Stay alive
He's team captain! WEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm really excited to write this chapter!!! I have been excited to write this chapter since the start of the beginning of writing this thing :). Enjoy!!
Back at basketball, Alex had never seen his father so discouraged. Alex had been left to write the letters to the school board, who was telling them to fight back in their games. Alex was tired of their rudeness. Obviously they were trying to win! They just didn't have as many players.
Washington had pulled Alex over and explained the situation to him. "I wasn't able to get other players to join the team, so we are on our own in this." Alex hadn't expected his father to explain his defeat. Poor Coach Washington was so beaten down he had just thrown his pride out the window.
"The only way we are going to win this season is by not really not engaging and catching them by surprise." Washington said. "We have to be prepared for the game at Monmouth tomorrow, it is going to be very hot." He said. "Dad if you made me team captain then-." Alex was cut off by Washington
"No. Just no." Alex was confused. Why not him? Washington looked down at him and said "go bring Charles Lee in here." Alex brought Charles lee to Washington's office and left with the door closed.
After about 10 minutes of fake practice shots trying to hear the convo happening in Washington's office, Charles emerged from the office yelling "IM TEAM CAPTAIN WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Alex's jaw dropped open as wide as it could go. Laurens was next to him and closed his mouth with his hand like in a cartoon.
Next day: It was a 100 degree day, in an unair-conditioned gym. All the boys were sweating their (pardon my French) asses off. Peggy came to the game and Washington walked up to her and told her "we need you to be our water helper."
Peggy said yes without hesitation. She knew it was hot (she was in only in a yellow tank top and short shorts and no teacher had yelled at her yet.) and that the boys might get heat stroke if she didn't help. Plus it was the closest she was going to get to actually playing on the team. (If you cant tell, I'm making her like molly pitcher)
But then she saw Laff. Annnnd she panicked. He walked up to her, smiling like a dork and it took every ounce in her body not to just run the other way. "Bonjour Peggeroni, did zou come to see moi play?" His dorky, lovesick smile evolved into a cocky smirk.
She gave him a still half-flustered but annoyed glare "Nah my sisters made me come because Alex is playing." She said unenthusiastically. Suddenly, she noticed a boy pass out through the corner of her eye.
"Oh my god!" She ran over to help him and splashed water in his face. He woke up and looked at her. "Thank you!" He looked at her for a second, confused. "Wait a sec, who are you?" Peggy replied with "Peggy Schuyler, we are in the same class."
The boy looked at her, dumbfounded "The Schuyler's have another sister!?" She made a neutral face of displeasure. "Three other sisters actually, including me." She didn't mention her mother's miscarriages because that would just confuse this boy more.
"But my little sister Cornelia is in kindergarten and my little sister Cathrine is only a baby." The boy tried not to look confused. "Oh ok, it was nice seeing you Peggy." "Nice seeing you Stephen." (Only true history nerds can get this joke) The boy walked off and Laff came up behind Peggy.
"Who waz zat?" He looked almost jealous but but he hid it well. "Just a kid in my class." She turned back to the game and noticed Charles lee looking distraught. She passed it off as nothing until she saw him straight up leave the court!
Laff noticed too and said "frick. I have to back to ze game." He ran away to the game without a second glance. Peggy looked over at Alex to notice him visibly angry. She assumed it was just him being mad because of the game being tough, but really he was brewing up a fire within him that could only be quenched by punching Lee in the jaw.
Fourth quarter: Peggy had been serving boys water left and right, resisting the urge to flip off the other team, and waking boys up from passing out. At least nobody has been very terribly hurt. She thought. She really should have knocked on wood there because when she turned around and saw Laff vomit and pass out.
"LAFF!!" She ran over to him, through the entire court, and frantically sat next to him. She had to take a course in heat exposure when she joined lacrosse so she knew he was experiencing heat exhaustion. Washington came rushing over, and said. "Wake him up! We are losing out there and he is our best player!"
Peggy stood up as tall as she could, still like 2 feet shorter than Washington, looked him straight in eye, and said "Sir with all due respect, if we do not get him to a cooler area soon, his condition will worsen very quickly. And, I'm not quite sure about you, but I am not prepared to be responsible for one of my best friend's death. Are you?"
Washington was appalled. This little 6th grade, 4'11" girl was standing up to him, a 45 year old, 6'4" school teacher and basketball coach, about the life of one of his students and players. And she was right.
He waited a second before proclaiming "call 911 and I'll carry him to the shower rooms." The showers in the locker rooms had small bathtubs and ice in a freezer for after games. Washington picked him up as gently as he would while Peggy took out her phone to call 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"My friend was playing in a basketball game and got heat exhaustion in the middle! He puked and passed out about 5 minutes ago and his coach has since brought him to a cooler area. Please help.."
"Ok and where are you sweetie?" The nice woman on the phone said.
"1776 Liberty Road...please...come quick."
"Sending an ambulance to your area now sweetie."
They hung up the phone. After about 20 minutes of (impatient) waiting, the ambulance arrived. While they were waiting for the ambulance Peggy was a nervous wreck. What if he got heat stroke before the ambulance arrived? What if he was permanently hurt? A million questioned filled her mind as she waited for the ambulance.
When they arrived they put Laff onto a stretcher, and put him in the back of the ambulance. "We need one witness of his symptoms. Did any of you see it happen?"
Peggy raised her hand. The EMTs looked at Washington with a look of "Really? She is the only one who saw it?"
He just nodded as a reply. Washington gave Peggy the medical form Laff sent in with his emergency contacts on it and she went inside the ambulance.
She handed the form to the people and they let her call his mom. (Who had decided not to come to his game.)
"Bonjour? qui est-ce?"
"Marie? It's me Peggy."
"Ohhhh! Salut petit Peggy! How iz everyting?"
"Marie, Marquis got hurt at the game. I'm in the ambulance with him we are driving to Patriot General now."
"Oh mon Dieu, I am on my way!"
Peggy heard a muffled voice say:
"Michel! Marquis a été blessé au match! Oui, nous devons y aller! MAINTENANT!"
Then she hung up.
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