Chapter 4-The Kiss
Rory woke up tied to a chair, she blinked a few times to let her eyes adjust, when they did she saw Elijah tied to the ceiling in front of her.
"Rory, Are you alright?" he asked
"I think so, are you?"
"For now"
"Can you get free?"
"The ropes are coated in vervain" he said looking up at his wrists which were red raw.
Rory tried to free herself with her magic but as she moved her wrists she hissed in pain, she looked down to see hers wrists looked the exact same as Elijah's.
"So this is what Vervain feels like"
"I'll get us out of here, I promise"
"I know"
"Oh I don't know If you'll be able to fulfil that promise"
"You werewolves are getting crazier by the generation" said Elijah
The women cam into Rory's view, she walked over to Elijah and punched him in the stomach making him grunt in pain and Rory tried not to react or they would make it worse just to torture Elijah or her.
"What do you want?" asked Rory
"I want this original out of my town"
"Well there's another one on the way so I wouldn't hold your breath" said Rory
"What are you talking about?"
"Klaus, he is coming to Mystic Falls"
Rory stayed silent
The women punched Elijah in the face and he growled in pain. Rory felt like she was being punched and screamed a little.
"What is going on here?" asked the women
"No idea"
The women went to punch Elijah again but was interrupted.
"I really don't know, all I know is if you hurt him you hurt me, I don't know why"
"Why is Klaus coming here?"
"The doppelgänger is here, he wants his curse lifted"
The women's eyes went wide and she left the room.
"I'm sorry"
"It's okay"
"Are you okay?"
"I will be"
"Your brother really knows how to pick his enemies"
"Yes he does"
The next thing Rory knew was the sheriff was walking into the room, she came into her view.
"Sheriff Forbes?"
"I know you?"
"Aurora Gilbert, Elena's sister"
"Hey, would ya mind?"
The Sheriff untied Rory but the second she was free Rory punched The sheriff out cold.
"Sorry Liz" said Rory before running over to untie Elijah.
She untied his hands and he dropped to his knees, Rory knelt down beside him.
"Your not strong enough to get us out of here, are you?"
Elijah looked at Rory with a sympathetic look, Rory sighed.
"How much control do you have?"
"My blood..."
"I'm not seeing another choice here Elijah"
"I'm not going to do to you what Damon did"
"Damon did it with out my permission, I'm giving it to you" she said looking him in the eyes.
"Please don't argue with me and try not to kill me" she said pulling up her sleeve revealing her arm and holding it out for him.
Elijah took a deep breath and bit into her arm as she winced in pain, but it wasn't as painful as it was with Damon.
Seconds later he pulled away and Rory helped him up.
"You good?"
"Better, lets get out of here"
Elijah and Rory walked out of the room and saw two humans standing guard, Elijah sped towards them and ripped out their hearts, Rory was a little shocked but it didn't really bother her, Elijah held out his blood covered hand, Rory took it and they walked out out of the building together.
When they walked outside they saw the Salvatore brothers and the martin witches fighting off about ten werewolves and a couple humans.
"Rory go"
"I'm not leaving you here Elijah"
"You have too"
"No, I'm not leaving you"
Rory took a few steps forward and closed her eyes, she raised her hands out in front of her and all the werewolves and the humans burst into flames. The Martin Witches and the Salvatore's turned to look at Rory, they stared at her in shock.
Rory opened her eyes and the flames subsided before she passed out but she didn't feel the ground, rather she felt the arms of Elijah. He picked her up and asked the others to take care of the bodies before speeding away.
Hours later Rory woke up in her bed, she tried to sit up but winced in pain.
"How are you feeling?"
Rory looked up to see Elijah, he was in a fresh suit and he didn't look so beat up as he did before.
"Like hell, You?"
Elijah chuckled and said "Better thanks to you, I don't think I would've gotten out of there if it wasn't for you, so thank you"
"No problem" said Rory as she tried to sit up but her stomach was painful.
She pulled up her shirt to see a big bruise in the same place where Elijah was punched, she reached up to feel her eye and sure enough it was swollen.
"Here" said Elijah as he undid his cuffs and took the glass off Rory's nightstand, he bit into his wrist and let it drop into the glass. "This should help"
Rory took the glass and drank the blood "Thanks"
Elijah reached up and used his thumb to wipe away some blood from her lip. Rory looked at him and smiled as he did. He used his other hand and put a few stray hairs behind her ear before he leaned in a little, Rory also leaned in until they were inches from each other, After a few seconds they leaned in and their lips connected.
They pulled away seconds later and smiled at each other.
"This is for you" he said holding up a necklace.
"Elijah its beautiful, but why?"
"It is enchanted, you cant be compelled and it also had a protection charm so you won't get hurt if I do. I still have to figure that out"
"Thank you...did you get hurt when you bit me?"
"It defiantly stung"
"So its a two way thing?"
"It would seem so" Elijah's phone pinged and he sighed "I have to go"
"Don't be a stranger" said Rory with a smile as she put on the necklace
"I won't" he said as he leaned in for another kiss, this one last a little longer.
When they pulled apart they smiled at each other, Rory watched as he walked over to her window and jumped down, Rory walked over to the window and they smiled at each together before he sped away.
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