The Bully 1
(Requested by, superflysister22 I hope you love it, boooo!)
It was time for another miserable day at school. I've tried to talk my mom, into at least do homeschooling if she didn't want to transfer me. I just couldn't take the same routine anymore. But to my luck she said no.
"It's your Senior year, B. You only have a few months left. Just hang in there a little bit longer."
It's always a waiting game. For everything in my life. I just don't want to get up everyday and go to school.. just to be bullied by the same kid over and over again...
People don't understand how much bullying others can put a toll on someone.. it ruins us..
You'd think, being bullied for almost a complete year, you'd get over it. But no, you don't, it just hurts more and more each day, because it's always something new, that they have to say.
I have been getting bullied by this senior, and his name is Michael Jackson. He is the most popular guy in the school since he transferred here last year. All the girls throw themselves at him. All the guys want to be him.
He started picking on me in every class we shared, when someone was spreading a rumor that I thought he was cute. I mean, yeah he's cute, but I never said that. At least to anyone. I don't even look at him.. or at least try to talk to him.
No matter what, it will never end.
It was time for gym class and of course gym is one of many classes that we shared together. But it was the first class of the day that we shared together.
We actually had to dress for gym, so I had to change into my gym clothes. I was chubbier than the rest of the girls in my gym class, so when we changed, I didn't feel comfortable. They would always whisper and giggle looking over at me. I can hear what they say.
"I can't believe she's so fat." One girl said.
"Michael, was right. No one wants the fat four eyes looking ass." Another girl said.
"I can't believe they let her in school lookin' the way she does. Oh my god, it's awful. I bet her mother wishes she had an abortion, every time she has to see her ugly ass daughter." Another girl said, which caused the rest of the girls to laugh and leave the locker room.
The last comment pained me.. it hit me in a place where no other comment has hit before. She's right though, my mom should be ashamed of what she birthed. I'm a fat ass monster, that no one wants to be friends with. I was really trying not to cry, but it's hard.
"BIANCA! Get out of the locker room, now!" My gym teacher, Ms. Bonecutter yelled at me in the locker room.
"I-I'm coming.." I told her wiping my tears away that were falling.
I followed her, witnessing everyone staring and laughing at me. They were all around, Michael of course. He was pointing and laughing more than anyone else.
"Michael, you were right.. I wouldn't touch that bitch, with my dogs dick." The group of friends starting laughing, including Michael.
"Alright, class, that's enough!" The teacher said. "Now, I am gonna be splitting you up in teams of 2. We are going to have several different activities around the gym, but you will be timed at each station. Now, on for the teams." She pulled out her clipboard and named off some people and their teammates before she got to me. "Bianca and Michael, you guys will be partners."
Are you fucking serious? He is the last person, that I want to be partners with.
"Michael, don't touch her, I'm sure you'll get some type of disease if you do." A guy named Todd told him.
"She sucks at everything, besides you don't see any guys swarming around, wanting to fuck her, so I think I'm fine." Michael said, laughing his way over to me. "Ain't that right? You are so fucking hideous that no man has even asked you for pussy?" He asked me.
I didn't say not a damn thing to him. What could have I had said that would make it any better? It's the truth.
"Oh... wait that's right, your crush fucked you, because he got paid money by his friends. That's the only way someone would even want to look at you naked. Is if they got paid." Michael and his buddies started laughing out loud. "Oh yeah, everyone i forgot to tell you, she tried talking to Wyatt the next day, because she thought he was really in to her.. but nope. It was all just a bet. She's just a whore who opens her legs to everyone who gives her attention."
I hate him. I hate everyone, who knows about it. Now, everyone knows about it. There is no way out of this situation. All I want to do is just break down and cry.
"She is a dirty, nasty, ugly, fat ass whore. No one wants you, no one wants to be around you, no one even likes you. Not even the chess club people. That's how you know you are horrifying.. when the geeks don't even have any interest at all. And they usually go for anyone." He tells me looking straight in to my eyes laughing. "Can, you tell me, how one can look so disgusting? I mean the way you dress... do you buy your clothes from the thrift store? And your face, you look like a guy, no make up can fix that mess. I'm surprised Wyatt even busted a nut fucking you man."
I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. They were falling after every word he said. The gym was filled with laughter, I'm pretty sure I heard our gym teacher laugh as well.
I ran out of there but they still kept laughing and joking.
"Oh my god, the way her fat ass runs! Look at the way she runs!" I definitely heard the gym teacher laugh at that one.
As soon as I made it through the door, I just fell apart. This day was worse than all the others. I don't know what they want from me. I can't change the way I look, it won't do me any good, as what Michael said. Which he's right! I look like Frankenstein, Jason and Freddie Krueger all combined into one child. I can't help with the way I look! My mom should have gotten rid of me. I shouldn't even be here.
"BIANCA, WAIT, BIANCA!" Michael, started running after me.
Why the hell is he following me?
"BIANCA, WAIT UP! BIANCA!" Michael started hollering in the hallway. I suddenly stopped and turned around.
"DON'T YOU THINK YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH!? WHAT ELSE COULD YOU POSSIBLY WANT, MICHAEL? HUH!? YOU WANTED TO FOLLOW ME TO SEE ME CRY? SO YOU CAN TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND MAKE JOKES ABOUT IT AS WELL!" I started yelling at him. Not having a care in the world if the principal or vice principals come out.
"N-no, I wanted to make sure you were okay and apologize."
"I AM FUCKING FINE AS WINE! Your apology can go to hell. It's a lot too fucking late for your pathetic ass apologies! Your apology is as pathetic as my life! Keep it and shove it up your ass!" I tried walking away, but he grabbed my hand.
"Bianca, seriously.. just listen to me, please?"
"Don't you ever fucking touch me, I don't want to give you my monstrous disease or anything! Remember? That's what I have! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have places that I need to be!" I tried walking past him again but he didn't allow me to. "MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY, ASSHOLE!" He let me go, finally, watching me walk out the door, leaving school.
Maybe, I should just do everyone a favor and just take my own life. I mean, seriously.. even my own mother wants nothing to do with me. She could careless if I was even born or not. No one would miss me. Not one single person would miss me. So what do I have to lose?
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