Not listening..
(Request credit goes to: @CowgailG btw it needed some excitement at the end.)
Another whole day without, Michael as he is a very busy man working on his charitable organization. If he isn't in the recording booth, then he's at the dancing studio. If he isn't at the dancing studio, then he's in rehearsals. If he isn't at rehearsals, then he's doing radio or television interviews. If he isn't doing radio or television interviews, then he is at the children hospital. If he isn't at the children's hospital, then he is usually working on his new charitable, 'Heal the World Foundation' organization.
Michael and I have been together for 2 years now. So I get the understanding of not always having him around like a normal relationship. I love and admire everything that he does.
We don't usually get into arguments unless I do something that he tells me not to do, which is what I'm doing right now. He always wants me to stay home. He doesn't want me doing anything unless it's with him. I mean we live at Neverland but it gets boring when you are alone. And I don't want to be quarantined in the house all damn day, everyday!
So I am out with my friend Braxton. Both him and I have been friends since diapers. Michael has met him multiple times and I don't see why he would have a problem with me going out with him and not alone.
We are just going out to dinner and shopping. It's not like the paps are going to find me. Or was I wrong?
"Y/N, I don't get why you are still with him. I mean he gets mad at every little thing you do." My best friend Braxton tells me randomly while we were waiting on our food.
"Brax, he is a very loving and sweet. He is just very very protective over me. He wants me safe."
"I get that, Y/N. But it's literally everything you do, he yells at you. You can't even go into town with me with out him being all hostile and stuff."
"B, if you think I am in a toxic relationship with him, you are wrong. I just go against his word which really pisses him off. I just don't like being cooped up all day in the house. That's why it ends up being that way." I shrug my shoulders.
"Y/N.." he sighs.. "I just don't think.. never mind."
"If you are insinuating that he beats me you can shut the fuck up. Michael has never hit me a day in his life." I told him, getting pissed off.
"I have seen bruises on you." Braxton raises up to where his hand touches my cheek and caresses it with his thumb. "I'm just worried about you, sweetheart. I just don't want to see you hurt." I leaned into his hand because for once it actually felt nice being touched.
I mean with Michael working late I don't get to see him or touch him. We haven't touched each other in weeks.
"He doesn't hurt me, Braxton. I promise you on everything he doesn't. I just bruise very easily, you out of everyone should know. Michael loves me. I would tell you if he was hurting me." He doesn't say anything else and just nods his head. He kisses my forehead before we eat our food.
Little did I know.. someone was taking pictures of us the whole time.
I am going to be fucked.
We finished our food and did 3-5 hours of shopping. I bought some sexy lingerie so I could wear for Michael. I really hope he likes it.
I got an adorable dress for his charitable event for its first release date. I went to go ahead and get a dress for it. Never too early to be prepared for an event.
Now, I was on my way home from the mall. Michael still won't be home until another 3-4 hours and it was already 8 pm. I was tired and exhausted so I am just going to go ahead and go to bed when I get home.
Man I can't wait to finish this organization once and for all. I have put a lot of hard work into it and I hope the outcome will be phenomenal. It is something that I'm truly passionate about. I can not wait until we launch our first event!
"Hey, yo Mike!" My friend Anthony hollers at me.
"What's up, Ant?" I asked walking over towards him.
"Nothing much, but hey, I was just on Twitter, and this is coming up on all the news outlets. I just thought maybe you should see it." He showed me the picture on his phone and it was a picture of Y/N my girlfriend and Braxton her guy friend.
*Michael Jackson's girlfriend is cheating on him with a new guy!*
He was kissing her fucking forehead! Then there was another one where she was leaning into his hand while he caressed her cheek!
I know that's not something to be jealous about, but I'm fucking jealous! No other man, I don't care if you are a best friend, or not touches the woman that I love.
I thought I told her ass to stay home because of shit like this? She never fucking listens to me anymore. She keeps disobeying me.
That's fine.
I got something for her when I get home.
I don't care how late it is.
"People, who are disobedient don't get to sleep." His tone in his stern voice sent shivers throughout my entire body even though I was asleep. Well was asleep.
"Baby, y-your home?" I asked him in a tiredly mumble.
"Oh so now I'm baby to you?" I raised up to find him standing at the bed room door, with a not so pleasant look on his face.
"What are you talking about?" I asked very clueless. "You have always been my, baby."
"Really? You might want to reconsider that thought." I could tell this was not a joke. "According to the world you are no longer mine."
"Michael, baby, please elaborate honey. I don't know what you are talking about."
"Don't play dumb ass with me, Y/N! You know exactly what the hell I am talking about!" He raised his voice at me.
"Michael, I am not playing dumb ass with you. Please, baby, what is going on here?"
"Shut the fuck up, Y/N!" My eyes went wide as he walked closer to me. "Can you tell me why there is a fucking picture going around with Braxton's lips all over your face!?"
"M-Michael.. that's not what it looks like, baby."
"It's not what it looks like, baby." He mocks. "Why the fuck did you let another man touch you! Best friend or not! You know what? Fuck it! Undress now."
I stayed in bed because I did not like his demeanor.
"I said get fucking undressed, Y/N!" I knew not to question him, so I slowly began taking off all my clothes. "Get out of bed. Now." I got out of bed and he motioned his finger to come his way.
"Bend over the bed."
"Wh-what why?" I stuttered but still questioned.
"Because you are getting an ass spanking for letting another man touch what's rightly mine. Now bend!" I bent over on the bed and I'm not going to lie this is low key turning me on.
