The Cheater
(This is the last image I am doing until I complete all of my request!)
I can't wait to see Michael today. I haven't seen him in a couple of weeks. I am going to surprise him. Every time I try to make plans with him, he always tells me that his boss is putting doubles on his schedule. Which is understandable, but we've been together for 2 years and have seen each other almost every day. He had the same job as he does now as a bust boy. He is a famous bust boy that gets paid thousands of dollars a week. The longest we have ever been without seeing each other is two days tops.
I try calling him, instead of wanting to talk on the phone like we used to, it's just a few words then goodbye. Several of the times that we have talked on the phone, I have heard a female voice and it wasn't any of his family members. It was a voice that I didn't recognize.
Every time I ask him who it is, he says it's no one. Just one of his friends at work. I don't mind that he has friends that are girls, but when I hear the voice I know they aren't at work. She mumbles something and that's when he cuts the line without saying I love you.
I had enough of his shit! We were suppose to live together but then he changed his mind. I am going to go find out what the hell his problem is! It's going to be fixed today! Besides, I have some exciting news to tell him.
I grabbed my keys, purse and phone heading out to my car. His place is only 20 minutes away from where I live and besides I have a key to his house.
As I was driving, my stomach was feeling uneasy. The closer I got the more worried I was. I tend to overthink things constantly, but something tells me that I am not overthinking this one. I just hope my instincts are wrong.
I pulled up to his house his car was there and another car that I've never seen before. Maybe it's one of the neighbor's cars? I don't know. I'm just trying to be open minded. I got out of my car, locking it before heading to the house. I didn't knock, why should I? I never had to before.
I used my key to unlock the door. I walked inside and that's when I seen another females jacket, purse and shoes in the living room. My heart started racing, my mind was going dizzy, my stomach started feeling nauseous. I stuck it out making my way up stairs.
Walking up the stairs I heard faint noises, I couldn't really make it out until I started getting closer. I followed where the voices would take me and it lead me to his room.
I heard moaning and whimpering.
"Michael, you are so fucking big..." the girl whimpered. "You are going to make me fucking cum..."
"I love how fucking tight you are.." he grunted. "Cum all over my cock baby. I want to feel you cum all over my cock. Sssss baby squeeze me just like that."
"Michael I'm cumming! Oh my god I'm fucking cumming!!" She moaned out loud with a squeal.
"That felt so fucking good. I love when you cover my cock with your cum. Suck my cock baby, so me so I can fuck you again to make you cum."
He was cheating on me! The man who I have given everything to is cheating on me! The man who I fell so deeply in love with, even when I was scared to fall in love again, that man was cheating on me! I wasted 2 years of my life loving someone who I thought I could marry.
I was wrong.
I am going to show him that he fucked with the wrong one.
I barged in to his room, tears streaming like a waterfall down my face.
"Is that what you fucking do!? Huh! Is this what you have been doing for the past 2 weeks!?" I punched him so hard in the chest that I didn't care. "You fucking cheat on me with this ugly ass mug!? Huh Michael!?" I kept pounding hard at his chest and stomach. I don't care if I hurt him.
"B-baby please stop you are hurting me. Stop hitting me." He grabbed my wrist but I jerked away from him.
"I don't give a fuck if I am hurting you! You don't give a fuck about hurting me! And you," I pointed over at this clown. "you like sleeping with my fucking man! Huh? You like sleeping with men that are taking!?" I bitch slapped her hard against the face.
"H-he told me he was s-single.. I-I didn't know he had a girlfriend." The hoe started crying holding her cheek.
"He did have a girlfriend." I punched him again lower in the stomach. "You fucking lied to her! You lied and said we weren't together!?"
"B-baby please stop hitting me. I-it's not what it looks like." He said softly. But the bitch quickly gathered her things and left.
"It's not what it looks like?! It's not what it looks like!? Michael you had your fucking dick in someone else and it's not what it looks like!?" I yelled.
"I-it was just sex baby. That's all it was. I promise that you are the only woman that I love." He touched my cheek but I slapped his hand away.
"I-it was just sex baby. That's all it was." I mocked. "Okay so let me go out here and fuck another man and see how it makes you feel!" He shook his head no. "You don't love shit! Sex is fucking sex Michael! You cheated on me! You promised me that you'd never cheat on me but you did! You are just like every motherfucker I've been with! You can't keep your dick inside of your pants! That's fine, have any whore you want. You aren't my problem anymore." I wiped my tears, getting ready to leave.
"C-come on baby please don't leave me. We have been together for too long j-just to end what we have. I-I promise I'll never do it again." I shook my head.
"Fuck you. Once a cheater always a cheater. I didn't end shit, you did by not being faithful. It's no ones fault but your own."
"I-it was a mistake. Really baby please, I am so fucking sorry.. baby please don't leave me..." he started crying but I slapped his face just like I did his bitch.
"You sound like a pathetic son of a bitch. Thanks for now making our baby grow up without a father. I know damn well you won't be in their life." I started walking out again but he wouldn't let me.
"Y-you are pregnant? You are pregnant with my baby?" I nodded.
"Almost 2 months."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked softly.
"I wonder why Michael! I couldn't keep a fucking conversation going with you on the phone! I haven't seen you in fucking two weeks! Now I caught you fucking another bitch!" I yelled punching him again.
"Please! Stop hitting me! Baby please stop hitting me!"
"I am not your fucking baby! We are done Michael. I'm not going to be with someone who cheats on me. You fucked up everything. Your relationship with me and your child. You will not be apart of their life. They don't need a low life of a man like you as a father." I gritted.
"Y-you won't let me see my child? Let me be apart of their life? How could you do this to me? Do you know how bad that hurts? The baby is mine just as much as it is yours."
"Now you know the pain that I feel having someone that you love take something away from you that you thought you could count on. You don't deserve a place in my baby's life. Just like you don't deserve a place in mine. For someone who said they don't want to end up like Joseph, you are Joseph." That pisses him off.
"I am not Joseph, don't you ever compare me with him!"
"You are Joseph's son. You learned from the best. You love to cheat. You don't know how to love just one person. You are manipulative. You are a coward. You are a piece of shit. You are Joseph. Maybe you'll think twice before cheating again. Goodbye Michael."
"B-baby please I love you! You can't take my baby away from me! Let me show you how much you mean to me! Let me make it up to you!" I didn't say anything I just left.
I can't believe the love of my life cheated on me and I am carrying his baby...
Just my luck right?
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