Oh, Baby Girl... 1
(Request credit goes to: @ElysianGraceRunAway)
Let me tell you, mine and Michael's story.. Michael and I have known each other since The Jackson 5. The young Jackson 5. I was always interested in Michael, even back then.. not because he was in a band. Not because he was the spot light, but because of who Michael Jackson is. I mean both him and I were friends for ever.. I've had a crush on him since I first met them on their first tour. My mother was their hairstylist and make up artist. So I got to go on tour with them, around the world.
I have never, in my whole entire 21 years of living.. I have never had a boyfriend. He has had a few girlfriends.. I get highly jealous of them, to the point of where I wouldn't even acknowledge or go anywhere near him. The longest I have shut him out for was, 8 months. That's still counting the times I was on tour with them.
But during those 8 months.. I had done something regretful. I was in a dark place at the time, you know having my father and grandmother passing away not even one week apart from each other.. it was a lot to take in. Michael, was the only person I trusted, he knew how to comfort me.. but he wasn't there. I didn't feel like I was good enough for him, that I didn't look pretty enough to be seen with him as his girlfriend.
My depression got ahold of me real good to the point of where I didn't care about anything.. I went to parties almost every night trying to take away the pain.. but it only turned into a disaster.. the last party I was at is when my life completely changed, considering that I was highly intoxicated, letting someone take my virginity away from me. It all stopped right there.
After that night, I had shut everyone out from my life. I was so disappointed in myself that I couldn't face anyone.. Michael, tried getting all of his brothers to try and convince me to talk too him, but I just wouldn't budge. I couldn't stand being around someone who I fell so hard for, who didn't even feel the exact same way about me. Besides, as we got older and more mature.. he would always take his women to the bed room. And then that night comes back to my mind all over again..
I just didn't want to wait around for him.. knowing he was never going to be mine. But then, Randy, Michael's younger brother had always flirted with me. Even around Michael which caused him to get upset with him. Which confused me, considering I was never, Michael's girl.
Or you know, so I thought. Until yesterday, Randy asked me to go out to the movies with him.. Which was impossible, but they had all rented out an entire movie theater just for the family. It wasn't a date.. at least I didn't think it was. We were just going as friends.
Randy insisted on holding hands, which I didn't really mind it truthfully. Even though he liked me, he soon told me he was doing it for my benefit because of how Michael was treating me, even before I shut him out, he has been treating me horribly. Making jokes with the girls he was with about me.
"Trust me, this will drive him insane." Randy whispered in my ear, wrapping his arm around my lower waist. I could instantly feel his stare upon me.
I turned around to look at him and he was talking to one of the staff members that worked here. It looked like Michael and the guy had agreed on something but I'm not sure what.
I shook it off not really caring.. (but I did care)
We were in the middle of the movie, Michael was a seat directly behind me, so he could supervise. Everyone had a date besides him. I heard that his girl that he was with, he broke up with her months ago.
Anyways, Randy, placed his hand on my thigh, which didn't really mean much, considering he wasn't touching me inappropriately. He was just gently caressing my thigh.
He was pretending to make a move on kissing me, but that's when Michael jumped in. "Grace, I need to talk to you.. it's very important." He whispered in my ear. I ignored him, needing to go to the bathroom.
"Hey, Randy, I'm going to the little girls room, I'll be right back." The bathroom wasn't really that far away from where our room was. But I really had to go to the bathroom. When I got done, Michael was waiting for me. Which was weird.
"Grace, please, I really need to talk too you." Michael pleaded with his, big, heavy, brown orbs.
"Should've thought about that, Michael when you were making jokes about me." I snapped.
He grabbed my hand, pulling me to a different room, so we could have our privacy. Once we got in he pulled me to the front of his body leaving me confused and pissed.
"We are not leaving here, until you officially become my girl." I could have sworn that my heart stopped beating for at least a minute. I didn't know what to say. How to react. A shockwave just bursted throughout my entire body.
"W-What are y-you talking about, Michael?" I finally managed to speak after a few minutes of silence.. Besides, if I tried talking, nothing would come out.
"I-I love you, Grace. It has always been you for a long time now. I wasn't believing it at first, that's why I distracted myself from pursuing you. I didn't want to admit to how I really felt, I didn't want to lose you as a friend. But I couldn't take not one more second of being away from you any longer. Seeing you with Randy made me realize if I didn't stop being a jerk, then you would move onto someone else. I couldn't take that chance, Grace.."
"M-Michael.. please don't play with my heart and feelings inside right now. Don't say these things just to get me to talk too you. This is not funny.." I told him truthfully.
