Ep. 7 ~ It's time to talk.
Jungkook's Pov:
I knock on his door. I know his parents aren't home, so I know it's okay to knock at 2 am. A sleepy Jimin opens the door, squinting at me. "Jungkook? What are you doing here? It's two in the morning~."
I step in, not really thinking about him inviting me in. We know each other to well to wait for that bull crap. "Hyung, we need to talk about what you said the other day. We haven't talked since and it's been eating at me."
He sighs, walking into his kitchen, grabbing a cup of water. "Alright sit." I sit at the island in the middle of his kitchen and he follows. "So, I have a few questions." He sighs and nods. "I knew you would, I'm ready to answer if you're ready to know, I guess."
I take a deep breath. "Are you gay? I just am confused because I've definitely seen you with a girl before." He chuckles. "You've seen me with a girl. She's my best friend. The "whore" you referred to in the meeting is my best friend." Guilt immediately wells up inside of me. "I'm sorry, I didn't actually mean that, I was just upset, I-"
"It's okay, Jungkook. I understand you were upset about how I treated, Sungjoon." He looks hurt the second he says her name. "So, are you?" He frowns. "Gay?" I nod, getting impatient. He chuckles. "Very much, absolutely, every bone in my body, completely gay." I nod, smiling at how proud and relieved he looks.
"How long have you felt that way about me?" He sighs again. "Do you remember the day we went to the park and the boy from the fraternity group Exo started messing with me?" I nod. "When Chanyeol was trying to-"
"Yes! You don't have to remind me.." I nod, smiling apologetically. "Sorry, go on." He sighs and gets up, putting his cup in the sink. "When you stepped infront of me and stopped him, I knew I had fallen for you." I nod, still trying to get used to him saying that.
"Can I ask you one last thing?" He nods. "Sungjoon told me that she feels bad and that she'd love to be on good terms with you. Is there any way you could talk to her?" He frowns. "Not now. I couldn't. Maybe sometime in the future."
I nod. "You should try talking to her. She's really sweet and she means no harm." He sighs. "I bet she doesn't, but I'm not ready for that." I nod again, standing up. "Just think about it, okay?" He nods. "I will." I smile, putting my shoes on.
Right before I'm about to leave, he calls my name on last time. "Yeah, Hyung?" He sighs. "You don't think it's weird that I have, or had, feelings for you?" I shake my head, smiling. "Of course not, just another bump in the road, but we'll get past it. We always do."
Sungjoon's Pov:
I check my alarm clock. 4 am. Why is my phone going off?
"Sungjoon?" I shoot up, my eyes wide. "Hey! Is everything okay? How'd you get my number?" My mind races. Why is he calling me? "Jungkook thinks we should talk and I can't sleep. Is there anyway you could meet me in the park?"
I close the front door behind me. "Of course, I'm already on my way." I hang up and walk straight to my usual spot in the trees. Damn, it's cold.
When I reach my spot I'm surprised to see him already sitting there. "Hey, uh, how'd you know this is my spot in the park?" He frowns. "This is usually where I go,"
"Oh, really?" He nods, smiling slightly. "That's one thing we have in common." I awkward laugh, which just makes this more awkward. I sit down, under my favorite tree and he follows, sitting next to me.
"So Jimin, what exactly did you call me for?" He sighs, looking at his hands. "I just wanted to apologize, I guess. It was inconsiderate of me to be selfish with my feelings and push you away. It's Jungkook's life, he should he able to chose who to fall in love with, why would I strip him of that?"
My eyes widen and I shake my head frantically. "Fall in love? No, no, you have it all wrong, he wouldn't, couldn't fall for someone like me." He grunts. "This is why I'm not apologizing for calling you a bitch. You're gorgeous, Sungjoon! How could he not?! I don't know you well, but I know that your life might not be ideal or the best, but you need to stop wallowing in self pity."
My eyes widen and I bite my lip. I didn't know what to say. "Sungjoon, I didn't mean to come off harsh, but I'm just saying, you can't just think that everything is always going to go wrong. I mean come on! I did not walk in on the guy that I have feelings for kissing you, Sungjoon, for no reason. He likes you, you likes you a lot! You are just to pitiful to see it."
"J-Jimin, I didn't mean, I didn't mean to throw that back in your face." He shakes his head, dismissing me. He gets up, putting his hand out for me. I take it, thanking him. "We should get going, school starts in a few hours. Don't want to be late."
We walk together a little bit farther before he stops and turns to me. "I've got to go catch a bus, my house is at the other side of town." I look at his outfit and notice that he's already in his usual clothes for school, the uniforms they all wear.
"Would you like to stay at my house before school? I mean, it's close and it would be pointless to go to the other side of town when you have to come back in a few hours." His eyes widen for a second before he shrugs. "I don't want to be a trouble to your parents."
I frown, my heart squeezing as the word leaves his mouth. "My mom." I breathe out. "Not my parents, just my mom." His eyes widen again, but they stay that way this time. "Oh, I didn't mean, I wasn't trying to-"
"No, it's okay, come on, my apartment isn't far."
Jimin's Pov:
My eyes widen as we reach her door. I never knew something could smell so much of marijuana and sex. Hell, I didn't even know sex had a smell, but now I know this apartment oozes it. I mean, while she's unlocking her door a guy with a girl under his arm walks out of an apartment down the hall and shouts, "Get some!!" When he sees me and her entering.
"Fuck off, Taewoon." Sungjoon says, loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to wake the whole hall. She shuts and locks the door behind her and plops down on her couch. "Sorry my apartment building isn't the classiest. It was all we could afford." I nod, not trusting myself to say the right words. I sit down next to her, taking my surroundings in.
Their apartment is probably the only place in this whole building that doesn't suck ass. It smells of vanilla, somehow, and is well put for the little belongings they have.
"Wait, Jimin, are you, uh, gay?" I chuckle. This seems to be a reoccurring question today. "Uh, yeah, I am." She nods, smiling a little. "By the looks of it, I see you and Jungkook talked. I'm glad, he promised me he would." I frown, curiously. "You wanted him to talk to me? I could've stole him from you." I smile, teasingly.
"I was confident you wouldn't be able to." She says, shrugging. I hold my chest, opening my mouth in astonishment. "How dare you, you don't think I'm capable of stealing him from right underneath your feet." I chuckle as she shakes her head, saying "Nope." She even pops the "p" for dramatic effect.
I erupt into a fit of laughter and she follows suit. A middle aged woman walks in, frowning. "Oh, hey, mom" she says between giggles. "Hello, Sunjoon. Uh, who's this?" I stand up, composing myself and fixing my suit. "I'm Jimin, a friend of your daughters." I smile, shaking her hand. "Frie-"
"And when he says friend, he means it. I'm not his, uh, type, if you get the gist." Sungjoon says, appearing behind me. Her mom's eyes widen and she chuckles, probably relieved. "I'm not one you have to worry about, it's my friend Jungkook that you have to worry about. He's quite fond of your daughter."Sungjoon's eyes widen and she shoves me towards the door. "Jungkook? Who's Jungko-"
"Gotta mom, we're going to be late if we don't get going now!" As soon as she has the door closed she sighs in relief. "You're the worst." She says, chuckling. "Maybe, but now she's on to you." She shoves me again, laughing. "The. Worst."
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