05:07 A.M.
"When you smile like that it means you're waiting to tell me a terrible joke."
"Not true."
"Oh yeah? So why are you smiling like that?"
"Okay, so, I do have a joke -"
"But it's not terrible!"
"Well, I don't want to hear it either way. Now leave me alone. I have to finish this essay and what are you even doing here? Don't you have a lecture?"
"It's four in the morning mate. When's the last time you slept?"
"Going on about twenty-nine hours now but I think I've been in this library for - oh - a good eleven years? I don't know, I need to finish this essay, time has become an illusion. Then again, time is an allusion - no - wait, illusion."
"It's a good joke, c'mon!"
"In case you failed to notice, Micah, this is a library not a comedy club. Go tell your terrible joke to Aarav."
"Aarav has no sense of humour. It's honestly worrying. In the two years I've known him, I have never heard him laugh. Never. I...I don't think he has a soul."
"He wouldn't because souls don't exist."
"You're a depressing man, Sol."
"How am I depressing?"
"How can you not believe in the soul?"
"How can you is the better question here. We already know everything that makes the human body and the soul is no where on that list. Doctors can't prescribe medicine or treatments or even perform surgery for the soul. As always its people's fear of the unknown that propels to create mythical energies like the soul to explain death."
"Not everything needs proof y'know."
"You're not a fan of proof now? Doesn't your entire degree hinge on proof?
"No, I mean...I mean the soul is - it doesn't exist in a tangible form --"
"Because it doesn't exist at all --"
"Because it exists on another plane. Like how Plato says there are three levels of reality. The first level is made of forms, pictures, paintings, they're copies of copies. The second level is the world we live in, what we see and feel but we're still far removed from the true forms - and that's the third level, the forms that's intangible and unimaginable to us. That's where the soul exists."
"You can talk about magical worlds where souls and....fairies exist but until we have a way of reaching even showing some indication this world exists its all hearsay and superstition. Micah, the soul's lack of evidence is proof itself it doesn't exist."
"Yeah the soul can't be weighed, touched or measured but using scientific methods for the spiritual is futile. Scientific theory is proved by scientific methods in the same way spiritual theory needs spiritual methods."
"That sounds stupid. Micah, I'm too tired for this shit right now. Piss off."
"....fuck sake. You're a dick you know that?"
"Tell me. Tell me the stupid joke. Quickly before I change my mind."
"C, E-flat, and G walk into a bar. The bartender shows them the door and says, sorry, we don't serve minors."
"Terrible. That was terrible."
"How can you not laugh? You have no soul - oh my God - will you calm down with the energy drinks? You're gonna be pissing out of your arse at this rate."
"Shush. Let me - let me do my essay. It's due in exactly five hours so - shut up."
"Well I finished my coursework so I'm gonna go sleep on the sofas downstairs because I can't let you go back home in this sleep-deprived state of yours. Come find me when you're done."
"Brilliant. Night."
"It's actually morning. The sun is rising in about an hour."
"Don't work too hard, Sol."
"Only way to work, Micah."
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