2 daughters married and were very happy with their husbands and the tribe lived in peace. But then Sky Eagle suddenly became ill and nothing the Tigre De Sangre did could save him.
Tigre went into the wilderness to seek answers and after 15 days he returned weak and feverish, hoarse from singing the sacred songs and crying out for a vision. Atabey the Mother Goddess told Tigre that Sky Eagle's time had come and she would take him to her soon. She also told him that White Feather, the chief's oldest daughter, would be wife to the next chief and so White Feather's husband Dancing Fox became chief of the tribe on the death of Sky Eagle."
"So Mama, Elena Santiago's spirit guide is the Shaman of your story?" Milo said quietly.
Yes, but there is more. The tribe was in mourning but out of the sorrow came joy as White feather was found to be with child. Her sister Falling leaf was filled with joy for White Feather and stayed by her side until the time of her delivery. On a stormy night, White Feather delivered 2 healthy boys with the help of Tigre de Sangre and Falling Leaf. It should have been a joyous time but it was then that Tigre spoke the other part of Atabey's warning. White Feather could not keep both children. One child would be given to her sister and, Singing Jaguar, her husband. They would leave the tribe that very night. The brothers would be parted and never know of each other. Singing Jaguar would raise the child as his own in the wilderness outside of the tribe.
White Feather listened and with tears in her eyes, she gave one of her sons to her beloved sister. With heavy hearts, the sisters looked upon each other one last time and then parted. Singing Jaguar took his wife and their newborn son into the wilderness that very night. White Feather and Dancing Fox mourned the passing of Sky Eagle and did their best to hide the grief of losing their other son. They had faith that Atabey has a reason for doing what she did and they prayed the Earth mother would protect their child." Natalia paused for a moment.
"Singing Jaguar, isn't that the spirit that just possessed me?" Milo said jumping up from his seat.
"You said that he was your spirit guide before you renounced your gifts."
"Yes, Singing Jaguar was my spirit guide but he was also the foster father of White Feather's second born son, raised by Falling Leaf and Singing Jaguar outside of the tribe. You are descended from that second son Milo. His name was Silent Hawk, he is your 6 times great grandfather." Natalia stopped and let her words sink in.
"Silent Hawk is the name of one of my guides, is he the..." Milo words trailed off into silence.
"Yes, Mijito. They are the same." Natalia said looking up at Milo.
"But why didn't anyone tell me? Why did Silent Hawk not show this to me?" Milo said in disbelief.
"There is more to Atabey's words that have been passed down in our family for generations.
Hear now the words of Atabey.
The soul once whole will become half.
The sons once joined will be parted.
The people once united will be split.
The Blood Tiger will guard the throne.
The Singing Jaguar will raise the Hawk.
Until the two come again to the land of the grandfathers.
Adriana is descended from White Feather's other son Jumping Wolf, you two are related."
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