The Bully 6
As soon as I founded out that I was pregnant I went straight to my doctor. I wanted to see how far along I was. I was measuring around being almost a month. I started crying when I seen my baby for the first time. Even though it wasn't exactly a baby, it was still something that was going to be apart of me. Dr. Walters took some ultrasound pictures for me and handed them to me before I left.
I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to Michael in weeks again. I don't really know how to go about this. There is no doubt in my mind that I love him. Of course I love him. But I hate him. I just don't think I could ever be comfortable with him. Even though he is owning up to all the bad stuff, it still hurts that he would take it that far.
He still deserves to know that he is going to have a child. I should talk to him to see if maybe I should get rid of it. We are only almost 18 and have a baby on the way. There is no way that we are ready for this.
Instead of thinking anymore about it, my shaking hands grabbed my phone, so I could call him. It didn't take him long to answer.
"Bianca?" He answered surprisingly.
"H-hey M-Michael." I said with a shaking voice.
"Oh my god, I miss hearing your voice. How are you? Is everything ok?"
"I-I'm okay r-really thanks. N-no everything is fine. How are you?" He makes me so fucking nervous!
"Well I'm great now that I am hearing your voice. I haven't been able to focus on anything, I have been worried about you, baby. Are you sure everything is okay? You don't sound fine." It always warmed my heart hearing him call me baby. No matter how mad at I get at him, I'm always baby. Even when we aren't together.
"N-no I'm f-fine. I-I was just w-wondering if you c-could come over.. I-I need to talk to you ab-about something.."
"Of course! Is everything okay? Should I be worried baby?" He asked sweetly.
"I-I'll just wait until y-you get here. It's b-better if we are f-face to face." I replied still in a nervous shaking voice.
"Okay baby. I'll see you in, 15 minutes I love you." We both hung up.
I don't know what I am going to do. What if he wants me to get rid of the baby? I am already attached to it. I have already seen it in person, I fell in love with my little poppy seed with one look.
I've known about the pregnancy since a couple of days after the last conversation with Michael. So that has been about 2 weeks ago. Yes-I have known about the pregnancy for 2 weeks and I am just now telling Michael. I have been putting it off because I didn't know how to tell him. After everything he has put me through.. sometimes I feel like he doesn't deserve to know. But I know he does. Hell my mom even knows.
I just don't know what his reaction will be like. I know he is going to be upset because I've hid it from him for so long. I don't know if he would want to help raise a child with me or if he even wants a child at all. He could tell me to get rid of it, but the question is would I? I don't think so. He might question and doubt the baby. But my measurements line up perfectly from the time now to when we had sex just that one time.
I am just so extremely nervous. I have the ultrasound in the top drawer of my night stand. I don't want him to expect anything right off.
"Baby, I'm here!!" Then I heard him, run up the stairs.
I met him at my bed room door opening it up for him. As soon as he seen me he embraced me with a big warm hug. I felt so safe in that moment.
"I missed you so much.. you have no idea." He mumbled when he kissed atop of my forehead.
"I-I missed you too." He pulled away from our embrace just at arms length to look at me.
I did.
I missed him.
Not even going to lie about it.
"Baby what's wrong? You are scaring me.."
"S-sit down on the bed, Michael." I stuttered. I am actually really nervous. I don't know how he is going to take it.
We sat down on the bed together, I felt his stare without even looking at him. It wasn't uncomfortable if you are wondering.
"Bianca, please tell me what is wrong. Is it bad? Did you meet someone else?" I gave him a look. "Y-you found someone new? B, you found someone new? How could you?" He asked me quietly.
"No!" I got loud making him jump a little. "I didn't find someone new." I said softly. "What? Did you find someone new!?" I snapped just out of nowhere.
"No, of course not... baby I love you. I'm not giving up on you. You are mine and you know it." He said with a small smile.
It was quiet for a few minutes while we just stared at each other. His stare is back and forth between my eyes and my lips.
"C-Can I please kiss you?" Michael asked me pulling me out of my trance.
"I-I have to show you something.." I opened my top drawer grabbing the ultrasound. "T-this is the reason why I called you over here. Y-you just needed to k-know.." I gave him the ultrasound.
Michael focused and studied it for a minute until he looked at me.
"Why does this have baby Jackson with an arrow pointing to something that's a size of a raisin?"
"Th-that's your b-baby Michael. Th-that's our baby.."
"That isn't my baby. I don't have any kids. I don't want kids." He said handing me back my picture of OUR baby. "Get the Jackson name off of it."
"B-but it's our ba-baby... yo-you don't want it?"
"Hell no I don't want a baby! I am not even 18 years old yet. You expect me to want a fucking child!? I am not bringing a baby in to this world!" He said raising his voice at me.
"Well you do have a fucking child! It's by me! You didn't exactly wear a fucking condom or pull out when we fucked!"
"Get rid of the baby. I can't afford to have a burden on my back. Go make an appointment to get an abortion. I don't want it. I'll pay for it." He spit those hateful words at me.
I felt extremely lightheaded, then everything went dark, with a loud thud.
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