Learning to Feel Again Pt. 3 (Invincible Era)
Sometime has passed as you were being escorted to the guest house. It was a dreamlike place being in Neverland. Michael truly was a wonderful person, despite what the media says about him. Seeing the room, before you. It wad homey for one, he had some real taste.
"Mr. Jackson would like you to join them for dinner." Javon spoke to you as you nodded.
"Thank you, Javon. You've been really patient with me and I am grateful for that." he smiled down at you.
"You're welcome, miss. Now dinner begins at 6. They will be in the kitchen waiting for you." you nodded once more as he shut the door. The entire time you couldnt stop thinking of what Michael has done to you. His serious look on his face and the way his hands...those large hands of his were soft against your skin. He wanted you to know who you were. You couldn't blame him, though you always wonder, where was the mrs? The media had no idea if Michael was married or not, less known of his daughter. If anyone knew Luna would never have a normal childhood, you simply couldn't let that happened. You sigh to yourself as you looked over at the clock, it read 3:35pm. Guess its time to shower and change.
"Yes, princess?" Michael spoke, he finished up a few more of his songs, his hands were placed on the piano as Luna was twiddling with her fingers. "You know you can say anything."
"I like my new friend." he smiled down at her.
"Im very happy you like her, cause we are keeping her."
"Shes way better than Anna, Anna was so mean to me." She than began to fiddle with her teddy bear. She loves that bear to death, the only thing that was left to her from her mother. Michael face sadden a little, he remember so well. Her smile, her voice... he knew he had to move on, but could he ever feel again? Yet when he saw __________, its like god was telling him 'this is your chance' maybe, just maybe.
"Yes..she was.." he tapped his fingers against the keyboard. "Anyways, Luna, daddy needs to finish his work tomorrow. So I'll tell your friend shes going to take you to the park. Would you like that?" Luna smiled at her father and hugged him.
"Yes, daddy. I wanna show her everything." He chuckle at her and kissed her forehead.
"Why dont you get ready for dinner, Miss _________ is coming." Lunas eyes widen with joy and rushed out of the room. Leaving her teddy bear there, Michael picked it up. The jumpsuit resemble of his once outfit for the short film for Disney was on it. Honestly it was a fun role to play...and yet...nobody really knew about it as much now. Holding the bear close to him, he softly sigh and placed it on top of the piano.
"You're just another part of me..." he whispered.
You didnt want to come strong or desperate for that matter, so you just wore casual clothes. A simple white blouse along with a pair of jeans, letting your hair down, while not wearing any makeup, cause lets face it. You werent dating the guy and you werent looking for anyone in a relationship at the moment. Walking out and shutting the door behind you, you walled into the kitchen. Seeing Michael already at thr table, food was placed and Luna was being all cute and adorable. Luna looked over and saw her.
"_________! Come sit with me." You smiled at her and walked over to the table and sar down next to Luna. Michael kept staring at you and you knew, you hope he would bring the conversation back once Luna was out of the room. "You're pretty." she spoke as you blushed.
"No, your pretty Luna. Look at that dress you are wearing." It a simple glittery red dress with a small belt wrapped around her waist.
"Aunt Janet gave me this for my birthday last year, because my favorite color is red." Just like him, how cute.
"How very nice of her." You looked down at the food infront of you, a classic mac and cheese along with some grilled chicken and a side of carrots. Childrens food, but delicious none of the less.
"You can eat." Michael spoke as hebwas already earing his meal. Luna dug in so happily while out od respect you began to ear proper. It was a bit weird to eat at the table, normally you would of been eating in your room, away from the family..you wondered why. "Since you are going to be staying here, we all treat each other like family." Michael spoke up, causing you to look at him.
"Im sorry if I was being rude."
"No you werent, that's why I was saying this." For one thing he was being calm and yet, something else was bothering him, but what. You kept quiet for the rest of dinner, finishing it up, you got up and grabbed the plates for them and placed them in the sink, than began cleaning them. Michael and Luna kept on talking on whatever it was. Michael began to chuckle at his daughters imagination. You always wanted to feel included, but knew you couldnt. This was a job to you, nothing more. Break the border and soon you would be left without a job.
"________, daddy says we can go to the park tomorrow." You smiled at her as tou finished the dishes, looking back at her.
"Wonderful, I heard its going to be bright and sunny." this made her extremely happy. Michael cough a little.
"Luna, I want you to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. I have some things to tell, your friend."
"Okay, daddy." she kissed his cheek and rushed out of the room. Michael tapped his fingers on the table, you quickly sat down next to him. He than pulled out a piece of paper, sliding it over to you. You began to read it.
"A contract by me, if you dont mind." he spoke as you nodded to him and began to read some more. All the rules state were there, the lists of Lunas doctors and medical history was there. Important people to call if an emergency happens. Such a healthy kid for one, and home schooling..."You are qualified to teach my daughter right?"
"Yes, it was in my resume."
"Just checking, I know the public eye doesnt know about her, but for safety measures, home schooling her is the besy option I can give her." he seems all sad, a child needs friends, but the lifestyle he has, would be hard for them both.
"And is the misses okay with this as well?" Michael curled his fist and you noticed in his eyes, full if hurt.
"She died... three years ago." You covered your mouth in shame.
"Im so sorry...I shouldnt have said anything..."
"No, its fine... just don't bring it up again." no wonder he was like this, not having someone special with you and taken from this world was cruel. Michael didnt seem the same who he was all those years ago. He than handed you a pen, taking it you sign your name. Michael than moved closer to you, cupping your cheeks with his hands, you blushed and froze in your spot.
"When I get done from work tomorrow, I want to know everything about you. We are a family, and family knows each others. Okay?"
"Yes, Michael." he leans in and bit, before moving away. You sat there wondering what the heck was going on.
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