The Hauntings
It was around 9:56 at night when Michael called me over to spend the night with him. Which I was quickly to agree because it was the night before Halloween.
Listen, just because my ass is 34 years old, doesn't mean I don't get scared. Cause I do!
Michael and I have been laying in his bed watching television for the past few hours. Just watching Jason, Freddy, Michael Myers, Scream and Nightmare on Elms Street.
"You know, I ended up getting a board game for us to play tonight." Michael leaned over me smiling.
"Oh yeah, what kind?" I asked very intrigued.
Michael got off of the bed going inside of his closet.
"Ooo is it chutes and ladders? Sorry!? Monopoly? Candy land? Operation? Checkers? Trouble? Scramble?"
"Nope, something even better." He came out of the closet and threw the board game at me.
The fucking Ouija board!
I quickly hopped off of the bed.
"Michael, you aren't serious are you? This has to be some sort of a joke." I looked at him in disbelief.
"It isn't a joke. Come on, it's the night before Halloween. There is a full moon out, what's the worse that can happen? I mean seriously Y/N, I bought this thing from toys-r-us a kids store."
"It's a damn demon board Michael regardless. You can get possessed by that thing!"
"Look, nothing is going to happen." Michael opened the box, taking out the Ouija Board and the planchette. "Y/N, it probably won't even work. Let's just try it out and if it doesn't, we will call it quits and spend the rest of the night together, okay?"
Michael was honestly too invested in this demon game. There was no changing his mind what so ever.
I went over to sit back on the bed while he looking over the directions. Like you need fucking directions to talk too the dead. Come on bro.
"Alright, so it says, don't break the rules of the Ouija. Don't take your fingers off of the planchette without saying goodbye first. Don't play at a cemetery. Don't play alone. Don't forget to say goodbye. Never use the Ouija board in your house." Michael looked up at me and shrugged his shoulders.
"That's it. Alright, you ready?" Michael asked sitting the board on top of the box it came in.
"No, I am not ready! It fucking said if you play it in your own home, then you are breaking one of the rules!"
"People do it all the time babe. We are going to be fine, okay?" I didn't believe him, but I just nodded my head.
"Okay, so put two fingers on the planchette, but only barely touch it. Circle the planchette three times clockwise, ready?" I nodded.
We circled the planchette 3 times and I already had a bad feeling about this.
"Ouija of the underworld. If there is anyone on the other side, who would like to communicate with us, you can talk through this board, and we will know that we are communicating with you. We are not here to harm you, we just want to talk." Michael took a few seconds of silence looking at me.
"Is there anyone here that would like to talk to us?" Both Michael and I were staring at each other with the planchette started moving.
"Michael, this isn't funny. Stop moving it."
"I'm not moving it, Y/N. My fingers are barely touching it."
We looked down and it was moving to 'YES'.
"Oh my god. Michael can we end the game? We played it."
Suddenly, before Michael answered the planchette quickly went to 'NO'.
"It doesn't want us to end the game, babe. Let's just ask it a few more questions to get some answers, ok?" I rolled my eyes.
"What is your name?" Michael asked.
The planchette started moving again.
"Michael, you are doing this shit. I can literally see you moving the planchette. It isn't me, my fingers are barely touching."
"Babe, look at my fingers. They aren't even touching really. I'm not moving it." By the time Michael got done, it was already on its first letter.
*Y. O. L. O. N. D. A.*
"Yolonda." We both said at the same time.
"Are you a girl or a boy?" I suddenly asked out nowhere.
*G. I. R. L.*
"It's a girl. How old were you when you died?" I asked again.
What the fuck?
"44 years old. You were so young when that happened. How did you die?" Michael asked.
The planchette started moving a little faster this time.
*M. U. R. D. E. R. E. D.*
That's terrible.
"You were murdered. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Do you know who murdered you?" I asked.
Why the fuck was I asking questions!?
*M. Y. H. U. S. B. A. N. D.*
"Do you know why he murdered you?" Michael asked.
*N. E. W. W. O. M. A. N."
"Damn, I'm sorry Yolonda. So he murdered you because he wanted to be with someone else?" Michael asked.
Quickly it went to, 'YES'.
"Did you die in this house?" Michael asked.
Oh my god. Michael is living in a fucking house where someone got murdered.
"Are you a good or an evil spirit?"
*G. O. O. D.*
Ghosts can pretend to be good but be bad. They trick people.
"Are you here to harm us?"
It didn't respond.
"Other than talking to us through the board, is there any way you can prove to us that you are here?" Michael asked.
A minute went by and all of a sudden Michaels lights started flickering in his room.
We both looked at each other scared shitless.
"I'm starting to not feel good. I feel lightheaded." Michael said.
"Is that you that's making Michael's lights flicker and making him feel lightheaded?"
Instead each picture that Michael had of us in a picture frame flew to the grown breaking them.
"I think she wants to only talk to you, Michael."
"Mrs. Yolonda, are you still here?" Michael asked.
The planchette quickly moved to 'YES'.
"Is there anyone in this room that you here to harm?" Michael asked.
"Why do you want to harm her?"
*K. I. L. L.*
Michaels head raised up and he just stared at me.
"Why do you want to kill, Y/N?"
*M. Y. H. O. U. S. E.*
"I know this is your house, but she is my girlfriend. She can't leave."
There was a big loud thump that came from outside of his room that made both of us jump.
"Michael, maybe she is claiming you to be hers."
I was shitting my pants. I knew this wasn't a good idea.
Michael took his fingers off of the planchette.
"Michael, what the fuck!? You took your fingers off without saying goodbye!"
"It's a game, Y/N nothing is going to happen. I need to see if something fell."
Michael opened the door and the door slammed shut right in front of him.
"Dude. What the fuck is going on?!" I asked hysterically.
Michael walked back over to me but he didn't look right at all. His eyes were very glossy.
"Let's continue the game. I think we are getting somewhere." Michael said placing his fingers back on the planchette.
"Yolonda, are you trying to get my attention?" Michael asked.
It quickly went to 'YES'.
Michael looked up and smiled with his eyes still glossy.
"What would you like for me to do for you? Speak through me."
What is happening to Michael?
*K. I. L. L. Y. N.*
"Would that make you happy?"
"How would you like for me to kill her?" Michael's voice started getting a little deeper.
"Michael, you aren't serious are you? You can't ask a Ouija board that. You are going way too far."
I was freaking out from fear on the inside, I couldn't show fear on the outside. Ghosts feed off of fear.
*S. T. A. B. H. E. R.*
Michael looked up at me again.
"This isn't Yolonda anymore is it?" Michael asked the board not even looking down at it.
But I did and it went to 'NO'.
"Who is it?"
*Z. O. Z. O. Z. O. Z. O.*
It kept going back and forth between ZOZO quickly.
(If you don't know anything about the Ouija board, ZoZo is the name for the devil of the Ouija board. It's a powerful demon.)
"Who is ZoZo?" I asked stupidly, scared to death.
"I am the DEVIL."
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