Ending It (Requested)
Requested by Reading_Quest
[Takes place before Storm of Lightning]
It started out just like any normal, life or death mission.
"Texas, this is Star Command. Do you copy? Over."
Ostin groaned. "Jack, stop with the code names! We don't have time to be silly."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, this is a high stakes mission that requires complete seriousness. It is also our first mission with real tech and weapons - hey!"
"G.I. Joe, the Nurse, and the Cheerleader are all set up. Ready when you are. Over."
Michael and Ian looked to each other and shook their heads with a smile at Nichelle. Ostin ignored the protests of Jack, Abi, and Taylor in the background and responded, "Thanks Nichelle. Once the green light turns red, start the timer and run. McKenna, Grace, Tessa and Zeus are in position. Remember to meet everyone at the van at o-five hundred."
Ostin turned off the comms. He continued rewiring the electrical system, making sure the bomb that was about to go off did not reach their level.
"This seems too easy." Michael said. He turned to Ian. "Any guards?"
"No more than the ones you knocked out."
Michael narrowed his eyes. "This doesn't make any sense."
They had snuck into the power plant early in the morning, the day after Hatch left for a meeting in Tahiti. Jack's team would set off the bomb, big enough to gather most of the guards while at the same time small enough set off the sprinklers to destroy the rat bowl. While that was going on, Michael's team was going to the main control system to watch over everything and make it possible to for the real mission to happen. Grace's team would sneak into the computer room where they store all the important files and data on Hatch and his plans. Ostin would turn off all the alarms, while unlocking the room. As soon as Grace was done gathering as much data as she could, Ostin would delete any and all recorded evidence of their mission. They would then leave and meet everyone at the discussed rendezvous point.
Everything was going to plan.
Michael was instantly suspicious. Everything never goes to plan.
Ian continued looking around, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. "Still no more guards. Didn't one of them set off some alarm from their radio?"
Ostin paused. "Yes."
"I do not like this at all." Michael shook his head and paced around the room. He's been tense ever since he noticed the smaller amount of guards around the plant. He told himself he was just being paranoid, but now it seemed he was right to be suspicious.
Ian took a double take. "Is there supposed to be a thunder storm coming?" At Michael's confusion, he elaborated. "There is a lot more electricity outside than normal."
"This place shouldn't be getting thunderstorms. Are you sure it's not just the extra electricity from the rats?"
"I'm not sure, I'll keep an eye on it."
"Done!" Their comms turned on as soon as Ostin finished.
"Texas, starting the timer now."
The three of them waited in anticipation as the bomb was activated, quickly followed by a huge blast. Grunts of pain were heard, along with a short scream and a couple yells.
"Send in Grace."
They sighed in relief at Nichelle's command. Ostin quickly instructed Grace's team to move in.
"Are you all okay?" Michael asked. The scream sounded suspiciously like Taylor.
Nichelle spoke up. "Cheerleader got hit with the blast a bit, but she'll be fine. G.I. Joe ran into a nearby guard and now has a frickin machine gun. The Nurse and I are fine."
"Michael, I'm fine." Taylor's voice rang out right before her boyfriend started to panic.
The group of four quickly passed by one of the security cameras. Michael's eyes widened. "You are not fine!"
From the few seconds she was on screen, Taylor had a clear gash on her forehead and new bruises on her arms. She was covered in the most soot out of the group, from the bomb's blast. She was holding onto Abi as they all ran, now having a slight limp.
Jack was now, in fact, carrying a machine gun. He was in the front of the group, checking the halls before they entered. He had a cut lip and looked pretty beat up, probably from fighting the guard. No one worried about him, they all knew the other guy was worse off.
Nichelle stuck behind Abi and Taylor, ready to help if needed. She has improved in sensing electricity, and now used it to watch out for any guards that pop up behind them in the smoke.
"Okay, so Nichelle might have left out a few details." Abi said.
"Don't worry about me. I just need to get to the van and patch up my leg."
Ostin started tracking the group with the security cameras, adding an extra eye out for any threats. They could clearly see Nichelle roll her eyes.
"You should dye your hair blonde for how idiotic that was."
"What happened?" Ian said. Despite the dangerous situation, he couldn't help but smile. Michael was being as overprotective as ever, Taylor was being stubborn, Nichelle was her usual snarky self, and Jack, of course, had to grab a machine gun as a souvenir. Abi was smiling, as well, her thoughts similar to Ian's.
This was their normal, now. And they loved every bit of it. Minus the danger, of course.
"I helped Jack get the gun." Taylor said, followed by a groan of pain.
Abi shook her head with a smile. "She distracted the guard, resulting in her being closer to the bomb than necessary."
Ian stiffened as he noticed something off. He paled, realization hitting him. He missed Michael's outraged 'What?!' at Taylor's actions, and faintly recognized Zeus and Tessa snickering on their end of the comms.
Ostin stopped, and he was hit with the same realization as he went through the security cameras. "There's only ten guards going to the bomb. There are only thirty guards in this entire area!"