"Baby," he began tucking some my hair behind my ear. "I would never say these things if they weren't the truth. I love you, girl. Just let me love you." Michael, began walking closer to me, causing my back to hit the wall.
He stared into my hazel eyes, full of lust and love. By reading his expression, I knew he was telling the truth.
Not giving me time to respond to what he said, wrapping his arms around my waist, I felt his soft, plump, lips against mine. Which actually took my breath away. But it sure as hell didn't take long for me to respond. He changed the kiss adding a lot more passion.
"I-I think you deserve a little punishment, don't you think? For ignoring me these last 8 months.. it seems fair." Michael asked me between kisses, but never took his lips off of mine.
My mind was in a fog since the second he kissed me. It didn't care what he was going to do.
"Y-yes... I probably do deserve it.." His lips quickly parted from mine, grabbing my hand, taking us further into the empty room.
He sat down in one of the chairs pulling me with him on his lap so that I straddled over him. Thank God that I decided to wear a dress today..
His lips found mine again but this time with lust. His hands found their way under my dress, to my ass squeezing it carefully.
"Mhm.. Lace thongs, just like I dreamed of.. what color and kind are they?" Michael asked me trailing kisses along my jawline.
"T-they a-are from victorious secret and they are crown blue.." His kisses went from my jawline down my neck sucking lightly.
"My favorite color.." he lifted my dress up so it was resting around my waist.
I felt his now new erection when he placed his hands on my exposed waist and began moving me over his shaft.
"Y-your favorite c-colors are red and b-black.." I moaned when he bucked his hips up a little bit causing just enough amount of pressure to drive me insane.
"What ever colors my baby is wearing, are my new favorite colors." I gasped when he pulled my thong to the side, slipping one of his fingers inside of me. Massaging me all too good.
"Just wait until I fuck this perfect pussy of yours.." He slipped another finger inside of me which caused me to whimper. I'm not used to experiencing this while I'm sober.
I just had one question to ask him...
"M-Michael, a-are you a virgin?" I lost my breath when his thumb came in contact with my throbbing bud.
"Would there be a problem if I was?" He asked me fingering me into oblivion.
"N-no baby.. I was-you... just-had.. girls everywhere.."
He stopped his fingers and stared at me deep in the eyes.
"Just because I had girls come into my room... doesn't mean I slept with them, cause I didn't. Why? Are you still a virgin? You thought I'd leave because you were?" I shook my head no, I just needed to know..
"N-no, it was just a question.. besides I'm no virgin. Not anymore.." Michael, started lightly fingering me again, but he had this expression on his face.
I seen his jaw tighten with anger and frustration.
"When did this happen? Huh? No. No, boy, should've touched you down there. That was suppose to be my job. That was suppose to be our special moment. We were suppose to experience that moment together." Michael started fingering me faster, bringing me closer and closer to my ecstasy.
"M-Michael.. it has been months ago. I was mad at you because you and your chicks made jokes about me. You never realized how much that hurt me. Then I turned into a really bad alcoholic once my father and grandmother passed away not even a week apart. My mother told you, but you still didn't care." I breathed out of my nose because I was there. My walls started tightening around his talented fingers. "I went to parties every day.. and I was severely intoxicated.. so was he.. and it just happened.. b-but it was a one time thing."
"Don't you dare fucking cum. Not until I give you permission." Michael said in a sexy low voice that I never knew existed. It just made me even wetter. "I tried to talk to you. You just wouldn't hear me. We could've been together a long time ago.. you didn't have to go through that alone. Baby, I'm always going to be your biggest supporter. You should've just came to me." You can hear the sound of his fingers fill the room along with my moans.. so glad this is in a private place.
"I-I know, baby.. but drinking took the pain away.. at least I thought it did. But in the end, it just caused me more. I was just mad at you.. like furiously... now I'm mad at myself.." My moans kept getting louder and louder when I was almost cumming. But as soon as I was about to release he pulled his fingers out and fixed my panties. "W-what are you d-doing? I was abouta cum..."
You honestly don't know how tingly my pussy feels right now. I want to CUM!
"This is your punishment. Frustration orgasms are the best. Plus, this is what you get for fucking another guy, when it should've been me 8 months ago." He smiled with an amusement smile when he seen how exasperated I felt and looked. "Come on, baby.. I'm sure the movie is just about over." He stood up causing my weak legs to give out a little bit before I caught myself.
He stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear.
"Don't you dare go to the bathroom and touch yourself for a release. Especially, don't let Randy help you release either. The punishment will be much worse. Because I will know by how wet and swollen you will be. Those lace thongs should drive you insane." With that he took my hands into his and led us back to the other movie theater room.
(I've made it in a two part series because I at least wanted to have a little bit of background story behind it. I hope you enjoy.)
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