Chapter 2
It was silent in New York. At least relatively, if you ignored the everyday noise and crowds of people. People hurried back and forth between the heavy traffic in an attempt to reach their destination in all the hustle and bustle and stress. Be it the cinema, work or their own home. Everywhere you could hear cars honking their horns and sometimes the cursing and insults of people who were in each other's way. Nobody noticed the girl, which just stepped out of an alley and looked around inconspicuously. First she had to learn how to act like a human being. So she started to walk around and watched the people around her. The language was hers, but the behavior was fundamentally different from what she was used to. People were harsh and unfriendly with each other. They were hectic and stressed and just hurried around. How could so many people survive for so long in a community of mutual hatred and disgust? She looked into her thoughts. Many had families. Friends. And yet they did not see the beauty of their life. Togetherness. The cohesion. The possibility, instead of fighting against each other, to create something great and to protect this world from external dangers. But Vayala didn't care much about that. All the easier it would be to take this so-called earth. How would they stand up to Xandar if they were too busy killing and fighting each other? Their superficiality should seal their fall, even if they didn't knew it yet. But she had to concentrate. Her job was to find the guardians of Earth. To find their weak points to use them against them in the end and to destroy them in the end. Vayala did not know much.
Their leader was supposedly from a different time. A child of Asgard should be with him. Two assassins. One female and the other an archer. Supposedly the best, who also never missed his target. Also a person who became a monster and one who thought way too much of himself and his money. The first thing she wanted to do was let him reveal his weaknesses. Someone with such an ego certainly had a weak soul; a weak spirit. And that was the weak point of the team. A group is only as strong as its weakest member. Surely all of them had their secrets. But somebody who enriched himself with alcohol every day and hid in a metal armor was certainly easy to break. Vayala's gaze wandered around. A big ego needed a lot of space and attention. So she searched for the most eye-catching building of all. That turned out to be a bit more difficult than expected. Each of the buildings were more colorful as the previous one and everywhere illuminated and flashed billboards arguing for people's attention.
Snorting, she turned away from all the annoying stuff. The people had no idea what they were doing to their beloved earth. Now something else caught her eye. In the midst of the hustle and bustle stood a conspicuous... special building. 'STARK' was emblazoned in luminous letters high above, so that everyone could see it. She smiled rolling her eyes. Of course. Where else. In the middle of the city and towering over everything. Sighing, she went in the direction that would bring her to the snobbish something. Less than ten minutes later she stood in front of it. She quickly looked around to see if anyone saw her. Nobody noticed her. Even if they did... The people looked without ever really seeing anything. They were too narrow-minded. And far too small-minded. It would have been carelessness if she just went in there like that. Not that she couldn't defend herself perfectly in case of a worst-case scenario. But she could try to avoid it as much as possible.
As far as she knew about Xandar, the team consisted of six people. The man who owned this ugly thing, who had an indescribably big ego and the urge for attention. Two assassins. One female and highly dangerous. The second an excellent archer who never missed his target. A man who wasn't from this time, but who nevertheless wasn't to be underestimated. An asgardian prince. The thunder god himself. And last but not least a man who was just as brilliant as his friend, the poser, but who mutated into a big green and far superhumanly strong monster as soon as he got angry. Something that you would want to get an idea of, so as not to fall into a trap. Together they formed an excellent team. To Vayala's displeasure. To get a picture, she closed her eyes. Carefully she sent out her spirit. She looked at the tower from the outside. But when she tried to look inside, she cursed briefly. Something prevented her from entering. Grumbling she opened her eyes. A force had to protect the tower.
You could see her making a plan right away. There was only one way to get in. But she thoroughly disliked it. Not believing that anyone would ever get out of the team alone, not to mention getting close enough to them, she developed a plan. But this plan presupposed that she... had to be nice. She also had to break Xandar's orders. But he didn't have to know. There was only this one way to get in. But it was still too bright. She would have to come back later to put her thoughts into action. She was an excellent actress. It would almost be too easy to do all this. She turned around and took quick steps so that she could prepare herself. Xandar would soon want to hear from her, so it had to happen today. It was unclear to her why people denied everything they couldn't see. Their faith consisted only of things they were able to see and, at best, touch. But didn't they have the perfect proof of magic in front of them with the thunder god? They didn't really believe that there could be life on other planets. That magic wasn't just a fairy tale and actually existed. Surely it scared them too much. Instead of defending themselves from other creatures, they attacked each other. A strange species these humans. With this in mind, Vayala set about preparing her plan.
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