And Eru said...LET THERE BE FLUFF!
Elrond walked back and forth and looked to his wife. "Is everything set?" He asked.
Celebrian smiled and said, "It is. Now, will you please sit down? Everything will be alright,"
"I know. Yet, I have not seen them in a very long time and I have only heard stories of the rest of their family." He replied. Celebrian stood up and walked over to him. She placed her hand on his shoulder and said, "It will alright."
"I know," He said nodding. "I know."
A servant came in and bowed their head. "Lord Elrond. They are here." They said.
Elrond nodded and his wife took his arm and asked, "Shall we go meet them?"
"Yes." He said with a nod. They walked into the main hallway where Elrond saw nine elves. He smiled as Maglor looked over and came over to him and hugged him tightly. Elrond smiled and hugged him back.
"I missed you ada," Elrond said.
"I missed you too," Maglor said and stood back. He then looked at Celebrian and nodded, "It is nice to see you again."
"You as well," She replied.
Maglor smiled and looked over at Maedhros who walked over and ruffled Elrond's hair. "It is good to see you again." He said.
"You too," replied Elrond.
"Elrond. These are our other brothers, this is Celegorm, Curufin, Caranthir, and the twins. Amras and Amrod." Maglor said. "And my parents."
Elrond stood straight as Elrond's parents walked over. He bowed his head a little and said, "I am pleased to meet you."
Feanor just gave a stiff nod but Nerdanel ignored him. She bowed her head to him and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Thank you, my lady." He replied.
She smiled and said, "Please just call me Nerdanel,"
"Alright," Elrond said and gave a nod to her. She then turned to Celebrian and introduced herself.
The twins were the first of the other brothers to walk over and nodded to Elrond. "It's nice to meet you, you can call us Ambarussa." The twins said at once.
"Of course," Elrond said.
"We heard you had twins as well?" Said Amras.
"I do, they can come here later," He said.
"That's nice it'll be nice," Said Amrod with a nod. He then looked to Amras and they both laughed. Elrond just looked at the two and over at Maglor who just gave a shrug. Only a twin of a twin can understand a twin.
"Well. Dinner will be ready in a few hours. We can go and talk into the living room," Celebrian said. The group moved to the living room and thankfully Celebrian and Nerdanel lead most of the talking. Elrond was used to meetings or dealing with dinners such as this. Yet, he and Celebrain were the youngest in the room. He felt similar to that of an elfling even more so the company was his ada's family. The uncles and grandparents he never met but heard stories about. The stories ranging from horrific to good...slightly alright
"You don't seem to talk much," Celegorm stated looking at Elrond.
"Turko. Be a bit more respectful, we are guests here. Try not to be so blunt." Nerdanel said looking at her son.
"I am not wrong though. He is...I am right. Right Kurvo?" He asked.
Curufin just looked at Celegrom and shrugged. Amras looked over and said, "Maybe he's intimidated since you and Kurvo haven't showered in a week."
Curufin and Celegorm glared at him as Amrod began laughing. Nerdanel and Maedhros just sighed. Feanor was silent. Celebrian looked at Elrond who looked to Maglor who looked slightly annoyed. It actually was Caranthir who saved this very strange situation when he asked, "So. You were a lord back in middle earth."
"I was," He replied.
"I suppose it didn't help that you were raised by them," Caranthir said pointing to Magor and Maedhros.
"Actually, it did," Elrond said. "They did teach me how to be the lord I was."
Maglor sat up in his chair a bit more and smiled. Maedhros got a happy smirk. The conversations stayed light and eventually Feanor did join into the conversations. Turns out that he's a softy when it comes to his grandchildren.
It was after dinner and Elrond was walking with Maglor along a garden path. "It's great to have you back. You know...being normal." Elrond said.
"Yes. It's good to be like this again...the same for my brothers," He replied.
"I wish...I wish Elros could have been here. He would have loved to meet Celegorm." Elrond said.
Maglor wrapped an arm around Elrond and said, "I know...maybe someday he will."
Elrond nodded and leaned against his father's side as they walked. "It was surprising that Celebrian got along with Caranthir the way she did." Elrond then said.
"Yes. Caranthir can be surprisingly like that." Maglor replied with a nod.
Elrond then laughed lightly and said, "you know...I felt like an elfling again."
"You are an elfling. To us at least...and me," Maglor said as he wrapped his arms around his son and said. "My elfling."
Elrond wiggled around and said, "Ada. Your smushing me!"
"Good," Maglor smirked and hugged him tighter.
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