[100 Baby Daycare] Praise
Michael didn't respond. Not verbally at least.
The only sign that he heard his cousin speak was the infinitesimal nod he gave him, back facing away.
Ritchie frowned when Michael didn't stop working, concerned for his cousin, he began to slowly walk forward. They were staying in their Godfather's house tonight, as their father's decided it was too risky to go anywhere else at this time of night. Word had gotten around that there was an assassin after the two cousins. Unfortunately, this wasn't a new thing for either of them.
But Uncle Austin and Bri gladly welcomed them into their home, aside from Uncle Austin being terrified about what would happen if he were to decline─ not that he would of but it's a thought that crossed his mind.
"Cousin Michael, it's really late."
Michael once again gave a small nod, blindly reaching for his hammer for a moment. He quickly felt around on the floor, his hand bumping into a few screws and other tools before he soon found his hammer and grabbed the handle. "If it's late then you should sleep, cousin." Michael finally responded, verbally this time, as he fiddled around with the hammer.
Ritchie shook his head as he stood by Michael's side, watching over his shoulder as he worked. He didn't comment that Vampires don't usually sleep at night, Micheal must have forgotten. "I'm not going to bed without you cousin... I'm worried."
Michael seemed to finally pause at that, his hand halting in mid-air. Ritchie was, worried?
He didn't like the thought of his cousin being upset.
Ritchie's gaze lifted up as he saw Michael finally turn around to face him, a look of confusion washed over his face the young vampire noted. "What is there to be worried about Cousin?" Ah, that weird hybrid accent they both sometimes used was on the tip of Michael's tongue.
Ritchie's mouth twitched up at that, happy to see Micheal being a little more lively, even if it wasn't much of a change it was a swing in the right direction. "Ah, cousin Michael!" Ritchie replied, using that accent to the fullest. It made Micheal's own mouth twitch up a tiny bit. "Well, you see, the reason I am worried about you cousin is because you've been working really late recently. It's not healthy."
"...Yeeeah." Michael quietly agreed, turning his head away so he could dejectedly look back down at his unfinished invention. His smile quirked into a frown. "Sorry for making you worry cousin."
Ritchie placed a hand on Michael's deflated shoulder, the younger found it comforting. "Do not worry yourself cousin, I believe you have a good reason for staying up this late."
Michael seemed to stiffen a bit at that, but made no protest. Was it that obvious to tell his true intentions for this invention?
Ritchie didn't mind Micheal's shunned silence, not pressuring him, but he didn't want his cousin to feel bad.
Soon enough, Michael heard Ritchie plop down and take a seat on the living room floor next to him, the warm hand on his shoulder never leaving.
"Cousin, I've known you since we could walk. We have grown up together in the Mafia. We know each other very well."
Ritchie once again didn't push Micheal to speak, he just tightened his grip a tad when he saw Michael's shoulder begin to tremble a bit.
"I believe whatever you make will always be amazing cousin."
Ritchie merely blinked before he felt two arms firmly wrap around him, a head now resting on his shoulder. Ritchie just calmly readjusted himself and wrapped his own arms around Michael's slightly smaller figure, noting how he was quietly sniffling. Seems like Ritchie's suspicions were right.
One of the reasons Michael makes his inventions is because...
He'll get praised.
As in, when they are at the Mafia, neither of them get acknowledged like that. Of course they're told they are loved and get cared for but, their parents aren't around so much to say that. It's mostly just bodyguards who get paid to watch them, and Austin and Bri don't really say they're proud of either of them often. So for Ritchie to say that now...
It means a lot.
Michael heavily leaned against Ritchie's body, beginning to silently sob into his shoulder. He was able to quietly choke out with the utmost of sincerity:
"T-Thank you, cousin."
Ritchie was always happy he could help.
"Anytime, cousin."
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