Chapter 10: Shared History
Milo sat outside on the porch and watched the sun come up. He had helped his mother back to bed but couldn't sleep himself. So many questions were running around in his head. Adriana was a part of his family; part of him had felt the connection to her even the day they met. As he sat watching the sun rise he heard a voice singing the greeting of the sun. He looked out into the yard to see Silent hawk dancing the ritual steps to greet the new day. Before he could stop himself, he joined Silent Hawk in the dance, singing the words of greeting in the ancient Taino language.
Greetings little horse Silent Hawk's greeting came to Milo as he danced the ancient steps and sung the ancient words. The sun made its climb into the sky as Milo finished the ritual words. He stood there with his face turned up to the sky, eyes closed appreciating the warmth of the morning sun.
Greeting honored chief or should I call you grandfather? Milo thought as he turned to look at Silent Hawk. The old indian's eyes were serious.
I am sorry Guakarin, I know that I should have told you of our connection but it was not time yet for you to know. Silent Hawk said as he began to walk towards the barn, knowing Milo would soon have to feed the animals.
Milo thought about Silent Hawk using the word Guakarin, a word spoken by proud Taino grandfathers, when referring to their grandsons. The word in ancient Taino carried shadings of respect and pride in the family' lineage. It also carried sentiments of family responsibilty and duty.
Grandfather, I am sorry that you had to grow up without the love of your brother, I hope that we can reunite the two families and bring you and Jumping Wolf peace. Milo thought looking at the proud spirit of the Indian chief.
It will be a long road Milo, you and Adriana were meant to do great things. I will walk with you on this path, little horse. May Atabey guide you. Silent Hawk faded as a light breeze blew across the pasture.
Milo entered school with a lot on his mind. Jose walked up to him smiling, as he got closer he became concerned.
"Milo, pa, what's wrong?" Jose said taking Milo's hand.
"Hey querido," Milo said smiling at Jose. "Just a lot on my mind, I will tell you about it but I don't want to talk about it at school. Can you hang out today?" Milo said as they walked to class.
Jose smiled at the boy he had always loved and said. "Absolutely."
Milo looked at Jose and smiled, then his attention shifted to look over Jose's left shoulder. He looked back at Jose and really took a look at his friend. It had only been a few days since Santiago had broken his heart but the boy who stood before him was confident and even had a little swagger. Jose had known Milo long enough to know he had seen something.
"What did you see?" Jose said whispering to Milo.
"Tell me, have you felt any different these past few days?" Milo said stopping at the entrance of the classroom.
"Well, yes. I feel... I feel more confident, even powerful. Does that make sense?" Jose said struggling to express himself.
"Yes, querido, it does. You seem to have picked up another spirit for your court. A gypsy prince, he is quite powerful and that confident you feel is him. Campanita de Plata has taken a liking to him. They are now both protecting you." Milo said smiling at Jose.
"Wow, a gypsy prince." Jose said shaking his head.
Milo grabbed his arm and pulled him into the class. "Come on querido, before we are late for class."
The 2 boys sat down in the back where Diego and Adriana were already waiting.
"Hey you two, glad you could join us." Diego said smiling.
"Hey Adriana, Diego. How's your day going." Jose said slapping Diego on his back.
"Not as good as yours," Adriana said smiling. "A gypsy prince huh?"
Jose did a double take as Milo began laughing.
"Yes, Jose, she can see him too." Milo said sitting down next to Jose. Jose sat down and whispered to Milo.
"I hope this will be part of the things you have to tell me this afternoon." he said looking at Milo.
Milo looked over at Adriana and Diego. "Could you guys come to the farm and hang out today? I got some thing to talk over with your guys."
"Sure." Diego and Adriana said in unison.
Jose passed out the pastelios that Milo's mother had packed and the maltas. Adriana and Diego were sitting together in the shade of the Palo Santo trees, Diego had his back against the tree trunk with Adriana leaning back against him. Diego had his arm casually draped around her. Jose smiled, it seemed that he was not the only one who had found someone worthy of his love.
Milo sat crossed legged on the grass, with his eyes closed and his face turned up to the sun. Jose sat down next to Milo and handed him a pastelio.
"Thank you querido," Milo said taking a bite of the savory pastry.
"So Milo, tell us what has you so preoccupied?" Jose said turning to his friend.
"Adriana, what do you know about your Taino ancestry?" Milo said looking over at Adriana. Adriana sat up and thought for a second.
"My mother always told us that we were descended from the great chief Sky Eagle through his first daughter White feather. Sky Eagle had two daughters but the younger daughter Falling Leaf left the tribe with her husband Singing Jaguar and never returned. The histories of my family never speak of why they left or what became of them. This has been passed down from mother to daughter for centuries. Why do you ask?" Adriana said looking at Milo.
"Your mother's principal guide is the Blood Tiger, the shaman of the tribe, it was he that assisted with Falling leaf at the birth of White Feather's two sons." Milo said quietly.
"Milo, you must be mistaken, it was only one child. Jumping Wolf was the son of White Feather and Dancing Fox. He became chief of the tribe and it is he who my family descends from." Adriana said shaking her head.
"No Adriana, on that night White Feather gave birth to twin boys and the second child was given into the care of Falling Leaf and her husband Singing Jaguar who took him and left the tribe that very night to fulfill the will of Atabey. The child's name was Silent Hank and he is my ancestor - my 6th great grandfather." Milo said looking out over the pasture. In that moment he felt the spiritual energies shift around him and looking up he saw Silent Hawk standing by the pasture fence.
Adriana saw him as well and looked at Milo. Diego and Jose realized that something significant was happening and so they remained silent. Adriana was about to say something when she caught sight of a wolf frolicling in the pasture, she thought to herself, why aren't the cows afraid and then she realized the wolf was a spirit. As she had this realization the wolf looked up and caught her eye. Running towards her it bounded over the pasture fence as sat near Silent Hawk. In a moment the figure transformed into a Taino indian Chief. Silver hair cascaded down his shoulders and his vibrant regalia glistened in the sunlight. His eyes held a deep sense of empathy and were marked with the sorrowful history and struggles of the Taino people.
Jumping wolf walked over to Silent Hawk, they embraced for a moment before the deep bass of Jumping Wolf's voice could be heard echoing in Adriana and Milo's mind.
"Greeting Brother, at last the other half of my soul has returned." Jumping wolf said smiling.
"It is good to be whole and to greet the other half of my heart." Silent Hawk said returning the smile. The two indian spirits then turned their attention to Adriana and Milo.
"Greetings blood of our blood." Jumping wolf and Silent Hawk said in unison.
Milo stood up and pulled Adriana up with him. "Greetings honored grandfathers." Milo said quietly. Jose went over and sat by Diego.
"What is happening right now?" He said quietly to Diego.
"I think Milo and Adriana are speaking to their ancestors and I think they are somehow related." Diego said quietly.
At the same time Silent Hawk and Jumping Wolf looked over at two boys as they were speaking. Then looking at each other they smiled and nodded.
Suddenly Jose saw a shimmer like the sunlight that reflected off the grass when it was wet with the morning dew, the shimmer intensified and then became the apparition of 2 Taino indian chiefs standing by the pasture fence.
"Diego, Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Jose said his eye wide in disbelief.
"If you are seeing 2 indian chiefs that just appeared out of nowhere, then yes I'm seeing what you are seeing." Diego said softly.
"Guys, meet my grandfather and uncle, Silent Hawk and Jumping Wolf." Milo said smiling.
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