The Dance Teacher 1
It was my first day of dance class, with of course the KING of many things including dance, Michael Jackson. I am 23 years old, always been fond in the world of dance, but have never been introduced to it. As like a hobby. I have danced for fun of course, like parties and the clubs, but i know there is more to it then just that. I want to know the soul of dance. I want to feel the escape universe it takes you to. The blissful peace. And I figured... if I wanted to know the life of dance, I might as well do it with the WORLDS greatest.
I am actually very nervous. I have never been apart of any type of choreography, so I don't know if I have what it takes, to keep up with his routines. I heard that he isn't an asshole but he doesn't mess around when it comes to dance. I also paid decent amount of money for these classes so I'm really trying not to screw up.
I got out of my car grabbing my little duffel bag that has all my essentials in it. My water bottle, sweat towel, now my car keys.
I walked through the doors and it was huge. The outside didn't look big but the inside was. You could hear his hit songs playing throughout the speakers.
"Excuse me, miss. Name please?" The guy who was sitting at check in table got my attention.
"I'm so sorry, Arya Summer." He looked down the list, until he found my name checking it off.
"Gotcha, your all set to go. Good luck!" I gave him a warm thank you smile before following the music.
I walked down this mysterious hall following the beat of the music hoping to get to my destination. It led me to 2 big doors that were closed, but music and chatter was on the other side of it. So I opened it seeing a bunch of girls and some guys stretching doing their warm ups.
I knew that most of the people here would be women because they're so fascinated by this man who only makes music for a living. Don't get me wrong, Michael Jackson is as good as it gets, but I really don't see the big hype over him. I'm not a fan of him, I like some of his songs, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. Judge me all you want, but it's the truth. I'm just here to learn how to dance from the King himself.
I sit my stuff in a corner where no one else's is. I like being by myself. I don't have to interact with anyone. I decided that I might as well stretch to be some what flexible for what's to come.
"I'm guessing you're the new girl? Hi, my name is Jerrelle." I looked up to see this guy with light brown skin, curly black short hair and bright hazel eyes. He's about 5'9 I would say.
"My name is Arya. I guess so. Am I the only new person here?" I was getting ready to stand up when he offered his hand to help me.
"We don't get new people very often. Michael only has these classes when he's taking a break from tour. We all know that only happens very, very rarely. People don't want to waste money on classes when it isn't a constant thing. If that makes sense." I nod my head, because it does make sense. "So, how long have you been dancing for?"
"I've never danced before. Only besides club dancing and stuff. Which doesn't really count." His bright hazel eyes got wide.
"You have no experience in dance and you are taking this class? Arya, are you crazy? At least everyone here has had 1-13 years of experience. Even we have trouble keeping up sometimes. This is very high level of dance. We like it, because it's challenging."
Well that shot down my little bit of confidence that I had. Maybe dance just isn't for me then. Well at least, Michael's dance. If these people who have a lot more experience than I do have trouble, what makes you think that I have what it takes to even somewhat succeed a little bit?
"I'll just leave then. I have no time to make a fool out of myself in front of everyone." I turned around to get my bag, grabbing my phone and keys out of there. "Thanks for saving me Jerrelle." Before i left he stopped me.
"What about all that money? You can't just throw it all away. I'm sure you can catch on to it, if you have faith in yourself. I believe in you. I was just watching out for you."
"All the money can go to his charity organization. I appreciate you, but if people like you and everyone else here has troubles, someone like me is going to make a complete fool of themselves. I don't want people laughing at me. You saved me. I should get going, it was good meeting you." Before he said anything else, I walked out the door. I didn't make it that far until I ran into someone. Causing them to drop their bag.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I should really start to pay attention to where I'm going." I apologized.
But then that giggle. That one soft soothing, slightly high pitch, but manly giggle filled my ears. I looked up and seen HIM. HIM the KING. The KING of EVERYTHING. He had on a blue long sleeve button up tucked in his famous black slacks along with his penny loafers. He had his hair in a low ponytail, with a few of his signature curls, shaping his face, and to top it off, his fedora.
"It's okay, miss. Accidents happen." His soft manly voice spoke, but you could still hear the little giggles behind it though.
"N-no it isn't. I-I should've paid attention instead of b-being on my phone speed walking." Why the hell am I so nervous all of a sudden? I don't like this guy remember? Play it cool, Arya.
"It's really okay, miss?" He drug on a little, so I would know he's asking me for my name.
"Arya." I started gaining my self control back.
"Well, Ms. Arya it's really nice to meet you, in such an inconvenient way." He laughed a little. "But may I ask where you were leaving from? And why in a rush?"
Now how am I going to tell this man that I was basically running away from taking his class? I'm going to hurt his feelings.
