Chapter 4
A day went by, but the girl didn't wake up. There was a lot of tension in the tower. Of course, with each passing hour, the curiosity of everyone grew. But when night finally began, everyone went to bed. They just had to be patient. The moon was high up in the sky when something was happening in the sick room. Vayala opened her eyes and looked around laboriously. The moonlight illuminated the room and everything in it. Her body hurt as if she had been overrun by a crowd of animals. "I'll never do that again..." she mumbled in a scratchy voice and coughed on it. She looked around again and luckily found a glass of water. Somebody must have put it there for her. Carefully she sat up and smelled at it before she drank anything. Now she was in the tower.
Disapprovingly, Vayala looked at everything. Even here, in a sick room, everything was stylish and far too expensive. Next she looked down at herself. Strange cables and needles had been connected to her from which transparent liquids came. Confused, she watched the dropping for a moment before she set about getting it all off and turning it off. A few minutes had passed and she could finally get up, now that she wasn't stopped by all the wires. With a laborious and heavy walk she moved through the room and always braced herself to manage her strength better. After finding the button on the door, she went to the next room. But she didn't get far. In the living room she was frightened when a voice spoke from nowhere.
"Please go back to the infirmary, Miss. Mr. Stark has already been contacted and will come to see you shortly," the disembodied voice told her. "Who is there?" Vayala asked vigilantly and took off the pendant of her necklace. Immediately it grew and within a second it had the size of a sword. Despite her lack of strength, she lifted it up and looked around. "Please, Miss. Lower your weapon. I am an artificial intelligence. Created by Mr. Stark," was the answer she received. Since she couldn't do anything with these words, she remained just as still. "The building can speak. You have to get used to it, but it's not dangerous," said a voice from the shadows. She immediately held the sword in this direction. But slowly it became clear to her that she had already heard exactly this voice. Out of the shadow a big figure appeared. The God of Thunder smiled gently at her. He could understand very well how she felt now. When Vayala recognised him, she lowered her sword a little. Did he pose a danger to her? The God of Thunder laughed briefly. "Look at me. I have no weapon with me. I am here to help you. Not to fight," he said calmly. She looked at him for a moment. Then she laid down her weapon and hung it on her chain as an inconspicuous pendant. Carefully he came closer and she let him carry her. He helped her sit on the couch.
She looked at him with awe. "So you know who I am," he said with a smile. "Of course. You are Thor Odinson. Heir to the throne of Asgard and the bearer of the hammer Mjölnir, the most powerful weapon of the nine realms," she spoke quickly and avoided direct eye contact. He laughed. "That may be so. But here on earth I am an Avenger and you have no reason to show me such awe or respect. Here I am no prince," he made clear and was pleased that she now dared to look at him. "What then?" she asked curiously instead. "An Avenger," he simply said. "A protector of this planet," he added as he noticed her gaze. The elevator opened with a 'pling' and drew their attention. Vayala shrugged briefly in shock. Another man stepped out. Short black hair and a beard were quickly visible. That was the one from the team who had this incredibly big ego. Vayala recognized him, but she showed no reaction except vigilance. She still had to pretend she didn't know anything. Already his presence gave her the feeling of sickness. Grinning the egomaniac stepped up to them. "Well, well. So our guest has awoken from his Sleeping Beauty slumber. It's nice to see you feeling better. I just don't understand why no one is ever smart enough to stay in the sickroom," he said and sat across from Vayala in an armchair. "So, do you want to tell me who you are," he asked. Vayala looked at him. Was it wise to tell the truth? Thor was the first to say something. "You can trust him. Tony does have a big mouth...", he started. "Hey," interrupted Vayala's interviewer. "...but he is still trustworthy and very clever," the Thunder God ended.
The girl examined the genius. "My name is Vayala," she said briefly. "Okay, and where does our Sleeping Beauty come from?" Stark continued. " That... I don't know," Vayala said quietly and somewhat sadly. " Does "you don't know" mean that you forgot it or that you don't want to say it", Stark asked astutely. Vayala sensed that he could become dangerous to her, if she didn't pay enough attention to her words. " Stark. You shouldn't push her so hard. After all, it is quite possible that she really has forgotten that," said the Thunder God. At that moment she was grateful to him. "And even if she doesn't want to say it: can you blame her? She is in a place unknown to her and technology seems as strange to her as it is to me," Thor continued. He sighed strongly: "Okay. Right. Then we do it differently: You're here in the Stark Tower which-as the name suggests- was created by me and is the home of the Avengers. Goldilocks you already seem to know. And my humble self is Tony Stark. Genius, playboy, billionaire and philanthropist. Also known as Iron Man. And you will meet the rest of the team soon enough," he said and again you were able to hear his big ego. Vayala pulled up an eyebrow. That she wasn't impressed by the speech seemed to please the genius less. After all, he loved attention and all the media hustle and bustle.
Tony cleared his throat. "All right. Then you keep quiet, if you prefer that... you should eat something," he said and stood up. He went into the kitchen and came back shortly afterwards. In one hand a plate with a sandwich. In the other a glass of juice. He put both there for her. She looked at him briefly and then at the food before she dared to bite it off. "Okay. So you trust me as little as I trust you. But don't worry. The food is still edible," said Stark. She was silent again: "You don't talk very much yet...", he noted and sat down. Thor examined Vayala. "Eat something first and then you should get some sleep. The monster really hit you," he said. She just nodded and ate on. After a while she looked at Tony. "Thank you..." she said barely audible. Inside she bent for this disgusting niceness towards her enemy, but from the outside she smiled only briefly. Tony returned the smile. As expected, it was hard to win the trust of each individual. So she had to start where it was easiest. The Thunder God saw much good in everyone. Surely it would not take long to find his weak spot. Usually it was love anyway. But even then it was necessary to find out who this person was. Vayala had the task to destroy each of them. She had no intention of failing, for failure was always severely punished.
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