04:00 A.M
"Can you feel it?"
"Feel what?"
"The universe. I can feel the earth turning."
"It's too cold to feel anything right now."
"You're always cold."
"You're always high."
"No, I'm not."
"Micah...you're high right now."
"So I had a little weed to take the edge off, shoot me, that party was lame."
"Yes it was. You seem to have a penchant for dragging me to lame parties."
"I'm sorry what? I dragged you? I mentioned it once last week and you said it was lame and quote "would rather eat your own ball sack than go" then yesterday when I said Sia was coming, you suddenly decided to invite yourself."
"I didn't invite myself. Alfie invited me."
"You've known Alfie for all of twenty seconds why – oh why – would he invite you, Sol?"
"Don't ask questions."
"Don't blaspheme."
"Don't blas–you don't even believe in God."
"The idea of an unconfirmed, invisible, omniscient, supernatural judge that refuses to reveal itself, leaves no evidence and eternally punishes those who aren't convinced in them is a ridiculous idea. I need more than a two-thousand-year old book made up of fairy tales to convince with this mighty claim."
"But why wouldn't you believe in God?"
"The better question, Micah, isn't why wouldn't you but.... why would you? There's a different version of each story in the bible and each story is based in a persuasive element of nothing more than 'trust me, trust me." Why should I trust it? Why should I trust the words written by an old man two thousand years ago? Stars have died, stars have been born in that period. Worlds have been destroyed, man has become the dominant creature, we've walked the moon. What can this ancient man from two-thousand-years ago do for me that I can't already do for myself?"
"Faith isn't about persuasion though, Sol, it's about belief."
"Persuasion and belief are the same thing, Micah. Why believe in something that has no proof?"
"You don't understand. The reason many people believe in God is because it gives them hope. The life after is more promising that the life now."
"So...So it's comforting self-delusion then?"
"Not really –"
"It sounds pretty fucked up to go through life thinking 'things will be better when I'm dead''. Some mythical deity isn't going to do that for you. There's no prize in the afterlife to make this life more comforting or reasonable. This is all we have."
"That's not enough. I want more."
"Greed will be your downfall, Micah."
"Then let me fall."
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