Ok prepare for pain with this one
Peggy took a ride with Laff to his house, where she planned to stay the night. She was all smiles on the way there, and Laff was trying his best not to think about how he would have to wipe that smile off her face once they got to the house.
He showed her around a bit before they went into his room.
"Hey Peggy, we have to talk."
Peggy could feel something was wrong, so she didn't ask questions. She just nodded and attempted to mentally prepare herself for what he was about to tell her.
"Zou know I will always love zou..."
And it all hit her at once. There was no amount of mental prep she could have done to prepare her for this moment. She didn't want it to end, she wanted to be with him forever. As Laff talked about how he was going to catch a flight the next day, and that France Academy needed him, tears poured out of both their eyes.
"No...we can still be together!" Peggy cried out, desperate to hold on. "I have your number! We can talk every day, this isn't the end!"
Laff wiped the tears off her face with his hand before wiping his own. Not many people had seen him cry, and he had hoped Peggy wouldn't have to.
"We both know long distance relationships never work.." Laff explained through tears.
"NOT US! We can do it!" Peggy was holding on for dear life, and she was being stubborn to let go.
"Peggy, we're in middle school...We both knew zis wouldn't last long. Zis just advances ze inevitable." He held her close as they cried together.
"Why do you have to go so soon? Shouldn't we have all summer!?" Peggy was still holding on, but her hands were slipping as it all sunk in.
"My parents say I need to go early to get caught up on what has changed since I transferred to America." He stroked her hair as he held her, sending goosebumps all over her body.
She thought it over for a second before saying "If we only have tonight, I don't want to let go until morning."
"You don't have to, until morning zat is"
And so they didn't. They laid on his bed together, not being able to sleep, but not daring letting go.
The next morning was harder than they had imagined. They watched the sun come up together, light shining on their faces, glistening from tears. They were still holding on, but slowly, they let go as it was clear it was time to go.
Laff was changing when Peggy heard her mom's car honk from the front of the house. She went to go say goodbye to him, but decided against it. They had said their goodbyes the day before, and she didn't want to feel any worse than she already did.
So, she gathered her stuff up quickly, and ran out. With the close of a door, it was over.
Her sisters were waiting for her in the car, thinking they were going to tease her about staying over at her boyfriend's house, but when they saw her face they knew that they couldn't do that to her.
"What happened!" Eliza asked.
"he had to move back to france." Peggy said quietly, knowing that told them everything they needed to know.
Angelica. Was. Pissed. "That little bag of shit!" She yelled, wishing they weren't already a few blocks away so she could go kick his teeth in.
"LANGUAGE!" Mrs. Schuyler said from the front seat. She looked at Peggy through her mirror. "Honey, do you want to go to the basketball court? That usually makes you feel better."
"No thanks mom. I kinda just want to go home." Peggy replied, just wanting to hide away in her room forever.
Catherine looked solemnly at her daughter. "Ok, just know I'm here if you need me. I'm baking cookies later, you can join me if you want."
(Petition to give Catherine Schuyler the Mother of the Year award, sign here)
The rest of the day they made girl's day. They watched cheesy rom coms, ate ice cream, cried, and baked cookies. It made Peggy feel better, but she was still terribly upset, and she couldn't stop thinking about him. She guessed that this feeling would never really go away.
She went to bed, and cried herself to sleep.
Hours Earlier, a short time after Peggy left Laff's
Laff finished changing and walked out into his room, looking at the floor to hide his tears.
"Peggy, i zought about it and maybe we could try ze long distance zing, maybe it will work."
He looked up and saw his room was completely devoid of any trace of peggy.
"Peggy?" He walked around looking for her before he went up to his mom. (Don't worry, i'll put translation in the comments)
"Hé maman, où est passée Peggy?"
"Oh, elle est rentrée chez elle."
"A-t-elle dit quelque chose avant de partir ?"
"Non rien"
He was gutted. He walked back to his room, trying his best not to cry again, and slowly, started to pack up his stuff.
He looked down at his phone, and pulled up Peggy's number. Out of anger and heartbreak, he pressed block.
*evil laugh* IF ANYONE READS THIS, I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THE ANGST. Also, if anyone speaks French, i just want to apologize, i am still learning, so i'm going to use google translate a LOT. Hey at least it only took 2 months and not 3 :) Also, while procrastinating writing I made a playlist for this chapter because for a while I couldn't decide what song I was going to name it. Listen to the playlist with all of the contenders before I decided on daylight by pressing the little external link button :)
Love yaaa ❤️
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