[Wildthorne] Unpleasant Memories
Michael quietly sighed a long exhale, the air he breathed out was a little cold. Making it turn to mist in the air before it quickly evaporated. This process continued with his slow and even breaths as he sat on a tall tree near the hobbit house Ritchie, Austin and him shared. Thanks to the rending gale he owned he could fly wherever he pleased.
And this time, he chose a tree.
Michael wasn't, the happiest person right now. He wasn't known for happiness in general really. In fact, he was more of a grumpy grandma. Those words are Austin's, not his. Or maybe they were Ritchie's, he could remember right now.
What he could remember right now though, was... when he was- you know... evil? Would evil even be the right word? Perhaps, villain might be correct. What Michael was sure of was he had turned into the bad guy back then when Sabrina...
He'd rather not think of that.
The ice mage leaned back against the tree bark, one leg dangling off the thick tree branch he sat on and the other was resting on top of it. Michael was just idly playing with the rending gale, inspecting it as he let these thoughts come and go.
What else could he do? Sulk? Mope around? He's done that before, and it's done nothing but bad for him.
Michael had been recently getting into, therapy? He might as well call it that. He's not the only one seeing someone for help, but also Austin and Ritchie. Austin really needs to talk to someone other than Fred for a bit, and Ritchie needs to get his mind off Violet... and Michael, he needs to reflect and vent and move on.
All the hero's of the [insert legacy or something look it up] are having problems, but Michael is... struggling just a tad bit more it seems. Specifically with his thoughts, whenever he thought about Sabrina and old memories of the past with his father and himself going rouge, it made him physically begin to turn as cold as ice. It did nothing but waste energy on getting mad, sad and just... unpleasantness.
This was a method his therapist described to him that might be useful. He was asked, by his magic therapist (yes they wielded magic, no one in the group trusted a normal human doctor for this) has he ever just let the thoughts come and go on their own?
Michael had never thought about that, but he was willing to give it a shot.
It was hard though, and painful.
Michael thought back to the ruined date he had with Sabrina, he thought back to when he first knew about his father's cult, he thought back to when his eyes iced over and when everyone was so concerned for him... and he did nothing but turn a cold shoulder. Pun not intended.
"Hey! Elsa! You better not be causing a blizzard up there!!"
Michael suddenly perked at the familiar voice, it momentarily startled him. Thank god he had a grip on the branch.
The ice mage tilted his head down to the familiar voice, it was Austin. With Ritchie right by his side.
"What Austin means is he's worried." Ritchie helpfully translated, Austin didn't outright protest that but he did grumble to himself. Michael obviously couldn't hear it but, his expression went a bit soft. They really do care... even after what he did.
Michael's softness vanished and was replaced by sadness, he fought the urge to push that thought away. He had to let his subconscious do things on its own. He wanted to try this.
Soon, Michael realized he hadn't yet replied. He could vaguely recognize from here that his two best friend's expressions had grown to show concern.
"Yeah! I'm fine?" It was the honest truth. He sounded like he had no clue.
But it was still enough for Austin and Ritchie to untense, seeing Michael peak his head more out from the branch so they could see him better.
"Well." Ritchie punctuated. "Get down here! We need to make dinner."
"OH! I want Froot Hoops!" Austin cheered, no doubt grinning from ear to ear.
An argument escalated from there, leaving Michael to fondly stare down at those he was fortunate enough to call friends. He chuckled, deciding to leave his hiding spot and fly down beside them.
He walked up. "Guys, chill." He joked with a smile, causing two very different reactions to muddle over each other. The banter continued even as they walked back to their home. No matter if they'd experience loss a thousand time over, they would do it together.
Michael didn't have to suffer through unpleasant memories alone anymore.
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