Its Only Pretend (Ghost Era)
This was requested by Psycho_in_a_Dress, hope you enjoy!
Sara couldn't believe she was going to be in a short film with her idol. Yet she didnt relaize it was going to be a scary one. Its been weeks since shooting and the people there are constantly pranking her with the zombie makeup. Truth be told, she didnt want to leave, she was also getting paid to be one of the townsfolk. Sara sigh to herself as she was sitting in the dressing room, Michael wanted to talk to her about this one part of the scene he added and wanted her opinion on it. It was very strange of him to ask her. Yet maybe it was for good reasoning. Michael snapped his fingers infront of her face, causing Sara to flinched and look at him. Michael was beauitful, his face structure was unquie and his smile..up to his eyes, she could stare at them for hours...
"Yes, Michael?" He pulled out the piece of paper of the new script he copy and handed it to her. Sara read over the lines as she gulped a little.
"Is something wrong?"
" its fine, but..why this scene?" It was apparently the dance scene and a zombie was going to pull her away from the other people. Causing Michael to scream as they continue dancing. The idea was scary enough, but Sara simply didnt want to judge his creativity.
"Dramatic effect, Think you can act scared?"
"Yes, I won't let you down." He gave her a smile, until he clapped his hands together.
"Lets begin."
Sara stood there in the middle of the room as the people were setting up thr scene. Others were talking to each other while the makeup artists were getting the zombies ready. She thought back to the conversation she had with Michael himself, sure it was unusual. She than heard her name being called as she looked over seeing a few children running up to her. A little boy, looked up makinf her smile at him.
"Can you help me?"
"With what?"
"My friend, he got lost in that room." he pointed to the door where the people just finished putting up. A kind soul Sara was, she agreed to help the poor boy. Upon walking over and heading into the room. The door shut behind so loud that it made her jump. The boy started running down the hall as the lights flicker. Sara gulped a little, shaken a little she rushed after the boy, until she heard a scream.
"Where are you?" another scream came out and she started running, a voice broke out and she froze in her spot a body on the ground. The same boy from before laid there on the ground, a pool of blood surrounded him, causing her to shook woth fear. "O..m.." Sara couldn't speak, her hands tremble, until she felt a hand on her shoulder, her head turned and she screamed with fear, the undead hand moved closer to her, causing her to run back to where she came. Sara couldn't believe her eyes, a young..she needed to tell somebody fast. Sara pushed the door opened and she noticed the people standing there with their backs turned. The lights in the room, blacked out only showing then lights from the outside as the wind came in and blew the curtains, causing an eerie effect. Sara ran up to a man and shrugged his shoulder.
"Please you need to call the police. A child was murder!" panicky as she was the man turned around and Sara backed away from him. Gross out and ungodly horrific, she backed away him as more people turned around and walked towards her. Sara shaken with fear down to her legs ready about to give out. Her shoulders were touch once more, seeing a hand passed by her head, the sleeve was famaliar. Sara turned her head around and screamed so loudly, that moaning was heard an echo effect. "Stay away..please.." the people were surrounding her, Sara was pressed against the corner of the room, her legs gave up and crouched down on the floor. Out from the center, the child that she saw earlier, blood was dripping down his face, a look that kills, Sara couldnt take much more of this. "Go Away, please!! Stop!!" it was useless, this all felt real to her. Hands came out and attempt to touch her, tears leaked down her face as she cried, covering herself.
"Hey!!!" The lights came on all of a sudden, people looked back as footsteps were heard. Sara never looled up as she was shaking in her corner. The people moved out of the way as a figure crouched down to her level. A hand was placed in her shoulder, causing her to scream once more. Another hand grabbed her other hand, she was pushing off whoever it was, but her eyes kept shut. Trembling even, the tears srill came down her face, a soothing voice broke. "Hey its..alright.."
Sara opened her eyes seeing Michael wearing his Ghost costume. He saw the look on your face, while other people started to laugh.
"You should of seem her face!" They were all laughing at her.
"We got her good man." a high five was heard.
"My boy, this was the best prank we ever done to her." the child started chuckling. It was all planned, they prank her good and she didnt like it. Michael was about to say something, but she pushed him away and began running, crying was heard as Michael looked over at the crowd.
"How could you?!" he shouted at them. Anger built up inaide of him. The people stopped laughing, "She was really scared, I know we can have fun and all, but that was just cruel!!" Michael rushed after her, causing the people to think about what they had done.
Sara stayed in the dressing room, laying down on tbe couch as she hugged the pillow thag was tbere. Tears stain the fabric, she was still shooken up on what happened. Maybe she couldnt do it...
"Sara.." The door was opened as she didnt even bother looking up. Michael sat down besides her, he placed his hand on her head, petting her in a way to calm her down.
"Whatever they did wasnt right, but you know its only pretend.." Sara moved up, letting go of the pillow and placing it besides her, she held herself together.
"It all..felt real..I..I..thought...I was scared, Michael.." Still shaking from what happened earlier, Michael wrapped his arms around her. Sara could hear his heartbeat as the scent kicked him, calming her down.
"It won't happened again, but I guess we need the change the scene no-"
"No..its fine." Michael was worried about her, but when he saw ber face l, rhe tears were no more and she gave him a smile. "Its your film, just because of what happened, doesnt mean you have to change it for me." Michael leaned close and kissed her forehead.
"So are you ready to start shooting?" he asked. Sara got off of him as she opened the door.
"Yeah and Michael?"
"Thank you for calming me down, I really appreciate it." with that Sara left the room, a feeling was growing inside Michael's chest. A feeling he haven't felt in such a long time. He curled his lip of amusement as he began to follow.
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