"What does that mean?"
"How could I have missed this?" Ostin paused. "They knew we were coming."
McKenna spoke up. "There's some plan here about making a man-made electrical storm?" She was looking through some of the files while Grace was downloading. "What does that mean? Is that even possible?"
Ian frowned as walls, with a thick layer of what rubber erasers are made of, slowly started raising around the building. He rushed to where Ostin was sitting and switched to the cameras showing the scene.
"What is going on?" Michael said.
Ostin shook his head. He was trying to figure out what Hatch had in store for them. "McKenna, what else does it say?"
"It says that this 'electrically induced storm will be beneficial to the Elgen cause. Once everything falls into place, there are high hopes that the storm," McKenna's breath hitched. "Will succeed in draining the glows of their electrical powers.' "
"Can he even do that?!"
"That's bullsh-"
Everyone's outraged cries were quieted. Ian gulped. "It's started."
Dr. Hatch smiled as he watched the Electroclan panic. He was impressed by the efficiency of their mission, but they should have suspected something when there was not as much security as usual.
Michael noticed. Dr. Hatch had to admit, the boy has grown. Somehow, the kid managed to outsmart him at every turn. But not today. Today, Dr. Hatch's plan was going without a hitch. Everything was perfect.
He turned away from the screen and took a sip of his wine. He thought for a moment before calling down his Eagles to watch with him.
He had set up a completely separate set of security cameras. None of them were connected to the mainframe of the building, they were all connected to the computer he had in front of him. With some more added precautions, not even the Texas kid could hack into them from where he was.
His Eagles entered the room. He smiled and gestured to the empty wall, where he projected the video.
"It's time."
Ostin was pacing. "So the walls are used to contain all of the electricity within the perimeter, and so that none of us can leave. There are conductors placed on the top of the walls to help the flow of your guys' electricity after it is taken out of you. But how do they take it out of you?"
They had all met up in the front of the building. Everyone was anxious, some were freaking out, and Ostin was mumbling a bunch of equations, trying to figure out the plan. The blueprints on the computer were not that helpful.
"About six more minutes." Ian said. They had figured out that once the air reached a certain amount of electricity, it would start. Ostin came up with a formula that calculated how much time was left, and Ian checked it over multiple times.
"What do you think he'll do with us?" Abi asked out loud from Jack's arms. The couple was sitting on the steps. Abi's head rested on Jack's shoulder, one of his arms around her and the other captured by her smaller hands.
"What do you mean?" Nichelle said from her spot on the ground. She was just laying on the grass, her hands behind her head and her legs crossed. She sensed the air gaining more electricity, trying the memorize the feeling. It might be the last time she can.
"He'd be able to capture us pretty easily without our powers." Taylor said. Her head hurt. With all of the electricity in the air, she didn't have to try to read everyone's mind. She couldn't control it, everyone's thoughts loud and clear as if they were saying them out loud. She gripped Michael's hand, his thoughts the loudest of them all.
He was blaming himself.
It wasn't your fault.
He looked at her, and she knew that he heard her.
Yes it was.
She didn't say anything. She kissed him softly, knowing that no reassuring words would do the job to snap him out of it. Her head dropped to his shoulder and she closed her eyes, trying to stay positive throughout everyone's negative thoughts.
Ian, as usual, was feeling guilty for not realizing it sooner. The situation reminded him of Wade, and how he didn't notice the soldier before it was too late.
Zeus was thinking of every possible curse there was out there. He swore at Hatch. The only other thought on his mind was Tessa. He just got her back, and now Hatch was going to take away everything from him. He spoke up. "I wonder what it's like as a Nonel. No offense."
At that thought, all of the Glows' minds revolved around it.
Ian was scared of the thought of just seeing darkness.
Abi didn't want to lose her power to help other people. Both her and Grace had the same line of thinking: without their powers, they didn't bring anything to team other than a burden.
McKenna's thoughts were of pure curiosity. She had full confidence that Ostin was going to figure out how to stop this, so she just let her mind wander. I'd have to use a microwave, I guess.
Taylor chuckled at that thought.
Nichelle's thoughts didn't really change. She's been preparing herself for the loss of her powers ever since Hatch created a dart that replicated hers. She figured that he would eventually get the idea of taking away their powers.
Zeus just started being more creative with his curses, putting things together that Taylor could never say out loud with a straight face. His train of thought stopped when Tessa held his hand.
Tessa knew that he was angry, so she tried to reassure him without words. Meanwhile, she had been even more creative with her choice of words to Hatch. Taylor shook her head at the couple.
Jack was whispering reassurances to Abi, knowing her fears. He kissed her forehead. Wade went through his mind a few times, but he pushed the thought away to focus on his girlfriend.
Ostin was coming up with more formulas that Taylor had even known about. Scientific gibberish filled her brain, and she could only make out simple words like 'circuit' and 'power'.
