[OoO] The Doomed Destiny Of His Lover
This is a songfic! Just a note, the song is called The Doomed Destiny of Spouse | Again - KIRA ft. Rachie (Cover/Remix). THIS IS ANGTSY BE WARNED!
Ritchie couldn't stop glancing at Michael, even when Austin and Bri were laughing and talking in front of him. He couldn't help but steal a glance behind him to see Michael slightly lagging behind, a very blank look on his face as he stared towards the docks.
They had just gotten back from their mission from the underworld and purgatory, and of course as soon as they got back, Austin and Bri wanted to spend time with them (when he says Austin and Bri he just means Austin), so that's what they were doing.
Only this turned into Ritchie and Michael being third wheels, while Austin and Bri chatting and laughed with each other.
Ritchie sighed to himself, now looking back forward to try and admire his surroundings. Getting his mind off his concerns.
Michael, right on cue, slowly looked backed forward to see the back of Ritchie's head. His face, kind of deflated a little bit.
I haven't been myself lately,
Michael tilted his head a bit off to the side so he could see Austin better, his mind flashing back to the memories of when the Son of Apollo first arrived at the camp.
I don't blame you for not wanting to stay...
"Hey, Michael?"
Michael suddenly perked when he heard his name, his eyes catching Ritchie's own eyes staring back at him. It seemed the Hermes boy had decided to lag back a bit too so he could walk beside his best friend.
"You doing okay? You haven't said much since we've come back from purgatory." Ritchie's eyebrows furrowed, a concerned look etched on his face.
He frowned upon seeing Michael rudely wave him off. "I'm fine." The only Son of Athena told, very sternly.
Saying things that I don't mean.
Michael pushed away the guilt snipping at his heart, turning his head away from his friend. Those words didn't willingly come out of his mouth, it was like, something else forced it out of him.
Not meaning what I say...
Michael sadly sighed as he sat in his cabin, his head in his hands as he sat on his bed. His mind was swirling. Which was normal considering how much time he spent around Austin, but it never happened so frequently. It was like, after the visit to purgatory, his mind got more jumbled.
When it's good, it's so good!
He remembers laughing along with Katelyn at a stupid joke he made, the two of them standing in front of his cabin as the sun pleasantly tickled their skin. Having a great time to themselves after a successful date.
When it's bad, it's so BAD.
He remembers limply falling to his knees, in front of the cave of Arabis, tears streaming down his mortified face like a river. His heart painfully ached, wanting to desperately see, hear, touch, kiss Katlyn again... But couldn't, knowing she sacrificed her life for him.
'Maybe I, really have gone mad.' Michael thought bitterly to himself, feeling his gut twist up in knots as his thoughts clouded with hatred. Hatred directed towards himself.
What am I supposed to say,
when I end up driving everyone away?
Michael pushed with his hands to get himself off his bed, hearing the deep 'thud' sound as his feet hit the wooden cabin ground.
Cause I am on fire.
A crying, burning, LIAR.
Michael hadn't realized tears were beginning to stream down his face, he was just starting to pace back in forth in his room. His thoughts were getting a little too much for him. He was thinking too much about Katelyn. He missed her, so much. He didn't want to forget about her, but thinking about her hurt his heart dearly.
The Son of Athena began to try and take deep breaths in and out. He was trying to breathe, desperately, and get oxygen into his lungs. Jeez, when did it get so stuffy in here?
Seeing nothing. Nothing. But myself...
Michael then abruptly stopped in front of his door, slowly looking down at his hands as realization dawned on him.
And I'm the one with the lighter...
Michael's eyes suddenly hardened.
Every inch of me is charred!
Michael quickly stomped his way up to his desk, and literally swiped his hands across the table full of items. All of them being violently thrusted to the floor.
God, what happened to my heart?!
I'm about to fall apart─
Michael clenched his jaw, bringing his hands up to tightly grip his hair, his grip was so tight his knuckles were turning white. Tears were pouring faster down his face than a running waterfall.
Again! Again!
"And you're never coming back!" Michael bitterly shouted, a sorrowful look, full of grief and misery washing over his face. "And I'm not okay with that─"
Michael felt himself slowly bend down, no huddling his knees to his chest as he tightly gripped his hair. No doubt pulling out a few hair strands. He couldn't control himself!
Ritchie and Austin seemed to share a look with each other, watching as Michael stood eerily stiff in front of the Cave of Arabis.
The Son of Hermes looked worried for his friend, while Austin, he was just confused. Sure, he got the explanation before about why this cave was important. But he didn't quite understand it still.
"What is done is done..."
Ritchie and Austin perked, hearing Michael finally say something after his long silence. He hadn't said a word when they traveled the whole way here, he told them he had to make a visit, and Ritchie and Austin decided to tag along.
Austin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, and before he could make some stupid comment. Michael spoke again, but it sounded like he was... singing, more than speaking.