I arched my back just how he likes it while we are fucking.
He groped my ass squeezing both of my butt cheeks.
"This should teach you to not allow another man to kiss you or let him caress your cheek."
"You are mine and mine only."
Each one gets harder every time.
"If he loved you.. he had many opportunities before me."
"I believe you just love feeding into the attention that he gives you."
Slap. Slap. Slap.
Those three sent exploding pulses straight to my cunt.
"N-no, Michael.. I..."
"Did I tell you, that you could talk?"
Forget it!
I get up and turn around to just stare at him. I didn't know that tears were falling down my face. But they were.
"Good night, Michael." I walked over to pick up my clothes, that he forced me to take off, getting ready to leave the bedroom.
"You aren't going anywhere, baby." He grabbed the clothes from my hands putting them in the laundry bin. "I am punishing you, for going out in public without telling me. You didn't listen to me." He pushed me up against the door slapping my ass again harder than ever before massaging both of my stinging cheeks.
"You can't tell me that you don't like this punishment, because you are fucking wet. If you would just listen to, Daddy, then he wouldn't have to spank you." He slaps both of my cheeks at the same time causing me to squeal. "On the bed now." He whispers in my ear.
I hurried along and laid down on the bed on my back. Looking away from him. He walked over towards me opening my legs wide for him. I looked up at him and he took his jacket and his t-shirt off so now he was shirtless.
He crawled on the bed until he was between my legs hovering over me.
"See, look how fucking wet you are." His finger ran up and down my slit before pushing a single digit inside. "So fucking wet, baby. Does being spanked turn you on?" I didn't answer him because of what happened the last time.
Until his palm came in a slapping contact with my aching area.
"FUCK!" I screamed.
"I asked you a question. I expect you to answer it."
"Y-yes.. it turns me on, daddy."
"Fuck! I answered you!" My legs instantly closed around him only for them to be opened again.
"I know you did. But now you are fucking dripping." He slipped another finger inside and started to finger fuck me.
"You are so fucking beautiful, baby. So fucking sexy." He added another finger repeatedly hitting my soft spot without apology.
"Holy shit! Michael... I'm going to cum.. fuckkkkkkkk!"
"No, you are not allowed. If you do, you'll get more spankings." He worked me right over the edge and I couldn't help but to let it go.
While I was cumming he spanked my clit.
"Didn't I tell you not to cum!"
"Now im going to fuck the living shit out of you. Even when you fucking beg for me to stop I won't. If you want to be a bad girl. You are going to get fucked like one. Turn over on your stomach now!"
Without an argument I turned on my stomach.
With no warning or anything he slammed himself inside of me. Like actually slammed himself inside of me.
At first his demeanor was turning me on but now it isn't. He is fucking hurting me. Like ripping me in two. Like he has fucked me hard before but this is on a whole other level. Like excruciating pain.
"M-Michael.. y-you are hurting me.." I started crying.. but he didn't quit. "Michael, I said you are fucking hurting me!" This was no longer comfortable. This isn't the Michael that I fell in love with.
Luckily I punched him hard enough in the chest to make him fall backwards a little bit.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I quickly got up getting over the covers securing my self my hovering over my knees. Tears kept rolling down. My body was shaking.
"B-baby... I'm so sorry.. I-I don't know what came over me." He crawled over to me. His fingers touched my skin and I jumped at his touch. "Baby.. I-I'm sorry. I just blacked out.. I-I didn't mean to hurt you, baby. Please baby believe me." He opened my legs to lay between them laying his body on top of mine. "I love you, baby." He entered me again slowly. Barely moving in and out of me. To the point where it began to feel good.
"Just kiss me.. I need to feel your lips." I grabbed his face placing my lips against his. "Punish me the right way daddy.." I said like a child against his lips. "Go faster. And harder. FUCK!"
"Like warm.. warm.. silk... baby girl. Don't fucking cum until daddy tells you to. Not unless you want a spanking." He fucks the day lights out of me. Like I'm used to him doing.
"Fuck me daddy.. shit your cock feels so damn good..." he claimed my nipples with his mouth taking time with each one.
My fingers dig deep into his hair that was now sweaty.
"Your pussy feels good and tight around my cock. I've been hard all day just thinking of ways to punish your sexy ass. I didn't mean to hurt you baby. You are my angel and queen. But I don't ever want to see his hands on you again." He told me slapping my ass.
"Michael, I fucking love you. I want to be with you. I want to marry you. I want kids with you. No one else has my... FUCKING SHIT MICHAEL RIGHT THERE! Attention besides you baby." I breathe out breathlessly.
I felt my orgasm right there. It was right there.
"Don't you fucking cum yet. Don't you fucking cum yet." I could tell that he was close but not as close as me.
"You are my only guy, baby. You are everything I need and more. I can't live or breathe without you. I can't function without you. You are more than what I could ever ask for. You are my baby, my Michael. You are my big kid. I want everything with you and more, Michael. Those kids we've been talking about... if you play your cards right, you'll be the next father."
That's all it took.
"Cum.. baby.. cum for daddy please..."
We both flooded each other. It sounds weird and gross but it's true.
"I want to marry you, baby. If I could do it tomorrow I would. If I could get you pregnant I would. None of my dreams would be possible if it wasn't for you. I love you so fucking much. I always will."
"I love you too baby. Thanks daddy for the punishment. I can't wait to get disciplined again." I winked cuddling him to my chest.
"Minx.." he slapped my ass. "You better watch yourself baby girl."
We both giggled and laughed throughout the night until I knew it was ok to fall asleep after he did.
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