The Cheater 2
Michael has been blowing up my phone for the past 2 weeks. Sending me hundreds of text messages a day. Calling me two-hundred times a day. Leaving gift baskets at my front door. Sending me bunches of money for the baby. Thousands of dollars a day. I don't want his money. I haven't spent any of his money. I have been collecting it so I could give it to the homeless shelters in my town.
You are probably judging, questioning why I am giving my baby's money away. You don't know Michael like I do. Once you take something that he gives or loans you that means he has you right where he wants you. Michael knows that you are going to take anything and everything that he gives you. I am not accepting anything from him.
Besides, I have my parents heritage money, that they saved for both my brother and I. I have only used that money for when I actually had finance problems. Which was hardly ever. My goal was to always save it to spend on my kids. I mean half a million dollars is a lot for just one person.
I never needed Michael for his money. I never wanted Michael for his money. I never wanted Michael for his name. I never wanted Michael to get fame. I never needed Michael for anything. I wanted needed/wanted Michael because I fell in love with him. Not because of who he is. Call bull shit if you want, but it is the truth.
For the past year he has talked about wanting to get married. How he wanted to start a family with me. He was so excited about the thought of finally becoming a father. Truthfully, I am happy that I can give him that. Meanwhile, I'm not going to have a low life, backstabbing, piece of shit around my baby. Father or no father. My baby deserves much more than that.
But then again... just because he hurt me doesn't mean that he is going to hurt my child. He isn't, I know that. But I also don't want any type of relationship with him though. No sort of contact. He will probably end up taking me to court once the baby is born to get full custody of the child or share custody. Which he would win because I have no proof of him doing anything besides breaking my heart. That's personal reasons.
I just want him gone! Out of my life forever! I regret ever falling in love with him. I don't regret my baby, but I regret with ever agreeing to have his baby.
Michael hurt me in more ways than one. One day he is going to realize that. Today is going to be that day.
I just got back from the grocery store, carrying my groceries from my car in to my house. When I opened my door, I couldn't believe my eyes.
It was him.
He was sitting on my couch just staring out in deep thought. Twirling his thumbs around.
When he heard me open the door, his eyes lit up when they landed on me. Michael looked like he hadn't slept since 1989.
Quickly, he stood up rushing over to me, reaching for the bags, that I didn't hand him. No, instead I walked around him, sitting the bags on the countertop.
Michael followed me to the kitchen like a lost puppy. I make no acknowledgment towards him though. Not until he stopped me.
"Move the fuck out of my way, Michael. Get out of my house."
"We need to talk, Teneka."
"There is nothing to talk about, Michael."
"Yes, there is a lot to talk about amongst our baby. Have you been getting the money I sent you?"
"Its my baby. You might have helped create it, but you are coming nowhere near my baby. Yes, I received it and I gave it away to the homeless shelter."
"It is my baby just as much as it is yours, Teneka. I have every right to be apart of my own child's life. Just as much as you do. Why the fuck did you give away the money that I gave for my kid?" He grabbed my arm when he started getting angry with me.
"I have money to take care of my child! We don't need your fucking money! I don't need your help. Go help that girl that you cheated on me with! Remember that girl? Huh? The girl that you FUCKING FUCKED WHILE BEING WITH ME!!" I pushed him so hard that he almost fell backwards.
"Teneka, baby, please just calm down! Listen, I know I fucked up! Ok, I get it! I am regretting not being loyal to you every second of every fucking day!" Tears started developing in his eyes, falling down his cheeks. Every time he cried, I always cried.. "I know I promised you everything, that I wouldn't hurt you like the last one. I-I don't know what got in to me baby... I know no apology is going to make up for the hurt I have caused you. I need you back. I can't function. I haven't slept. I haven't ate in months. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't stop imagining what I would do to make everything up to you. I love you so fucking much that it breaks me to see you hurting because of me." Michael really started crying now, which made me start to cry. "Teneka, you are the love of my life, baby. I-You are giving me a baby.. a baby that no one else wanted with me. We are suppose to be getting married with 8 kids. I don't want this experience with anyone else but you. Please, baby, please.. I'm begging you." He got down on both of his knees in front of me, touching my belly before grabbing my hands.
"N-no, Michael.. you can't just cheat on me, then just expect me to take you back. I can't be with you. I don't want to be with you. I fell out of love with you when I seen you fucking your whore. You hurt my spirit and my pride. I won't ever believe in love again because of you. We are done, Michael. Nothing you say or do will change my mind."
The next thing I recall was that his lips were on mine.
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