"And nothing's gonna change..."
Ritchie's frowned deepened, knowing what Michael was talking about.
He was talking about Katelyn.
"I should be moving on," Michael's head titled upwards as he stared blankly at the giant skull. The one that he walked into many moons ago. His eyebrows soon furrowed, slight sadness showing. "But I still feel the same."
Ritchie took a step back when he saw Michael suddenly whip his head around, Austin seemed to just blink. Confused, but slightly scared for what was going on with his Mamma Bear.
"And it's like, every day, is a fight for my life─!" Michael exclaimed, his eyes full of worry and disgust as he looked down at himself. He felt like he couldn't stop speaking! He was unwillingly singing. His mind was swimming, spiraling faster than a tornado. "To get some self-control~"
Austin seemed to slightly flinch when Michael snapped his head to him, directing the attention to him. "And when you've forgotten, who I am."
Michael soon felt his vision blur a little bit, the world around him looking like a low graphic video game, meaning tears were beginning to gather in his eyes.
"It just feels, it just feels..."
Michael looked back down at himself, his eyes darkening. "I'm nobody at all..."
Ritchie's heart twinged as he saw his best friend this way, while Austin seemed to finally frown. The Son of Apollo─ He... he knew the feeling.
Ritchie and Austin's eyes widened, watching as Michael's eyes suddenly sharpened, tears starting to run down his face as his voice got louder, and louder. Slowly sounding more sad, and hurt, and livid.
Michael lifted his hands up to hold his head, feeling it being to throb painfully over, and over again without warning. "I'M ABOUT TO FALL APART- AGAIN! AGAIN!"
Michael suddenly whipped his head around to the giant skull, bringing out his weapon, the Art of War, to point threateningly at it. "AND YOU'RE NEVER COMING BACK─" Michael suddenly blinked, his eyebrows furrowing as he shrank back and hugged his weapon to his chest. "AND I'M NOT OKAY WITH THAT."
Austin felt tears build up in his own eyes as he watched Michael turn his head back to them, a dejected look on his face as the tears rained down, never stopping. This was, depressing to watch. He had no idea Michael felt this way. Neither did Ritchie. "AND I NEVER SHOULD OF LET MYSELF GET ATTACHED-!"
"I~ lost myself," Michael sorrowfully sang, his tone quieting down a bit as he suddenly dropped down to his knees, seeming to drop The Art of War and grip his head tighter and tighter. It hurts-! His heart, his mind, his soul─
"Hitting the ground. I tried to scream, and made no sound..." Michael sobbed, miserably looking at two people he considered friends.
"I should have known," the Son of Athena looked to the dark green grass, "It was no use, to try and run from... thE cYcLe oF aBuSe."
Ritchie and Austin both blinked, their worried expressions turning into shock.
Michael's sorrowful and terrified expression soon began to turn blank, his eyes beginning to gloss over. "The cycle of abuse...."
Ritchie then swiftly made a decision, suddenly sensing danger.
The Son of Apollo watched as his Papa Bear quickly stood in front of him, shielding him, as Michael soon began to stand up on his own two feet.
Michael was no longer crying, but had tear stains on his face, a blank deadpan gazing into Ritchie and Austin's souls. That, wasn't Michael...
The Son of Athena's face soon began to harden once more, a livid and enraged look in his eyes as he tightly clenched his jaw.
"I am on fire!"
Michael quickly bent down, without breaking eye contact, and picked up his weapon. Holding it tightly in his hand as he menacingly pointed it Austin's way. Making Ritchie stand more in front of him, squinting his eyes at Michael.
"A crying, burning, LIAR!" Michael grinned. Not a fond, exasperated one. A sick and twisted one.
It made Austin want to cower and hide closer behind Ritchie.
"Seeing nothing. NOTHING. But myself..." Michael soon used his hand, to stiffly point at himself. His eyes widening a fraction to make him look manic, and crazed.
"And I'm, the one with the lighter..."
Austin softly gasped as he saw Michael begin to menacingly stalk forward, he followed Ritchie's lead, and took a big step back. Ritchie's eyes gleamed with uncertainty, he didn't want to hurt his friend. But if he kept this up, he might be in for a battle.
"Every inch of me is charred!" Michael took another step forward, clenching his jaw once more as he saw the two DemiGods back up a step instead.
"God, what happened to my heart?!" Michael bitterly spat, venom dripping in his tone, making Austin flinch.
"I'm ABOUT to fall apart, again, again!"
Michael suddenly took a dive forward, making Ritchie blindly grab Austin's hand and swiftly yank him off to the side, and just a second later, Michael swang the Art of War just where the two DemiGods just were. He attacked them.
Michael growled under his breath, snapping his head to the two of them. Austin was backing up behind a tree while Ritchie stood in front of the Cave of Arabis.