So? You DON'T LIKE HIM REMEMBER? My evil conscience tells me.
"I signed up for a dancing class, but I decided that it really wasn't my forte." He furrowed his eyebrows and gave me a weird look.
But before he could even say anything, he got interrupted.
"Hey Arya!" I turned around and it was Jerrelle and he was running towards us.
"Hey, what's up Jerrelle?"
"I was hoping I'd catch you before you left. You forgot your water bottle." He handed me my water bottle and I felt like an idiot.
"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" I ended up giving him a hug for some reason. I felt Michael's stare even though my back was facing him.
"You're welcome, Arya." He laughed a little bit hugging me back. "Good evening, Michael." We pulled away from each other and I looked back over at Michael and he did not have a pleasant look on his face.
"Good evening, Mr. Rhodes." Michael said not too enthused.
"Well, Arya it was nice meeting you. I better get back to class. I wish you the best of luck with dance." With that he left leaving just me and Michael back to square one.
Michael just picked up back on the conversation like nothing ever happened. But you could tell his mood changed. To I don't know what.
"Is this your first time being here?" I nodded my head. "So you signed up for my class, decided that you didn't like it, knowing you haven't even had your first session, and now you're leaving?" He asked me for confirmation.
"Yes, sounds about right. Well, have a nice class!" I was turning to walk away, but it wasn't that simple. He grabbed me by my wrist to stop me and turned me back around. "Don't you have a class to teach at 6?" I looked at my phone and it was 6:15.
"They don't need me to do routine. They know it step by step. My main concern is you. Why are you leaving?" He put his duffle bag on the table that was beside of us. "Did someone say something to you in class? If so I will kick them out." He said seriously.
"No, no one disrespected me. No, in fact, one saved me."
"Saved you from what?"
"From making the biggest mistake of my life and that's participating in your class. Goodbye, Mr. Jackson." He stopped me again.
He grabbed my hand and the contact of his against mine was just mind blowing. Michael ended up taking us into another room. To where it was just me and him.
"Stop trying to walk away from me when I'm trying to help you." He said softly.
"I don't need your help. My mind is already made up. I want to go home."
"So you signed up for my class, paid all that money for what? Nothing. How is taking my class the biggest mistake? You signed up for it."
"That's before I knew how this place really was! I thought there would be a lot more new people, but nope just little ole me. You are a fucking professional with 25+ years in dancing. Those people have 1-13 years of experience in dancing, I don't even have a day worth of experience. I'm just going to fucking embarrass myself! So please, just let me go." He held on to both of my arms to make sure i didn't go anywhere.
"Arya, listen to me. Dancing doesn't have to be taught. No one taught me how to dance I taught myself by just watching my favorite performers dance and mimic their moves. It doesn't just come over night. You've got to practice day and night. Even still to this day, I hate all of my performances. Because I know I can always do better. I'm not perfect." I tried moving out of his grip but it didn't work.
"Because you were born to dance and sing! Not everyone is born that way! You can remember choreography like nothing! I can't remember what I ate for breakfast!"
"Arya, when it comes to dance, don't think about what you are doing, let the music move you. Music has a way of speaking, but you have to let it speak for you. If you hear a certain instrument become that instrument. If you hear a certain sound, become that sound. That's what's wrong with a lot of these dancers, they think too much instead of just freely dancing, not letting the music take over." He looks at me straight in the eyes. "If you are really serious about learning how to dance, I will be happy to teach you in a private session. But that's only if you really want it."
He has really good advice. Of course he has really good advice he does this for a living and has seen it all. This is your only chance to have the KING offer you dancing classes in private.
"Are you sure it's not going to be too much trouble? I mean you are Michael Jackson, you have a lot going on." I laughed shyly.
"Not anymore. I finished my Dangerous tour so now I'm on a 3 year break."
"I don't believe that. You still have to go to the studio to record and stuff. I mean where else are you going to do it at?"
"I have everything I need at my home. My own recording studio and dancing studio." He told me seriously. "Speaking of dancing, I would like to use my personal dancing studio at my home for our sessions, if you are comfortable with that of course.
Of course he has everything he needs at his house. He's MICHAEL JACKSON! He can have anything and everything he wants! But am I comfortable going over there, even though I just met him?
"As long as you don't try to kill, rape or poison me." His one of a kind laugh filled my ears again and I must admit it was adorable hearing him like that.
"I could never do such a thing." But then he jumped up and clapped. "So it's a date then." He winked. "Class won't be over until 8:30 so if you need to go home for a bit you can. You might want to bring a change of clothes as well."
"W-why?" I was nervous. But then he walked really close to me and whispered in my ear.
"Everyone is always bound to get wet at Neverland." Then he winked again before grabbing his bag leaving the room.
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