The Perfect Man
Michael and I have been staying at his old family house for a couple of days. While Joseph was out on a business trip, he asked if we could watch over Katherine.
Michael being a die hard family man, he took off of work for the week.
I work from home, so I just simply brought everything that I needed, to the house.
Other than taking care of his ill mother, Michael is always a busy man. He is one of the most well known lawyers in the whole state of California. Majority of his clients are celebrities. That should tell you that his income is quite good.
We have known each other since diapers. We literally grew up together. Went to the same schools, besides college.
Michael and I have always been inseparable. Even after we both agreed to take each other's virginity at 15.
Judge us if you want, your opinion doesn't matter. We agreed to lose it to each other rather than, someone else who would just hurt us in the end.
Even though shockingly we never had any type of formal romantic relationship.
That doesn't mean that I never had a crush on Michael growing up. Of course I did. Ever since I knew what having feelings for someone meant. If you knew Michael like I do, you would understand how hard it is to not fall for him. I have been living that reality for the past 7 years.
Michael is every woman's dream man. Other than his perfect self, he is such a family oriented guy. He is the sweetest, most loving man you could ever meet. The most selfless person. When you need someone, he will always be that listener that you need.
Other than taking care of his family, in his spare time he will order a bunch of toys, just to pass them out at each Children's hospital. I couldn't tell you how many families he has helped throughout the years that wasn't financially stable. That's what he loves to do. That's who Michael Jackson is.
Falling in love with him was the best decision that I ever made.
Unfortunately, our relationship isn't as perfect as what it sounds like. Michael, has never done any wrong. He just really wants to start our family. I am more than happy to give him that. It's just we have been trying for the past 4 years to no luck.
Which saddens me every time I take a pregnancy test, after being a week and a half late, to a negative result each time. The look of disappointment and frustration on his face really breaks me.
We are both in our late twenties and we aren't getting any younger. I love and trust Michael. But apart of me is scared that, soon enough he won't have anything to do with me anymore. He promises to never leave me, I want to believe him. Just a huge part of me thinks he will find what I can't give him with someone else.
Michael doesn't know this, but I am two weeks late on my period. I haven't taken a test yet. I am scared to take one, only for it to be negative once again.
I have been in bed for the past two days sick. Literally, puking my guts out all day long. I haven't been able to eat or drink. Nothing will stay down. I have never gotten sick when I start my period. My face just breaks out, I hate it. So I'm really hoping that this is a sign of morning sickness.
"Hey, sweetheart, I brought you some saltine crackers and a ginger ale. Hopefully, that will stay down."
"Thank you, babe. I will give it a try."
Michael opened the pack of crackers for me, handing me just a few of them.
I ate one and for once it felt good to have something in my stomach. I ate a few more, everything was fine until I had to vomit again.
"Oh my god, I am so sick of this." I grunted when I was finished.
"Baby, I think you need to go to the emergency room. You are severely dehydrated, they will put fluids in you."
"No, I am not going to the hospital. I don't like that place." I fought against it.
I really do hate hospitals. After the way they treated my mother when she was severely ill. Fuck them!
"I know, baby.. but I need you to get better. I can't afford something happening to you."
"I'll be fine in a few days. Don't worry about me, Michael."
"Honey, waiting isn't good. Going two days is pushing it without having the right amount of fluids in you."
"I said I'll be fine, Michael! Leave it alone!" I snapped without meaning to.
"If you aren't better by morning, I am calling the ambulance, to come and pick you up. Simple." Michael replied nonchalantly.
"No, you aren't Michael! You can't force me to do something I don't want to do. It is no big deal!"
"It is a big deal, Y/N. Do you not understand that you can die from dehydration? That's a real thing, you are going."
Michael wasn't going to leave it alone. I knew that.
"Whatever, can you just leave me alone? I have a throbbing headache. This arguing isn't making it any better."
"I will not leave you alone, Y/N. I just want to hold you for a little while." Michael laid down beside of me, wrapping his arm around me.
"I really hate seeing you in pain, baby. Seeing you in pain, pains me. I just want you to get better. Figure out what is going on. That's all." He sweetly kissed my temple, rubbing my stomach.
"I know. I'm just telling you that I am going to be fine. Promise."
"Whatever you say, love. Whatever you say."
Michael rubbed my leg until he felt something. He pulled his hand out from underneath the blanket and it was red.
"Oh my god!" I panicked.
I moved the blankets off of me and there was blood everywhere.
Well there goes the hope of being pregnant.
"Calm down baby. Everything is fine. Accidents happen." He got out of the bed, going around to my side, picking me up bridal style, carrying me to the bathroom.
He washed his hands first before, grabbing a washcloth, running it under some warm water, cleaning me up.
I can't believe this. I really thought I was pregnant. I wanted to be pregnant. I just really want to give him a baby. I am so useless. He deserves to find someone who can give him what I can't. I have to let him go.
"M-Michael, I don't think I can do this anymore." I cried.
"Baby, what are you talking about? Things like this happen. It is no big deal. It's not the first time."
"This, us, me and you. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry."
"Y/N you are not leaving me, just because you started your period. We have officially been together for 7 years. Over those 7 years this type of thing has happened. It's something that I'm used to. So no you aren't leaving me."
"Michael it's not about me starting my period. It is so much more than that. I am a week and a half late, I really thought I was pregnant. We have been trying for a long time. Even seen specialist's and nothing is working. You deserve a family and it is clear that you aren't going to get it from me. I don't want to be in the way anymore of you becoming a father. I am willing-."
I could tell that upset him a lot by his reaction.
"Stop! Just stop it! You aren't leaving me damn it! I would have left a long time ago, if I didn't have faith in our relationship. I love you Y/N, don't you know that? I am willing to face any obstacles that come our way. You are my family, you are my forever future. It hurts me that you just want to throw everything away. Is that really what you want?" Michael looked up at me with sad eyes.
"No, it's not what I want. But I know how much you want your own kids Michael. I am willing to leave you so you can have that. I don't want to hold you back any longer. Being with me is just a big problem." I wiped my tears, that were falling down my cheeks.
"Please, just fucking stop talking this nonsense. You aren't making sense. You aren't leaving me and that is that. Your problems are my problems. We will get through this, I promise you. You can't make the decision for me damn it. Now stop this bullshit so we can get you changed."
I ended up just dropping the conversation, it was just pissing him off.
Michael changed me and cleaned the bed. He stayed with me throughout the rest of the day unless his mother needed him.
He is the perfect man, I am so lucky to call him mine.
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