Outside Looks
How different strangers see the Electroclan and Eagles.
I was going through the mall, looking for a specific jacket that I saw a few days ago. I didn't have money then and it's really cute, so I looked for it. I also remember seeing that it was there for a limited time, so there was a possibility that they don't have anymore.
After a while I got tired so I sat down in the food court and texted my friends a little. Out of he corner of my eye, guess what I see?
The jacket.
Except it wasn't in a store. A really pretty girl with brown hair was holding it and comparing the prices with her friend.
Standing up, I went up to her. "Excuse me, where did you buy that jacket? I've been looking for it everywhere."
The girl raised an eyebrow at me and shared a look with her friend. Their expression was saying 'did she really just ask me that?' or something like that. Without answering, the girl left with her head held high.
Her friend, who I now noticed had green eyes, looked at me apologetically. "I'm sorry for her, she's just not in a good mood." Giving a small smile, she chased her friend and shouted "Tara! Wait up!"
I blinked. Okay then.
I later saw the girls sitting with a few good looking guys who unfortunately looked like jerks.
They sneered at a redhead who looked like he was having an aneurism and laughed at a poor guy who fell off his chair. I later saw the same guy turn into a clown, scaring me a little.
Weirdest. Day. Ever.
I jogged through the crowd, careful not to bump into anyone or to drop any of my equipment. Looking at my watch, I silently swore. I have two minutes to get to the spot and set up before the fireworks start.
Nice going, Kevin.
I got the to spot by the lake and quickly set up my camera. Getting into position, I double checked everything. I was ready.
I saw the first firework go up and snapped a picture as it exploded. Click. Nice. I saw the second one and took a picture, same with the third and so on. Click. Click. Click. This was going well so far. The next firework went a little higher, so I looked up to get a good angle. My feet were not steady, and I quickly learned that as I felt someone push me into the water.
It was done in a second. I felt the cold water hit my skin and I knew I was screwed. I panicked though and tried to keep my camera dry, but it was too late.
"No, no, no!" I got out as fast as I could and did my best to get the water out.
I looked up while doing this and saw the people responsible for ruining my brand new camera. I blinked and felt my anger rise, staying calm on the outside while I mentally glared at the two teenagers. It was a girl and a boy. The girl had red hair with freckles dotting her cheeks. The boy had long blonde hair and looked like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks.
"I am so sorry! We were just walking and he pushed me into you." The girl said genuinely, casting a glare at the boy.
"Don't blame this on me! You're the one who started it." The boy glared back before turning to me. "I'm sorry for my friend, she's kind of a klutz."
"It's true."
"At least I don't push people."
"At least I don't blame it on others!"
They kept going at each other, and it made me smile. Young love.
"It's fine." I tried to say. Neither heard and were in the middle of an intense staring contest. I saw a certain glint in the boy's eyes and quickly rummaged through my bag to get my spare camera.
Backing up so that the fireworks would be in the background, I waited for the right moment to take the picture.
The girl was still glaring at him, not noticing that he stopped glaring and moved in a little. She only noticed how close they were when his nose was practically touching hers. Her death glare changed to a look of confusion. "What are y-"
She was cut off as the boy leaned forward, kissing her. She was caught off guard and her eyes were wide before she closed them and wrapped her arms around his neck. They heard fireworks going off but didn't care.
I smirked as Michael made his way to our table.
"Uh, can I talk to you?" He asked Tay. "About biology."
I raised an eyebrow at his nervousness. Looking at Maddie, we shared a look as if saying 'he's definitely asking her out'. Taylor, oblivious as ever, replied with "Sure. What's up?"
"Can I talk to you in private?" Michael was ticking.
"Wooo." I said, earning a 'shut up' from Tay. I just laughed.
I looked over at Spencer and Drew and they were making kissy faces as Tay and Michael left to 'talk'. I laughed, they looked like fish.
Maddie shook her head at their behavior. "Do you think he's asking her out?" She asked the table.
"No way."
"Of course!"
Everyone started arguing. "He's way too shy to ask her out, even though it's so obvious he likes her."
"But did you see how he was acting? He was really nervous, like more nervous than usual. And he asked to talk to her in private. What else could that mean?"
"That he just wants to talk about biology?"
I watched, amused, as the arguing continued. Then an idea came to mind. "Hey!" I shouted. Everyone turned to me. "Who's willing to bet on this?"
After organizing it and some more arguing, it was around half and half. Half of the table said yes and the other half said no. I personally said yes, I mean Michael is as open as a book. If that nervousness was for anything other than asking Tay out, then I don't know what to think. It doesn't really matter in the end, though.
Cause if he doesn't ask her out now, I will lock them in a closet together until they start making out.
That actually doesn't sound that bad.
"Hey Maddie, I got an idea for the next party."
IM NOT DEAD! Yayyyyyyyy.
I really don't have an excuse for not updating as much. Unless watching Supernatural counts as an excuse.
Anywayy, did you like this one shot? It was kind of fun writing it from other people's perspectives of the Glows. Btw the Katie and Anna's thing was based off of real scenes, and Kevin's was totally made up. And if you didn't figure it out, the girl and boy in the second one was Tessa and Zeus.
About my fanfictions-
I have a few chapters written but not edited, and I have a general idea of what will happen so that's good. I just don't have a good cover for either of them, yet. I might just post them anyway, I don't really know yet.
I think I covered everything. So, vote and comment if ya liked. <3
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