[Space Academy] Confidently Fearful
A/N: It's been a hot second, let's resume- this has been in the works for a bit. This bean is possibly one of my favs :D also I wrote this a while back so please excuse the terrible writing
Mario felt himself grimance as he heard the youngest, Michael, raise his voice for once. Austin, stood in shock, struggled to come up with something to say while Ritchie... was sympathetic surprisingly.
Michael continued to look with rather wide eyes at the three early graduates, trying his best not to lose it. He was in shock, it felt like time itself was slowing down. Michael had to force himself to stay in this conversation and not get too in tune with his not so good thoughts right now.
What on earth would Austin ask?
"Look, we just need to get in somehow. This is the only real way we know how, you being faked turned in by us back to the planet you were a slave on-"
THAT! That idea- why- what- oh god-
Michael's body was so tense, his face pale as sweat began to pour down his forehead. It was a sad sight to see him like this, but he had good reason to be. Austin, just asked him, again, about this plan.
And it was a hell no from him. Not again. No, nope. Sorry not really sorry.
"I'm not hearing a yes or a no," Mario commented, breaking through Michael's jigsaw puzzled thoughts. Ritchie turned, with a very heavy deadpan, to state flatly to Mario. "Uh, in case you haven't noticed. The answer is already clear enough by the look on Michael's face. Seriously, just look at him!"
In turn, Mario and Austin gave a closer look at Michael.
The boy was quaking. His eyes were darting just about everywhere, even behind him as if someone was going to pounce on him. He was playing with the rim of his shirt that apparently belonged to his brother, that was also apart of Space Adacemy but moving on-
All in all. Michael was a mess. Just at the mere mention of that horrid planet and the terrible people on it was enough to send him into a panic attack.
"Yeeeeeah," Austin sharply inhaled. He really, and truly, didn't want to do this. Hey, do you think he wants to go and meet Michael's slave owner? Or uh, master he supposed. Yeah, no, not something he wants to do honestly.
"Look, Michael." Ritchie leveled, making Michael snap his head towards him. Ritchie's voice, it was calm, and... dare he say comforting. "We understand that you really, really, really, don't like these people. We get why, but..." He trailed off, choosing his words carefully. "We believe they have our ship, my ship. That ship has been with me for, god, too long. ...It's means a lot to me."
Michael seemed to soak those words in like a sponge, his shaking beginning to slow, as he oddly felt like he was being guilt-tripped. But, Ritchie was really speaking from the heart.
It was never spoken out loud, though Ritchie felt like Michael's big brother in a way. All of them did. It made Michael long for his biological brother dearly... but... but maybe...
Maybe he can be brave, for not only himself, but for them.
The three early graduates raised their heads, suddenly looking hopeful. Mario was, of course, skeptical. Michael's voice was still shaky.
"Are you sure?" He just wanted to confirm, he didn't know many inside details (nor did he WANT to know.) so he could only assume the worst. "We're going to see your old master's, we'll have to fit in and do as they say, probably resulting in a lot of punishment at your disappearance-"
"Don't make him change his mind! I already regret this enough." Austin cut him off, but did give a glance towards Michael again. As if also making sure he was ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE this wouldn't break him.
Michael was taking deep breaths, momentarily closing his eyes.
The next time the group saw Michael's eyes, they saw this fire - this determination - they've never seen before.
The youngest felt his lips swing up into a light smile.
"I'm ready."
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