Attempted Suicide (Any Era)
Imagine that you have been bullied your entire life & you had married the most famous man in the world, but he never cared about you for some reason. You thought maybe it was because of your agreements that you guys has been arguing about lately.
(3 Days Ago)
Michael: *showing you a magazine* why the fuck does this tabloid show you kissing another guy!!?"
You: Michael! That is not true! You hate the tabloids! Why are you believing that? I love you with all my heart! I'm practically a housewife for your ass!
Michael: Get the FUCK out of my face! Leave! Pack all your stuff and leave!
You: Why are you making me leave? I didn't do anything to you I swear! Cross my heart! I will never do that to you! You have had your heartbroken before me! I don't want to do that to you! *starts to sob*
Michael: I don't want to hear sobs! It'll do nothing! *storms out the house and slams the door*
You: *you fall against the door and sob onto your knees*
(Present Day)
You have now decided that enough was enough and that you should leave the world, thinking that it will make people happy. You sent a video of you saying your goodbyes to FaceBook, Instagram, and Twitter.
You: *starts to slit your wrist, doing cuts all the way up your left arm*
Michael: *phone keeps buzzing like crazy as I feel guilty for yelling at my wife* What is going on!? *looks at my phone and sees the video that fans have been sending me from Y/N* holy shit my wife!!!! *hops in the car and speeds home*
You: *collapse to the ground, coughing and drowning in your own blood*
Michael: Y/N!!!!!!!!! *gets no response, only coughing* Oh My GOD!!! Y/N!!!! *sees you and wraps your arm with towels and shirts, making them tight to stop the bleeding* stay with me Y/N! Stay with me! *Paramedics arrive and take you away. Sobs into my hands* what have I done!!!?
(The Next Day)
Michael: *sobs and whispers* "I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm so sorry for not caring for you lately, I'm so sorry for not loving you as much, I'm so sorry for not supporting you!"
You: *wakes and groan* uugghh... H-hello? *hears sobbing and feels my hand really soaked*
Michael: *hears you and perk my head up* "Y/N" *whispers and sniffles*
Y/N: "Michael" *whispers* "honey? What's wrong?"
Michael: "You're in the hospital baby girl. You attempted suicide. It's all my fault."
Y/N: "Michael... I just want you to be there for me a lot more. I want you loving and caring for me much more. Can you do that?"
Michael: "Baby, I am willing to restart over. I am willing to resay my vows and really mean them. I promise that I won't let you down this time!"
You and Michael made up and resaid your vows. Michael has been there for you ever since that one scary day for you and him. He did baby steps in order to regain your trust and love again. Now, you are expecting twins after 3 months!
Everyone! Just know that there are good things around the world to hope and pray for. Just know that if you are thinking suicidal thoughts or if you are going through personal issues, just know that are people around you who can help, support, and love you through every step of the way. I love you guys so much ❤.
-Calyssa (the author) ❤
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