Learning to Feel Again Pt. 2 (Invincible Era)
Michael was sitting in his own personal office, homey one, business another. He waited for the nanny to show up. He wonder what she looked like, was she nice? Was she responsible? Will Luna like her and more importantly was she trust worthy? His thoughts were broken when be heard a knock on the door. Looking up, Michaels heart stopped, the girl was breath taking. Her eyes were like pools of diamonds, sparkly and beauitful. He never known another person like that except for his late wife. She looked nervous for one and Michael cough a little.
"Please, sit down. I won't bite." being a little tease, Michael watched as she nodded and made her way over to the chair, sitting down she handed him an envelope. Michael took it and opened it, flipping through the pages, he read below.
Name: _________, __________.
Age: 24
Everything about her was what he was looking for, no marriage life so she can be with Luna whenever he needed her.
"What makes you qualified to be watching my daughter?" he asked as he placed the envelope on the table. He watched as she sat up straight, giving him a smile, shows she ready for anything.
"Well, Mr. Jackson-"
"No, call me Michael." He smiled back at her as she nodded.
"Well, Michael, I've always loved children, I want to help out the parents that need me the most. No matter who it is, no matter the outcome. A child needs a childhood, parents sometimes can get busy in life and have a hard time taking care of them. With me as your nanny, Michael. I will do everything in my power to make you and your child happy without the worry." Thats all Michael wanted to hear, he held his hand out. You were confuse, yet shook his hand.
"You're hired, I would like if you start today. Also when I return, I want you living here, in the guest house." You nodded understanding. "My friend, Bill will escort you to get your things, once I return from work. I will give you a list of everything and if you need to go out to the park with her, my other friend, Javon will help." You nodded once more, Michael got up as he told you to follow him, wow everything was beauitful, its like a dream you never thought possible.
"Daddy!!!!" Hearing a childs scream, Michael went down and pulled her into a hug, lifting her up. Luna kissed her fathers cheek, while looking over at the woman next to him. "Is that her?" she asked as he nodded.
"Yes, this is __________. _________ this is Luna, my little princess."
"And this is Capitan EO." Showing you her teddy bear, you couldn't help, but giggle with amusement. So cute and adorable you wanted to hold her close and protect her.
"Its very nice to meet you, Luna and Captain EO." A playful smile appear on her lips, causing Luna to giggle. Michael set his daughter back down.
"Alright, Luna you be nice to her."
"I will daddy." he kneeled down and she peck his cheeks. Michael than went over to the table, scribbling something down, he handed the paper to you. You took it, it was his phone number.
"My number, if its an emergency. Anything happens to my daughter, I will not be nice." Protective mode kicked in and you nodded to him.
"She's in good hands, Michael." saying his goodbyes. You turn to see Luna tugging on her dress.
"Yes, Luna?"
"Can we have a space adventure, Captian EO needs to save a pretty...lady." You smiled down at her.
"Of course."
Michael couldn't focus on his album, he was too worry about his daughter. He than heard his manager sighing to him.
"Michael, if your that worry take the day off."
"Now, Michael. We can work on this tomorrow." Frank was an understanding man, considering all the things that have happened for the last 3 years. "Just see how things go from here."
"Thank you, I promise to make it up to you." Michael rushed out of there, causing Frank to sigh.
"Miss _______?"
"I told you before Luna, you can call me _______. Anyways whats wrong?" You finished playing space adventure with her. Luna was so much like her father, kind and generous, her eyes, the smile. She was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. Not because she was the daughter of Michael Jackson, she was unique in her own way.
"Can we go to the park? Please??" You didnt know what to do or even say. Would Michael be okay with it?
"Maybe some other time, I wouldn't want your father getting worried." She nodded understanding "Why dont we make cookies? You like cookies?"
"Yeah, can we make chocolate chip ones. Daddy loves them." You smiled down at her.
"Of course."
Once Michael got home, he smelled something in the air and he was curious. Dropping his bag and hang up his coat up. He headed to te kitchen and from the looks of it, he saw his daughter and you making cookies. Leaning against the wall, he never saw Luna truly happy with another woman. The way you were interacting with her was natural.
"Do you really think, daddy will like theses?" he heard his daughter talk as you smiled down at her and handed her a cookie. Luna took it and began to eat it.
"Well we put alot of love into this. Plus we did added something special. Do you know what that is?" Luna finished her cookie.
"Ummm, sugar?" you giggle at her, causing her to giggle as well.
"Yes, but what else."
"Ummm, Is it..spice?"
"You know you are very smart for your age."
"Daddy says so too, but...sometimes...I feel. like I'm different.." You held her hand, giving it a small squeeze. Michael wonders how you are going to answer this.
"That's what makes you unquie, just like your father. Sometimes the way I see it, if we all were the same. It would be a boring world. Everyone I have met is very different, but it also makes them special in a way." She smoled at you and all of a sudden she gave you a hug. You hugged her back. Michael felt touch and deep down inside, he made the right choice in making you Lunas nanny. He than began to walk into the kitchen, you turn your head to him and pulled away from Luna. Luna was confuse until she saw her daddy.
"Daddy!! Your home early?" Getting out of her seat, she rushed over to him. Michael picked her up and held her close into a hug.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah, we did. We played a space adventure with Captian EO and than after that we made cookies." You smiled at them, the perfect family.
"They look delicious, umm Luna can I talk to ________. For a second and find Javon for me."
"Okay daddy." he set her down as she went over to the counter and grabbing her teddy bear. Once she was out of the room. You stood up from your seat, Michael walked closer to the counter, taking a cookie and eating it. He was impressed.
"I've never see her happy with another woman that wasnt family..." You were now scared, did you do something wrong? "I came home early, because I was afraid..."
"I wasnt sure if I had made the right descion at first...but seeing her with you and how you handle the questions I could never answer them." he seem pleased.
"What I spoke was the honest truth. Even..you."
"You really are something.." You couldn't tell from his face expression if he was happy, sad or even mad. You than felt him walk closer to you, his hand raise up ans brushed his fingers against your cheek. He was too close and this made you inside scream and something else. "Who are you really?" his voice went quite, his eyes staring into yours. You didnt know what to say, before he could even speak he moved away. You blink a few times, when you saw Luna and what appears to be the man known as Javon.
"You asked for me sir?"
"Yes, escort _______ to Bill. She needs to grt her things for the guest house. Shes the nanny for Luna."
"No, shes my best friend, daddy." Michael was pleased with the short amount of time, Luna like her than the last one.
"Okay, her friend." he chuckle as Javon nodded. Javon walked by your side and you followed him. Michael looked down at his daughter. "Wanna help daddy with his music?"
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