Chapter 5
Shortly after she finished, Stark showed her a room. "Since you're not staying in the sickroom anyways, and since you seem to be suspicious of all the helping medicine, you can sleep here as well," he just said. She thanked him again. Her plan would work out, if she would only show a little patience. "I've asked Thor to show you everything here, so don't be surprised if you're woken up tomorrow by a rough knocking," he warned her and left. She entered the room and looked around. Everything was bright, friendly and - as she had to admit - stylishly furnished.
Nevertheless, it was also exaggerated: a king-size bed stood against the wall and opposite it a large black frame, which she wanted to have a closer look at next. The windows took up the whole of the other wall, to the left of the bed and the frame. Behind her on the wall was a large wardrobe and right next to it an equally huge bookshelf. Next to the bed she found a door and opened it curiously and alerted. Behind it there was an equally egomaniacal bathroom. She would deal with that tomorrow, so she closed the door again. Now her eyes fell back on the frame. Curiously she went closer and touched it. Nothing happened. This thing must have some function... "Hey...erm... building?", Vayala asked and felt more than stupid to talk to a house. Since she didn't know where to look, she kept staring at the black square. "My name is Jarvis, Miss. How can I help you?" asked the AI politely. "The black box, what is it?" Vayala asked curiously. "It's a TV screen, Miss. Shall I turn it on?" asked the AI. She nodded, then she remembered that he couldn't see her. "Erm... yes, of course." she said and looked at the box again. Suddenly it became light. People were walking around and she could even hear them. Confused, she approached and tapped against the glass. Why were people locked up in it? People might be stupid, but that stupid that they locked other people in and watched them as well? "These are all recordings. Mr. Stark will certainly explain it to you in more detail tomorrow, but now you should go to bed," said Tony's invention and the TV went dark again. Sighing, she decided to follow this advice and went to the wardrobe. She found things in there in many sizes. She took something out and changed before she finally went to bed.
As Tony has promised, she was rudely woken up in the morning by a rough banging that she recognised as a knock on the door. Her strength was back so far, though this was not unusual. She got up and went to the door. "Good morning, Lady Vayala," said the God in his all-too-familiar exuberance. "Only Vayala. Good morning, your Highness," she replied and bowed. He laughed. "Good. And I am just Thor. As I said, in this world I see myself more as an Avenger than as a prince," he said. She nodded. Surely the thunder god would reveal enough by accident. All she had to do was get him to do it. She followed him through the corridors while he tried to explain something about the tower to her, even though he himself was not very well informed. So she had to find out almost everything about the tower by herself. Well... It was to be expected that he had difficulties with the knowledge of this world. A shame. She never thought he was so stupid. Vayala knew he wasn't very smart. But that he was so against new knowledge... well... She still pretended to listen to him attentively, even though in reality she looked at everything more closely, hoping to find weaknesses in the tower as well. But technically, she wasn't very well informed either, so this part had to wait. Although Vayala understood fast, this required explanations and the Thunder God was really no help here, because he really had more muscles than brains. This could be considered a weakness, if you knew how to use it properly. Well, well. Stupidity was always a weakness, but sometimes also a danger.
"And now it's time for you to meet the others in the team," the Thunder God ended. Again they were in the living room and she quickly noticed that they were not alone and were already expected. Reflexively she reached for her necklace but was stopped by the god. "Don't. There is no danger. They are my friends," the god explained. Good. The little performance had worked, for she recognized with a quick glance that the two assassins were now in a softer mood and already labelled her a frightened girl. If they only knew how wrong they were. But she always had to be careful with the two of them. They were at least as well trained as she was and any mistake could expose her.
She examined everyone more closely as Thor gently pushed Vayala closer. It wasn't hard to see who she was facing. Stark already grinned at her. The person next to him, with the slightly greying hair, had to be that Banner. Vayala included this from his somewhat fearful posture. He might do it unconsciously, but she recognized the signs that every frightened animal had. She knew that he had been hiding from humans for a long time because of the green beast that was slumbering inside him. A strong but uncontrollable monster that became stronger and more dangerous the more angry you made it. For Vayala the biggest threat for the moment. To the right of Banner was obviously the soldier Rogers, who had spent many years in the ice. That was easy to recognize, since he was as much a muscleman as Thor, although in a more pleasant way. He had been the nation's showpiece since one of the great wars on Earth, and he walked around in extremely stupid-looking costumes with which he still represented his nation. With his oversized frisbee he was still a danger, considering that it had withstood all attacks so far without any effort, which is why this metal had her curiosity. To the left of Stark sat the Assasins, the man and the woman, whom she already wanted to convince with her acting. Romanoff and Barton were both Avengers, as well as ice-cold killers, who officially worked unofficially at this SHIELD.
SHIELD was also about protecting the country, even with sometimes suspicious methods and rules. For these cases there was probably this team. The Avengers. The heroes and protectors of this world. She had looked at all of them in turn and had gone through their knowledge completely while Stark had already diligently explained the same with his big ego, though more embellished and much more heroic. She nodded whenever she thought it was appropriate and continued to act ignorantly. It was even a bit of fun to fool them all and deceive them perfectly. " So. And now it's time for you to introduce yourself as well," Stark ended his perfect speech. Vayala was sitting opposite everyone now. Uncertain, she looked around and took a deep breath before she began to explain.
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