She looked up at Michael to find him staring at her with a faraway expression. Taylor felt tears threaten to fall when she focused on his thoughts.
He filled her mind with memories.
When they first met. His first basketball game, the whole time spent trying to get her attention. His pain when she didn't go to his birthday party. His dread when he found out she got kidnapped. Their first mission against Hatch. Their first kiss. Their prom. Little glances he would send her way when she wasn't looking. The day they spent out on the boat.
Taylor's tears fell. She kissed him, trying to convey her thoughts as best she could.
I love you.
"Four minutes."
They all sat in silence, preparing themselves for what seemed to be the inevitable. Ostin's brain went miles per second.
"Three minutes."
He jumped up. "I got it!"
All eyes were on him as he raced inside, returning moments later with his arms full of various wires and devices. "No time to explain! Help me set this up!"
He directed everyone as they all worked at full speed. What was he up to?
"One minute!"
Ostin shook his head. "We need a bigger conductor!"
"Hatch is basically creating an electrical storm that will suck out your electricity," he pointed at the contraption they built, "that should be able to contain everything and stop it from reaching you guys, but we need a bigger conductor!"
Ian looked down. "It's starting."
"Ostin." Michael said, unsure.
His thoughts reached Taylor before he said them out loud.
"Michael, you can't." Her vision blurred as she desperately grasped his shirt.
He gently pushed her away, wiping away her tears. He turned to Ostin, determination clear on his face. "I'm basically a conductor, right? You said something like that back at Pasadena with the moth thing."
Ostin paled. "Michael . . . "
Suddenly, all of the Glows gasped. The air took a blue tint at all of the electricity. A couple of them fell to the ground as they all felt their powers being taken from them. Ostin and Jack looked around helplessly.
"You know I'm right." Michael grit his teeth, using what little strength he had left to reach out to what they built. He only stopped for a moment. "Thank you guys. I love you."
Taylor sobbed, "No!" but she was too late.
He grasped the wires.
Dr. Hatch was frozen. Vey couldn't have.
The blinding white screen lasted for a few seconds, before fading out as quick as it started.
"What happened?"
Kylee smacked the back of Bryan's head, earning a 'Hey!' from the boy.
Quentin shook his head. He looked at Dr. Hatch. "Sir?"
They expected Dr. Hatch to dismiss them to their rooms. Maybe teach them some sort of lesson from what they've just witnessed.
What they didn't expect, was for him to laugh.
Genuine, ecstatic laughter.
That scared the Eagles more than anything they have ever experienced.
"He did it. The fool sacrificed himself!"
The teens looked to each other, none of them knowing what to do.
Dr. Hatch ignored their expressions and poured a glass of wine for each of them. "Enjoy this, my Eagles. Soon, you will be controlling this wretched earth full of chickens. For today will go down in history, as the day that Michael Vey has been finally taken care of."
They raised their glasses.
Brightness. Then nothing.
Excruciating pain.
Distant voices.
Everything hurt.
Taylor ran and kneeled next to his body, one that was buzzing with electricity. Ostin mirrored her actions on the other side.
He lay there, looking deceivingly peaceful as chaos occurred around him.
Jack knelt behind his head and did what Ostin and Taylor were too scared to do. Judging from Ian's expression, they already knew the answer. Jack carefully placed his fingers on Michael's neck, checking for a pulse.
His voice came out scratchy as his eyes widened. "Its small." He looked up with hope in his eyes. "But its there."
The mood instantly lifted, but just as quickly fell at Ian's one word.
He looked up. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. "There's too much damage. He may be alive, but he can't get better."
She gasped. Taylor quickly took Michael's hands in hers, focusing entirely on his weak thoughts.
"Michael?" It was silent. They all waited in anticipation as they watched Taylor's expressions.
Taylor heard his thoughts clear up as Abi took away some of his pain.
I heard what Ian said. I don't have much time.
"You don't know that. We should be getting help soon."
Tell my mom I love her, and I'm sorry for not coming home.
"Please don't talk like that. You're gonna be just fine."
Everyone knew she was lying.
I need this to end. So much pain.
"Michael . . . "
Tell Abi to let go.
It hurts too much. I need it to end.
"I can't."
Taylor sat in silence. She clearly heard his voice. Despite it just being his thoughts, she clearly heard it. Desperation. Pain.
Tell everyone that I love them. That it wasn't anyone else's fault but mine. Thank them for everything.
She relayed his message. She turned back to Michael.
"I love you."
I love you.
Taylor turned to Abi and nodded.
She let go.
What'd you think?
Tried to do angst, but I'm iffy on this one shot. I feel like I rushed some parts :/
Requested by Reading_Quest!! I loved the idea, I hope you liked the one shot 😬
Finals are coming up for me, but I finished all my AP exams!! I always say this, and I mean it that I am so sorry for not updating a lot or doing your requests right away. I will definitely have more time in the summer at least :)
Anyway, I hope you liked this one shot! Requests are always open, though not usually done for quite a while. Thanks for reading <3
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