The winter's dance/Helpless part 1
K so y'all just gotta stretch you're imagination here in thinking that Eliza and ham haven't met yet. And that basketball season is long enough that it last 2 months. (Idk if it does or not just pretend)
About 2 months went by and it was time for the winter's dance. The event committee and the student council had been preparing it since the beginning of the year. It was the talk of the middle school that the Schuyler sisters would be the prettiest girls there.
Meanwhile Aaron was still dumbfounded over the fact that Alex just joined this year and suddenly all the teachers love him. He once told the class that his mother Martha named their cat after him.
Peggy had been hanging out with the boys more due to her sisters being busy with buying dresses for the dance. Her and Laff had become pretty close. He was still a douchebag, but a kinda sweet douchebag. Anytime he said something douchy around her, he had to give her a dollar.
Peggy always stood around the guys while they tried to pick up girls. She would roll her eyes at them and sometimes get uptight when Laff would flirt with other girls. She knew she wasn't his girlfriend, she just kinda got that way.
On the day of the dance, the girls all looked stunning. Angelica was wearing a long coral dress that went down to her ankles. her hair was in a long braid with two long strands out. The dress was cold shoulder with two spaghetti straps holding it up.
Eliza wore a short poofy blue dress that was covered in glitter and went down to her knees. She wore matching gloves as well, and her hair was curled and down. She wore black tights with her dress.
Peggy wore a dress her sister picked out for her. It was yellow (of course) and was very basic. It had a high neck bodice that laced up in the back. her hair was in a tight ponytail on top of head and she had bangs. The skirt of the dress was floor length and flared a tad at the bottom.
(I'm not gonna say what the boys were wearing bc it rlly doesn't matter)
The gym was covered in blue and white decorations. There were glittery streamers and instead of red punch, they made blue raspberry punch so that it would be blue. They even had a fog machine! (The Schuyler family was close friends with the principal) There were fake candles lit everywhere too.
The girls were dancing in the center of the dance floor when the boys walked- ahem, excuse me, barged into the dance, full speed towards the dance floor. Eliza took one look at Alex and was in love. He was talking her sister but she felt drawn to him.
She followed him around the gym as he moved, hoping to catch his glance. Instead she caught her sisters. "What's up sis you look like you just met the love of your life lol." Eliza wanted to mention the fact that Angelica had that light in her eyes too but she didn't.
Eliza pointed at Hamilton "I want that." Was all she could muster to say. Eliza looked up at Angelica only to notice her eyes had gone from a happy glow to a panicked stare at Alex. She turned back to Eliza and suddenly that panicked look disappeared.
Angie walked over to Alex, took his arm, and led him over to her sister who was sitting on the bleachers alone. She seemed to be trying not to have a panic attack. Peggy was nowhere to be found.
"H-hi I'm Elizabeth Schuyler" she slightly wobbled while standing up. Angelica rolled her eyes at her, she was blowing this way out of proportion. "Oh cool! Are you Angelica'th thithter?" Alex said, his adorable lisp causing Eliza to almost crumble to the ground.
"Uh ye-yeah I am" Eliza moved the hair out of her face "And you are?" "Alexthander Wathigton-Hamilton." More heart fluttering on Eliza's part. "Thank you for what you do for our basketball team." "If that ith what it takth to meet you, then it ith all worth it."
After that Alex and and Eliza danced together for the rest of the night. Angelica sat on the bleachers alone. Nobody saw Peggy or Laurens for the rest of the night. Laff and mulligan were still *attempting* to pick up girls.
Awesome party, I'm so glad I came.
I'm sorry I hadn't to! These few chapters are gonna be long bc I also have to do helpless part two and then satisfied and then Peggy's perspective of the winters dance and DANGIT I'm so pooped out. Writers block hit me hard with this one. Anyway, love y'all.
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