2: Vergo sauce
Hi guys it's me, Daysoko. A little FYI, Pandagirl106 and I are writing this together so this chapter is written by her! But I did edit it, so my apologies to panda if some lines are not the same.
Vergo's P.O.V.
We had been studying since 10:30 and Rue was clearly frustrated with me." How do you do it?!" She burst, breaking the silence
"Do what?!" I asked.
"Not worry about the future?! Like just how?!" She blurted.
"Simple, I just don't care. Now how do you do it?" I questioned.
"What?" She said.
"You know, get good grades, just being you in general seems hard." I gushed.
"It is hard, thank you very much,". And it's because I actually care." She grumbled. Then she sighed,"I envy you, you can just walk about....not worrying about the future. You're so lucky!"
"Seriously?" I asked,"I envy you! You know what you're going to do when you're older!" She smiled.
"Thanks that's really nice, now this problem is simple, x+y+38=120
Tell me what x and y are together?" She questioned.
"82" I said, "That's easy."
"And 82/2 is?" She said with a smile.
" 41." I said, rolling my eyes."41! Oh my god! Rue I did it!" I jumped up and hugged her. She laughed and hugged me back.
"I knew you had it in you!" She whispered,"now please get off, I can't breathe."
"Oh I'm sorry!" I said, jumping back.
"Girls!" Dad called from downstairs, it was already 3:30."Start packing we're leaving early in the morning!" He said. Hurriedly, we left our desk and went to our sides of the room. I packed quickly and when we were done, we ran down stairs and ate dinner.
After dinner we came up the stairs and got into pajama's. We brushed our teeth. Then we got into bed. Rue turned off her light and I turned off mine."G'night kangarue." I said through yawn.
"Good night Vergo sauce." She whispered,"what?" I asked."nothing." She giggled.
Wasn't it Verole sauce? Whatever.
We had loaded up early this morning and we were now seated in the car.
"Where are we going" I asked.
"You'll see soon enough." Mom answered.
But unfortunately, we would never know where were going, because we would never even get there.
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