History Has Its Eyes On You
That's right bitches I'm still alive! Gonna be a short one, some cute father-son moments, no leggy or Hamliza cause I've milked those cows dry for a while.
Washington stood outside the Schuyler home, waiting for Alex to finally come home. Martha was standing beside him, half in tears from missing her little boy. Alex walked out of the door, saw his mother and father, and immediately burst into tears and hugged them. (Jesus I use too many commas)
Eliza stood in the doorway, watching them hug. She wished he had stayed with her, but she knew he would be happier with his mother and father. She went back into the house, and closed the door.
The short walk back to the Washington's home was filled with lots of talking about his experience at the Schuyler's.
"And we helped Angelica choose her High School, she chose Park Vista High School, just down the street! (21 Chump Street) Alex perked up as he reached his house. No not his house, his home.
"Alex let's have a talk in my office, okay?" And they made their way up to his office.
"What's up?"
"Well son, I was your age once and I got into fights too, not that this should be a regular thing. But I was younger than you when I started getting into fights and getting into trouble."
"Don't worry I won't be getting into any more trouble for a long time." Alex "reassured" him.
"I hope so, because if this continues, people could be seriously hurt. You are lucky all Lee had was a bad headache." Washington cautioned.
"Dad, I swear I will never do anything like that again!" He said, ya know, like a liar.
Washington sighed. He knew Alex was most likely lying to him, but what could he do?
"When I was young, Ii learned a valuable lesson: you can't control how people remember you."
Alex pondered on this thought for a few minutes. Surely, this can't be true! We control our futures, why can't we control how people perceive them!
But Alex didn't want to argue with his Dad, so he stayed quiet.
"Well, your mother probably wants to spend some time with you. You may leave." Washington gestured towards the door.
Alex started for the door, but then turned back and very suddenly hugged his father tightly.
Washington was surprised but he brought his arms around Alex in a loving father-son embrace (*high pitched happy noises*)
Hey sorry, I've been gone a while. I've been getting complaints about not enough lams (*cough cough* Claire) so that will be coming in the future! Also, credit to Savannah for writing some of this chapter for me bc I was busy.
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