"And you're NEVER coming back," Michael began to quickly stomp his way up to Ritchie, and the Son of Hermes would be lying if he said that it wasn't intimidating. Angry Michael was not someone to mess with. But then again... this, isn't Michael.
Michael ignored a tear that slowly rolled down his hot, and displeased look. Staring hatefully Ritchie's way, "And I'm NOT okay with that!"
Ritchie suddenly brought out his own weapon, his golden staff, and quickly held up when he saw Michael charge forward and swing his weapon down to strike.
Their weapons loudly clanked together, and Ritchie grunted to hold Michael's weapon away from his throat. Michael's grin widened, a dangerous and violent look in his eyes. Very unlike him. "AND I NEVER SHOULD OF LET MYSELF GET─"
The Son of Herms refrained from flinching as Michael venomously spat in his face, tone bitter and cruel. Even with this hateful tone, Ritchie knew Michael still sounded hurt. He kept things so bottled up, but lately, things had been itching him more than usual.
Michael suddenly gave a harsh push to Ritchie's weapon, making Ritchie stumbling for a moment as his sandals slide across the grass. He quickly caught his balance, and put on a determined look as he felt his own tears gather in his eyes. His heart hurt at this sight. But not as much as Michael's, he was sure about that.
"EVERY INCH OF ME IS CHARRED!!" Michael shouted, suddenly charging forward again to attack Ritchie. "GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HEART!" Ritchie bent his knees and quickly gave a firm push down, suddenly flying up in the air with his rending gale to avoid Michael's attack.
Michael abruptly stopped, now staring bitterly up at Ritchie with scorn. "I'M aBoUT TO FALL APART. AGAIN! AGAIN!!"
The Son of Athena suddenly pointed the tip of the Art of War to the Cave of Arabis, making Ritchie redirect his attention to that. "AND YOU'RE NEVER COMING BACK!" Pain suddenly flashed upon Michael's face. "AND I'M NOT OKAY WITH THAT!"
Ritchie's frown wobbled a bit as he felt his tears build up more, now snapping his head back down at Michael. The Son of Athena shook his head, that burning hatred igniting in his eyes again. "AND I NEVER SHOULD OF LET MYSELF GET ATTACHED!"
Austin crouched down lower as he cowered behind a nearby tear, watching as his parents fought.
Well, more like Michael was throwing a temper tantrum while Ritchie flew away but point taken─
Suddenly, Austin felt himself spring up. He just got an idea!
"AGAIN!" Michael wretchedly sang, too busy wailing and hugging his weapon to his chest to notice Ritchie's small look of realization.
Suddenly, Michael got cut off, his stance untensing as his eyes slowly rolled to the back of his head... before he then limply fell to the ground. Revealing Austin behind him, with his sword in hand, and a determined but startled look on his face.
Ritchie released a sigh of relief, seeing Austin do the same from his place in the sky.
Slowly, with a lot of caution, he slowly flew back down to the ground as Austin gently poked Michael's unconscious body with his sword. "Did I... Did I kill him?" Austin paled, looking absolutely mortified. All he did was hit him on the back of his head with his sword, he didn't even use the pointy end!
"No, you didn't kill him," Ritchie sighed, wiping his eyes clean of tears as stood next to Austin, sadly looking down at his friend.
Austin frowned, holding his sword tightly to his chest as he looked at his Papa Bear. "What do we do? What just happened? Does he hate us?! Why is he like his?"
Ritchie took a deep breath at the questions rapidly fired at him, he didn't feel like dealing with Austin's behavior right now. He knew he was worried, but more stress is not what they needed in this situation.
"I only know one answer to one of those questions." Ritchie started out.
Austin raised an eyebrow, watching the Son of Hermes bend down.
"Okay, which is?" Austin asked, his eyebrows furrowing with worry.
Ritchie gave a small grunt as he stood back up, an unconscious Michael hauled on his back. "We take him back to camp."
Austin blinked, watching Ritchie begin to walk away. "Wait! What if he goes crazy alien madness again?! What if he wakes up and doesn't remember us?! What if─"
"What if you shut up, and guard my six as I carry him?" Ritchie huffed, looking annoyed as he rolled his eyes.
Austin blinked, "Uhh, I don't think I can watch a number. But I'll walk ahead to protect you!" He grinned, suddenly turning around and charging forward into the forest, back the way they came. "I'll protect you Papa!"
Ritchie seemed to release a fond exhale, shaking his head slightly as he took slow steps forward. Keeping Michael stable on his back. He already knew.
Austin was going to get lost.
Even if Austin was acting peppy and cheery, he knew he was just scared and worried. He was too. He didn't know what was going on. It was like, Michael was possessed or something.
The Son of Hermes huffed once more, putting on a determined face as he picked up his pace. He was sure everything would be fine, even if he just witnessed Michael and...
The Doomed Destiny of His Lover.
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